Newbie (I profile doesn't say that)

on 11/9/08 5:07 am - GA

Hi!  Yes, I did join this group in 2006, but I haven't been an active member until now.

I just had my 1st appt with Dr. Williams in Alphreatta (spelling????), I'm going Tuesday to have an upper GI done, and an...E.??? something er other.  (scope down throat).

He said the stapler that they used on me in 1999 they don't use anymore because it's known to fail.

I've never wanted to "fail" at somthing so bad in my life, than this!  WEIRD...I know.

See, I want it to not be MY FAULT.  Because, let's face it, I haven't been a very good girl in the past 9 years.  I had the thought process of "it won't happen to me"!  And like so many other people who say the same has happened.

So, I've said it once, and I'll say it again, if I had to do it all over, I'd learn to LOVE water, go to weigh****chers to learn to eat the right stuff, and would make some kind of exercise part of my life.

So if the man upstairs allows me to have a revision, and he sees me through it, then I know this is my one and only "one more chance" that I'll get, and i will treat it as such.

Ok, I'll step off my soap box.

I'm looking forward to acutally being a part of this group.  Took me a long time to find a doc that would even see me.!

on 11/9/08 10:00 pm - UK
Welcome to the revision board sweety!

Glad you found us. I had revision because I can't ever realistically see myself on a weigh****chers diet or doing much in the way of exercise! Don't be too hard on yourself - the stapler failing wasn't your fault was it!

You might find surgeons are a little more sophisticated than they were 10 years ago, but not that much - we're proof that sometimes its just luck that gets you to goal and not the surgeon or you!

Best of luck with your tests. Post when you've had youd doc's opinion - there are a lot of people on here who have been in the same place as you and they are bound to chip in.


DS revision from failed lapband

on 11/10/08 12:53 am - PA
I hear ya!

I so want this to be something else's fault than my bad eating habits and I think the VBG that I had in 1998 was faulty, like so many others.
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