I am at work ready to cry...questions questions

on 11/12/08 1:23 am - Shinnston, WV
I had lapband sept 2007 I have lost 20 then gained 20.  I am so frustrated I do not know what to do with myself.  I called my doc today and made an appt for next monday.  I throw up just about every meal, now i am having reflux worse, and some soreness.  I am scared of a revision but I do not want to die from obesity either.  I guess you just have to pick  your battles.  I just wanted some opinions on my situation.  Does this band really work?  If I try for a revision will my blue cross blue shield cover it?  If not then I think I made a big mistake with this band.  PLEASE HELP!!!  ANY ADVISE WOULD BE WONDERFUL.  My main concerns right now are any experiences that you all may have had with the insurance companies.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 11/12/08 2:18 am - GA

I haven't had Lapband, but I just had to post something because you seem just a weee bit stressed.

I'm really REALLY sorry that you are going through this!  It is very frustrating when we can't get answers right away.  Or even solutions.

I'm NO expert in BCBS insurance, but I do know they would have paid for my RNY if the state had not paid for it.  It is a covered service, but of course it depends on the contract between your company and them.

The Stomphfix (spelling??) and the Rose is still in the experimental stage, and not covered in most cases.  (At least that's what I hear on this list, as well @ my Doc).

Please keep your head up....know that this is NOT your fault, it just may not be the right thing for YOU.

Just hang tight!  Your doc will help you through this.

Know that we are all here for you!


on 11/12/08 4:06 am - Rialto, CA

I have a band and it isn't working for me...It sounds like your band might be to tight or slipped.  Don't feel alone...there are alot of people on here that have had this same issues. I am at the weight I was when I had my band done 2 1/2 yrs ago. Get it taken care of because you don't want to cause damage from the reflux and constant vomiting. My revision was covered by Kaiser and I was a self pay with the band. I am scheduled for surgery the 28th this month.

Just breath and take things one step at a time. There is resolution, it just takes time.

Good Luck!

Kaiser So Cal
Surgery- revision from LapBAND to RNY 11/28/08
Starting BMI 61.3
Current BMI 46.6
415 lbs  / 403 lbs / 316 lbs  /220 lbs
highest / surgery / current  /   goal

on 11/12/08 4:53 am - NJ
I had lapband surgery 9/05 and was able to lose weight and keep it off until the ban erored into my stomach and had to be removed 4/08. I have BCBS of NJ and the cover my revision to RNY on 8/08.  Hang on see your doctor to see what is going on with your band and don't rush into anything talk about your options with your doctor

lapband 9/05-lapband removed 4/08-revision RNY 8/08

on 11/12/08 5:01 am - UK
I tried with the band for over two years and didn't lose a lot. It doesn't work for everyone, and it isn't your fault firstly. I had reflux too, and began to worry if I was damaging my insides.

Eventually I went to see a revision surgeon and we discussed the options. I think you're right to speak to your surgeon first, but bear in mind that he might not be a specialist at revisions (my first surgeon only did bands) and you might benefit from a second opinion.

If your band can't be saved, then it will have to come out I guess. You then have to research and see what option might be best for you. There is sleeve, RNY, and DS to choose from. Each of the surgeries has a board on here, and you should ask questions on each board to see what surgery might suit you most.

I picked DS because I suck at dieting and can eat fat and protein as much as I like. It also cured my diabetes. You might have other reasons for choosing RNY or the sleeve, but the important thing is to make sure you get it right second time round.

DS revision from failed lapband

on 11/12/08 5:43 am - Somerville, TN
You are not alone.  I had mine in 2006 and am now getting revision to DS.  My reflux was bad and I was put on Previcid for reflux which helped some.  I don't have BCBS but am working on getting my approval now.  From what I have read BCBS does pay for revisions.  Throwing up at each meal isn't a good sign.  But you may not be chewing your food enough or you are too tight.  But if your not losing there is definately something going on.  Talk to your doctor and get a floro fill to see what is going on.  The band may not be for you.  It wasn't for me. 

       Tn Walkers - OFF AND RIDING!!

(deactivated member)
on 11/12/08 11:12 am - Haleiwa, HI
I had Lap Band on 4/16/08, and I have lost 70 lbs.  Yes, 70 lbs is great, but I was way too tight.  I lost it because I was throwing up and sliming all the time.  I cannot find my sweet spot, and I am either too tight or not enough restriction.  I have actually been stalled at 70 for 2 months., and I am having a constant dull pain on my left side for over a month now.  My Dr just agreed today to revise me to the Gastic sleeve on Nov 24th.  I am so ready!  

Good luck on any decision you make.

on 11/13/08 12:40 am - Shinnston, WV
Hi Jessica,

i have not lost the weight but i  do throw up and slime ALOT!  Funny you say that about your side because i have the same constant dull pain on my left side.  That's crazy lol  Hope all goes well with you and best of luck!!!

on 11/13/08 1:06 am - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
I was banded on 9/19/06 and just had the band removed and revised to RNY on 10/28/08.  Best things I have ever done.

I originally lost over 100 pounds and then gained 50 back.   I was throwing up and sliming at least 12 times per week and had pain in my side every time I ate or drank.   I also had to have my port moved from the right to the left a year out. 

Hang in there and good luck at your appointment.   I have BCBS National PPO and they approved my revision. 

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


on 11/15/08 1:41 am - Manteca, CA
Check out the DS forum here on OH. Do not believe your lpaband doc about the DS being bad. It works, just remember to eat protein and fat and you will do well. Stay away from white flour, sugars, carbs and your poo/gas issues will be minimal. A more normal eating and long term loss and maintaining. You owe it to youself to check out the DS forum. Check also duodenalswitch.com for a complete up-to-date list of DS surgeons.




Check out
www.dsfacts.com  and www.duodenalswitch.com
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


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