I had my RNY in 7/28/2003 and I started with 346 pounds. Thanks God I was very healthy at the age of 39 and my surgery was perfect with no complications whatsoever. No Pain, no dumping syndrome due to sugar, no nauseas.....so good that of course eventually my body heal itself and started to absorb more and my stomach to expand. My lowest weight was 188, a lost of 158 pounds and 5"6". I had plastic surgery in my breast to lift them, my arms, tummy tuck, and thights. At the time I had my thights I had to stop excercising for a few months. I started to eat more sugar food: chocolates, candies, cakes.....and combine with no excersise I started to gain back some weight. I gained back 48 pounds, so now I am weighting 236. I decided that I will make this work and have a revision of my surgery. A friend of mine told me about a clip in the news she saw about Dr. Michel Gagner from Mount Sinai Hospital in Miami Beach and he was performing a procedure called Stomaphyx. The procedure is laparascopic and practically painless. I contacted his office and I had an appointment with him. I went to his office and other than his staff been excellent, Dr. Gagner is VERY KNOWLEDGABLE and caring. I could not asked for a better physician. He is an expert in the Duodenal Switch procedure and he was the first physician in the world who performed the DS laparascopic. That was the one that I wanted back in 2003, but the Dr. that performed my surgery does not do the DS and I got approved by my insurance that I had at that time and I had no choice. Now, the insurance I have is from my husband's job as he works in a maintenance dept. at a local hospital. The insurance is only for that particular hospital, so I can only see Drs. from there and exams been done in that facility. I do not have any other option this time that to self pay for this procedure. I decided to go with the DS and it cost me 18,000.00. I borrow money, sold stuff, got a couple of credit cards, and I was able to come up with the money. The doctor requires a series of tests that are not included in the price, but thanks God with my local insurance I was able to have those tests performed at that hospital which saved me A LOT OF MONEY. Because I had RNY before, the Dr. requested an upper GI, an endoscopy done by a gastroenterologist, an stress test from a cardiologist, x-ray of my lungs, a complete blood test, and my clearance letter from my PCP. I put everything together and with my last appointed with the Dr. He asked me, "What do you want?" I said: "I want to loose 100 pounds". He said "then the DS is the one for you". He explained that the procedure is complicated because he has to undone the RNY. He has to re-attached the stomach back to the pouch and put back one of the intestines that was cut. Then he has to cut the stomach to form a "sleeve" and remove the section of the stomach that is not going to be used anymore. The new stomach will have all the normal functions avoiding dumping sydromes and more food intake. He said that if I have too much scar tissue, he has to remove those first and if after 3 or 4 hours I am under anesthesia, he then will stop there and the second part, the duodenal switch, will have to be done in 6 months to one year. The Dr. explained that usually the people who have the RNY open are the ones with a lot of scar tissue, but he can not guarantee that he will perform the entire surgery. I would have to pay again for the hospital and anesthesia for the second surgery, but no the doctor's fee. You can imagine what I felt, but I trust that God do things the way they are supposed to be done, so I gave the OK to go ahead with the plan and I contacted my group of prayers and soldiers to pray for my surgery. I needed God to tell me that everything will be OK. I had last Sunday, 11/09 a visit from my mother in Law, and I only told her I was having surgery, but I did not tell her what kind of surgery. She started to pray for me and at that time she told me "The Holy Spirit is telling you that He will do the surgery and that everything will be allright". WHAT A RELIEF!!!!!!! I knew that I will have my surgery complete. I went Monday morning 11/10 to the hospital to have my surgery, and it was around 9:30 AM when they took me to OR and I saw the watch around 1:45 PM I was out. I have to say that the pain was HORRIBLE!!!!!!! I could not take it, I felt too much gas and I could not burp. My stomach felt beaten, and I wanted the nurse to put me back to sleep. I did not have to be taken to ICU, so they took me to my room and with pain medication things started to get better. My husband got to the room and told me that the surgery was a complete success. It was done entirely , both parts, and the doctor was very pleased. No tubes whatsoever, no drainage, just the usual IV, heart monitor, catether, and leg warmers. I sat down in the bed the same night and I was able to stand up and sat in a chair. The night was long and painfull. They gave me morfine (that I was allergic to without knowing), benadryl, and others that only helped me a little. The bed was uncomfortable and I wanted to go home. The hospital staff is a dream, and the bedroom heavenly. A nice view to the Bay, great service, but I was in so much pain, I could not enjoy that the first two days. The doctor saw me everyday, so his assistants. These doctors are so caring and excellent. Dr. Gagner told me he found two hernias that where heading for disaster and he removed them. He said I practically had no scar tissue (I knew it already, the Holy Spirit told me) and he said everything was so smooth and perfect. He said it was one of the best he had. This are two surgeries in one because he has to undo the first one and work with the second part of the procedure. Thinking about it, only a Dr. like him can do this kind of procedure. I had some fever that was treated with tylenol and the doctor let me go yesterday, thursday 11/13. I was worried because I did not go to the bathroom yet, but this morning I had my first bowel movement with no problem. So far, the pain is getting more tolerable and the food intake getting better. I have to do my breathing excersice/theraphy regularly to avoid infections or pneumonia. THe doctor told me they tested me for leaks after the surgery and everything was ok. I still have a lot of gas and they are coming out. The swollen is big, but it will start going down once everything get back to normal. I am the kind of person that had my RNY, breast lift, tummy tuck, arms and tights, and I did not feel that much pain. With this surgery I can not say I am about to cry, but I also have to say I am so happy with my decision and I will do it again if I have to. I will keep posting more comments about this new process.