esophagus dilation--does that mean band has to go?

(deactivated member)
on 11/11/08 2:06 pm - AZ
On November 11, 2008 at 9:55 PM Pacific Time, harlemdre wrote:
Again, I totally agree with you.
Luckily I live in a city with three really top-knotch lap band hospitals. So there's lots of room to get second, third and fourth opinions.

I wish that I could scream to the lap band world to follow the directions. I really blew it with non-compliance. I wouldn't be surprised if my esophagus problems are the result of (a) packing from time to time; (B) drinking while eating, which may make the muscles stop working properly; and (c) pb-ing when I was uncomfortable.

I will go to the other doctors to join their support group as well. I need to go back to square one and learn how to eat with this thing. I never understood "full" and clearly never got used to the itty bitty portions. But I bet that this scare will set me straight.

Thank you so much, MidewesternGirl!

You mentioned that he was getting sick of you.  You know what?  Tough.  He's being paid quite well to take care of you.  I think you are very wise to get more opinions.  This is a big deal.

Yeah, drinking w/meals, pouch packing, all that.  You just can't do that.  I kinda tend to believe the band is pretty hard on your esophagus anyway, my opinion only.  Adding additional stress to it just isn't wise.

I have esophageal motility issues and I really did follow the basics when I was banded.  So it can happen without not following the basics.

Did he unfill you before putting you on liquids?

I'm going to throw something else out there for you.  I referred to a friend of mine who had the same problems.  She went back once after being unfilled and on liquids, she was still dilated.  The doc had her drink water and he watched her, she guzzled.  He told her to sip until her esophageus went back into position.  She would down a 16oz bottle of water and it was defeating the purpose of having her let things heal.

on 11/11/08 2:10 pm - new york, NY
you are the best!

I will sip all my liquids.

I will NOT let him even think about taking this band out, and will ask him to put a teeny bit of fill back to reduce the chances of a slip.

I will stay on the liquid diet for at least a month. Did optifast for six months, so I can do this.

I am going to also start drinking Aloe Vera juice, cut the alcohol and coffee, and cut back on gum chewing.

Will also take nexium daily.

Did your friends Esophagus ever heal?

Thank you soooo much!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 11/11/08 2:18 pm - AZ
On November 11, 2008 at 10:10 PM Pacific Time, harlemdre wrote:
you are the best!

I will sip all my liquids.

I will NOT let him even think about taking this band out, and will ask him to put a teeny bit of fill back to reduce the chances of a slip.

I will stay on the liquid diet for at least a month. Did optifast for six months, so I can do this.

I am going to also start drinking Aloe Vera juice, cut the alcohol and coffee, and cut back on gum chewing.

Will also take nexium daily.

Did your friends Esophagus ever heal?

Thank you soooo much!!!!

Yep, she sure did.  Good as new.

Keep in mind, once you dilate once it is easy for it to happen again, easier than had you not dilated once.

on 11/11/08 2:20 pm - new york, NY
Girl, this is it! My husband and I talked tonight about it, and he wants me to start going back to the support group, and we are trying to figure out how to afford counseling to get at my "head hunger."

Once I get over this hump I am going to be back on the wagon.
Trust me.

I am so glad that you wrote me. You should look in the mirror and say to yourself "I really helped someone in distress tonight." You really, really have helped ease my mind.

thank you so much.
on 11/11/08 10:21 pm, edited 11/11/08 10:21 pm - Miami, FL
You should post this question to "ask Dr. C" on the lap band forum. I know people have recovered from this--don't know about your individual case tho.
on 11/11/08 10:43 pm - GA
Hi Andrea,

I am a revision from band to sleeve and as you can see Dr. Roslin sleeved me. Dr. Shah also participated in my 4 1/2 hour revision surgery but I never met him because Roslin was my primary contact. Please look at my profile. I was a five year band to sleeve revision and had all kinds of problems from band slippage, pseudoachalasia of the esophagus, partial prolapse, chronic esophageal dilation, pouch dilation etc.. However when the band was positioned correctly, I did not have these problems and lost a lot of weight. The normal protocol for esophageal dilation is to remove all the fluid and go on liquids fr threee weeks or so. The problem for me is that everytime they would refill me the problems would start again. I dont blame myself. I was not aware that I was overeating due to the resisting force of a high pressure band. Until the food got to my throat , I had no idea that I ate too much. Maybe you can talk to Roslin? he is a lot more sympathetic. I love Dr. Roslin and I still stay in touch with him every month or so and give him my progress. If not, get another opinion.




Zee Starrlite
on 11/12/08 1:41 am


It is odd that Dr. S would recommend band removal that quickly.  I am thinking that you must have some history of issues with your band and a troubling diagnosis??? This is if he said "the band MUST come out".

I am Dr. R's patient, but Dr. S. has treated me a couple of times and I just don't think that that office concludes that quickly without good reason.

So, I had lots of difficulties with my Band including  esophagus dilation.  I was unfilled for a while and ate "normally".  I've gone on to have the most success that I have ever had with my Band. 

My good friend also had chronic dilation  AND it has magically resolved (well less fill ect. but it's a true miracle)

If you'd like to talk let me know.

Don't panick!!!  Get unfilled and see how things go from there. 


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 11/13/08 2:35 am - New York, NY

Hi, Leila:

I would love to talk to you!

You are right: I have had a lot , lot, lot of problems with the band, largely due to never getting my head around proper portions, and breaking the rules about eating and drinking. and three port flips. lots of pb-ing and some vomiting.

but i lost 100+ pounds over the three years, and kept at a steady weight for the past year.

So, when I said that he said the band must come out, I was quoting him. His feeling is that the esophagus is streched/ malformed in a way that will not go back to normal and I have to have the band out for my health.

We are going to meet on Weds coming. So until then I am on liquids and thin mushies to make sure to get the swelling down as much as possible.  I asked him why we would do the next barium test so soon and can't quite remember his response...I also asked if we could give it time to resolve, and he said that I could be putting myself at risk for a more serious slip, so his advice is to take it out sooner rather than later.

I have not been a good bandster. Part of the problem is that I never understood the right portions, and now that I have streched the esophagus I thought I was eating band portions because I could feel the food "going down"--I thought that was the pouch, but is was my esophagus.

I am not an idiot--just had a real, real hard time understanding the portions. And now I messed myself up.

So I would love to talk to you. Didn't want anyone to think the doctor is at fault. When I said he was sick of me I was stressed out---but he and i have been back and forth at all hours of the night and on weekends with emergency unfills, infected port incision, he has been great to me, but I think he thinks I'll never learn how to manage this band.

Thanks for the good advice, and let me know how to email you. my email is [email protected]


on 11/12/08 6:38 am - Fort Worth , TX
This happened to me. I was overeating, throwing up, had reflux so bad I would wake up choking when I was asleep.  My doctor took all my saline out to see if things would heal on their own which they did. When he took all the saline out, it was like I didnt have a band and I gained my weight back. Then I got a revision to RNY and am glad I did.
Chelle B.
on 12/2/08 11:20 pm
You shouldn't have to lose your band - this has happened to me twice and was resolved with unfill and liquid diet and no problems.
Be careful, or you may find yourself in my novel...

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