My Revision- Band to RNY
I just thought I would post my story, in the hopes that it might help someone who is going through what I have in the past.
I got my lap-band in March of 2004, at 330lbs. I had lost 50 on my own, while going through the process. The first year and a half went great- I lost 100 more pounds with just a few fills and really felt great, only being 50lbs from my goal.
In the fall of 2005, my band gradually started tightening on its own for some reason. I think ignored it, thinking it would go away in time. It didn't. By Feb of 06, it had gotten so tight I couldn't swallow my own spit. I bit the bullet and went back to my surgeon, who did an upper gi and found that my band had prolapsed. They recommended a complete unfill, to let my stomach heal and the band go back into place.
That scared the crap out of me, and I decided to try to lose the rest without a fill. I didn't lose anymore, but I didn't gain anything either. Until about a year ago. Suddenly I went from 240lbs to 280lbs in about 3 months.
By this time, I was embarrased and ashamed, but I did not want to end up ober 300lbs again, so I went back to the surgeon. (the first time since my unfill). He did another upper gi and told me my band looked perfect- in the right spot and my pouch was the right size. I got another fill and started losing again. Slowly, 1-2lbs a week, but in the right direction. Everything was wonderful for about 6 weeks, when the band started tightening again. Back to the surgeon, and another unfill. They cycle repeated itself again this summer, which was when I really started to consider having a revision.
My surgeon agreed that at this point, RNY would give me the best chance to get to a normal weight and stay there.
My insurance agreed, and I had my RNY on Oct 31st. It was a much longer and much much more painful surgery than I expected- nothing like my banding sugery. When they opened me up, they found that the band was only being held in place by a few pieces of scar tissue, so that wasn't hard to remove- it was the port that took a long time as it was also surrouded by scar tissue.
I've since lost 20lbs, and am doing pretty good. It is amazing to me to never be hungry. I know I'm still a very recent RNY'r, but for those who's bands aren't working, or who are tired of fighting with it, I highly recommend looking into a different surgery.
You post resonated..I too had good success with the band and then I had the tightening. then it sprung a leak somehwere. I gained weight and felt terribly physically and mentally. I had the RNY on July 8th and I have lost 55 pounds since...I am approaching my lowest band weight and I am hoping ot loose even more.
Have a great thanksgiving....I am sure after your adventure (and mine) who cares about the food...just enjoy the company!
Congratulations on a successful reision. I am a band to sleeve patient. Its really hard to lose so much weight and then regain it. Thats what happened to me also. I love my life with the sleeve. I simply cannot eat much so I pick healthy food and have done well in relosing the weight. I exceeded my losses with the band and I am a few pounds from goal.
On October 28th I had my band removed and got an RNY and am down 20 lbs already. Feeling great and so glad to not be pb'g every time I eat.
Good luck on your journey.
The surgeon said my band was in great shape still and I didnt have much scarring or anything but the swallowing was the problem.
I agree with everyone, one surgery doesn't fit all, if it's not working for you keeping trying until you find what's right for you. I only lost 35lbs with my band before I realized it had slipped, and I 'm so glad to be all done with the band and it's fills, unfills, and throwing up. After going through everything I wouldn't advise anyone to get the band, I just dont think it will last a lifetime without any major problems down the line.