Why so many revisions from Band to Sleeve or RNY?

on 11/14/08 12:56 am - Holdenville, OK

I have a friend looking into WLS and wants to know why so many people are having their bands removed and getting a revision to the Sleeve or RNY. Could some of you that have done that or are considering it please explain what problems you've had with the band and why you chose which surgery?

Thanks so much!

Total Loss: 137 lbs

on 11/14/08 3:18 am - MA
I think there are about 10-13% resurgery rates...this includes fixing the port to entire removal and replacement or conversion.  If you scan the FDA documents, the new band has more data and the new band has to report back to the FDA...the initial band (2003 band) didn't have to do any follow up reporting....so basically there is no hard data. 

My feeling....a certain percentage of people can't tolerate the band and the tighness it makes in the esophogus and leave it loose or opt for removal. There are some people who are large and loose a ton of weight and then the band slips...almost like the band doesn't fit anymore.  There are some people who can't be compliant because for some  it is hard to eat dense protein foods with the band. And some people the equipment fails.

One thing to remember...as human nature...we apt to complain about something and not cheer about the good.  On the revisionboards..you hear of people needing revisions or conversions because of a problem. Most People who have success with the band and are out a good time frame don't post often for they are living a good life.

on 11/14/08 5:11 am - Somerville, TN
You want my honest opinion?  The band sucks.  Plain and simple.  The rate of failure is high and at some point down the line you will have to go back to surgery for a repair.  This I didn't know when I got the band.  Maybe if you are a lite-weight the band might work.  But for those of us that have so much to lose it just doesn't work.  I want to lose all of my weight, not just 40% which is what the stats say.  More and more doctors are not using bands but referring people for the bypass.  I am getting a revision to DS because I will be able to eat fairly normal with no dumping.  And with the malabsotion I will be able to lose all of the weight, not just a portion and keep it off.  I have already had a pouch and I know that it is not for me.  I see a lot of folks with the RNY going back in later for a revision to the DS because of gaining the weight back.  I haven't seen this with the DS.  So, nobody get mad at me for band bashing.  This is just my opinion and the way I feel about it.

       Tn Walkers - OFF AND RIDING!!

on 11/14/08 5:30 am - Rialto, CA
I have the band and I'm getting it removed in 2 weeks. Revising to the RNY.
The band didn't work for me. I currently weigh what I did before having band surgery. There are people who have had success with the band, and then there are people who have had nothing but problems. I have had problems and that's about it. The band is a financial commitment as well because you are paying for your fills/unfills, barium x-rays etc... So I would tell your friend to choose the one she thinks she will have the most success with. Do alot of reading and visit the other boards. There is a lot to learn here.

By the way....I know that there are some surgeons that are anti-band.
Say that there are to many complications, but like I said above....READ!
I've learned a lot on these boards as well, so dive in!

Good Luck!
Kaiser So Cal
Surgery- revision from LapBAND to RNY 11/28/08
Starting BMI 61.3
Current BMI 46.6
415 lbs  / 403 lbs / 316 lbs  /220 lbs
highest / surgery / current  /   goal

on 11/14/08 6:39 am - St. George, UT
The band did n't work for me.  It actually did work for about 7 months, then was damaged during my second fill and I haven't been able to use it since.  I gained my weight back and then some.
on 11/14/08 9:30 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
I was initially banded in September 2006 and lost over 100 lbs and was doing great the first year.  Then my port needed to be moved and I was completely unfilled.  Once that happened I had issues for the next year until my revision.

Food that didn't bother me before was now causing issues, I was pb'g 12 or more times per week.  Some days I would drink water or coffee and it would come right back.  I never went back to my original tightness, I had found my sweet spot and was doing great pre-repositioning.  As I lost my restriction I also started gaining.  I'll admit on some occassions I ate something I shouldn't have, but 90% of the time I was on plan and it just wasn't working for me.  My last 4 months with the band I was on nutri-system and didn't cheat at all.......gained 20 lbs. 

I was getting really bad reflex and pain all the time.  Decided to have the revision to RNY and now I am 2 1/2 weeks out and sitting here eating quiche for breakfast and doing great.  Lost 17 lbs since surgery.  

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


on 11/14/08 9:41 pm - GA

I was a five year band to sleeve revision. Did well wit hteh band til the problems started. I lost the majority of my weight with the band within two year and then started to regain due to product failure. I am now at my lowest weight ever and 14 pounds from goal. Yeah!!!
I would not recommend the band to someone who is self pay since there is lots of post op financial commitment as well and if you move around a lot like I do due to work committments, you will understand that other docs dont want you as a patient if they didnt band you. I chose the sleeve because I did well with restriction only and I dont mind making good food choices and eating healthy. This is a permanent lifestyle change and I am up for the challenge. THe sleeve to me makes me feel normal with food for the first time in my life. I eat a small amount and I am full.





on 11/15/08 1:15 am - Manteca, CA
Since you are here on the revision board, you can read that so many get revised to a RnY or to a DS. If you come to the DS board, you will read how many, Rny, lapband, get revised to a DS. Upwards of 50% will need a revision at some point and most are choosing the DS. It has the best weight loss and loss maintaining than any of them. Once one has the DS, there is no revisions, read the boards. If you ask an Rny or lapband doc abut the DS, he will put it down completely. you must not listen to them. They will, more than likely, talk you into the RnY. You must find a DS surgeon with expertise in doing revisions. Check duodenalswitch.com forthe list of DS docs. You need a true expert because it is so very hard to sew the duodenum together as it is like sewing wet tissue paper together is what I was told.

BTW, i had the Rny the first go-round and I gained most of my weight back. Many do. So where do I go from heroe.....well to a DS, of course.




Check out
www.dsfacts.com  and www.duodenalswitch.com
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 11/15/08 1:16 am
I was banded in 2002 and lost 35 pounds in six weeks.  Then the port failed.  I refused to have it replaced as I then learned about having to have fills.  Not everything was explained to me before surgery.  I decided I didn't want to continue with something that was going to require maintenance.  I would never suggest that anyone have the band. 
It is the duty of the Patriot to protect his country from his government.~ThomasPaine~

on 11/15/08 1:52 pm - NJ
They told me the band was permanent (my previous surgeons group, not the one I was revised with) but personally I dont think it is. Too much maintenance and chance for mechanical failure. Mine worked great until it eroded and had to be removed. Then I gained everything back in 5 minutes.
"Don't expect.......Suggest." ......–The Edge
Lap Band 2/26/03---lost 80 pounds!
FAILED (Erosion/emergency removal) 4/4/07, Gained ALL weight back 8/29/07 
Approved for DS 10/09/07

DS performed successfully 10/29/07
1st Hernia repair and vertical TT 1/15/09
2nd Hernia repair and small vertical TT 12/27/2010
HW  SW   CW   GW       240 225 159 135







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