Might need a revsion, I lost my band this week

on 11/8/08 5:31 am - WI
Hey everyone!  A quick over on me...I was banded in feb. 2007 and did AWESOME with it!  I've lost around 100# and the only thing that has stopped me now....My band recently slipped and instead of letting it "fix itself" with an unfill, my surgeon wanted to do surgery to reposition it back into place.  Of course I was all for it.  Had surgery monday and there was too much scar tissue and a "suspicious" spot on my stomach that could've been the beginning of erosion so I lost my band!  I'm pretty bummed out about it because I only have about 30# I want to lose and I had done so well with it and didn't have any problems with it until the last few months.  I'm very glad he decided on surgery because I'd have hated to end up with more severe problems in the future.

Before this surgery and after, we had talked about if "something goes wrong and the band needs to come out" and he said he'd rather see me with the sleeve than RNY or any other surgery.  I'm now trying to find info on it and will probably be visiting your board now to see how everyone is doing with it.

I've always eaten fairly healthy...sweets are my killer but the band saved me because I couldn't eat "too much."  My overall problem has always been the amount I eat so I think the restrictive part of the the band/or the sleeve is what I need.

I'm hoping I won't gain and will be able to finish off the last few pounds on my own but I know that reality is that there's a good chance I won't be able to do this.

I'm bummed and I guss I'm just looking for some good stories from you folks or from those that have gone though what I'm going through.  I'm pretty emotional today and scared of whats to come and other people around me (family, friends) don't quite understand exactly how I feel.  I think it's so easy for people to say "you can do it on your own" but I have horrible will power...that's what got me fat in the first place.  By the way, if I had to do it again...I'd totally do the banding again, like I said, I never had problems until recently and didn't have much for symptoms of something being wrong.

I'm going to research all I can on the sleeve....and I'll see what happens in the next few months.
Thanks for listening!

169 155   

High: 281, Band removed:180,
Sleeved: 215

on 11/8/08 6:59 am - Somerville, TN
I think that's great that you did so well with the band.  I have a failed band and am getting a revision to DS.  From all of my research I think the DS is the best of everything.  You get to eat fairly normal like anyone else and you get the malobsortion with the intestinal bypass.  I see a lot of people having problems with RNY and then they get a revision to DS.  I myself would never get another band.  I have a leak and know it looks like my band has slipped.  But the DS will allow me to eat without all of the reflux and vomiting like I had with the band.  And this is one of the things I like the most about it.  Plus the malobsortion will help me lose faster and keep it off.  I lost 25 lbs with the band and that's over 2 yrs.  Check out DS, which is really the sleeve plus.  Come over to the DS board and we will be glad to answer all of your questions.  Good Luck.

       Tn Walkers - OFF AND RIDING!!

Sue R.
on 11/8/08 8:09 am - mandeville, LA
I also did great with my band but unfortunatly had it removed 1 year ago due to erosin. I am happy for you that your Dr. was on top of things. Heal from your surgery, see how things go and talk to your surgeon about your options. I had revisional Gastric bypass on October 29th and am feeling better so far than I remember feeling after the band. Good luck to you and your recovery. Sue
on 11/8/08 11:57 pm - WI
Thanks for the info.  I'll come check out DS but I don't think my surgeon does that procedure and I'm not fond of the malabsorption.  My problem has been portion size, I can usually eat the right foods and that's why the band worked so well for me I think so i think the sleeve might be the better option for me.
SOrry you had problems with your band, sometimes it's just not right for some people.  Good luck with your DS surgery!  I hope it works for you!

169 155   

High: 281, Band removed:180,
Sleeved: 215

on 11/8/08 10:29 am - Sayville, NY
I just want you to know that I support whatever surgery you decide to go for...
Please feel better and lots of good luck to you.

Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

on 11/8/08 11:57 pm - WI
thanks marcia!!!

169 155   

High: 281, Band removed:180,
Sleeved: 215

on 11/8/08 10:44 am - Manteca, CA
I second the other poster about checking out the DS. It is far superior as far as weight loss and keeping it off. You owe it to yourself to at least check into it before you make your final decision. Good luck.




Check out
www.dsfacts.com  and www.duodenalswitch.com
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 11/9/08 4:27 am - UK
Hi Malia

Firstly well done for doing so well with the band - it sucks that it went wonky just as you were almost at goal! If only it could have waited a bit longer!

As you only have a relatively small amount to lose, you should check out the sleevies - it sounds like you did fine with just restriction, and the sleeve is a much less complex operation than the RNY or DS. I had to wait a few weeks between my band coming out and having the sleeve as part of the DS - it is a bit annoying to have to wait (and put a few pounds back on if you're anything like me) but its worth it to make the operation less risky.

I'm with you on not being able to do this without help - it took me 20 years to work out it was beyond my capacity to do anything about it, so we just have to be thankful for good surgeons!

Good luck!


DS revision from failed lapband

on 11/9/08 5:05 am - WI
Thanks sal, first off, I LOVE your avatar picture!  It's so stinkin' cute!!!!

Yeah, I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to do the DS at this point.  I'm afraid I might end up malnourished.  I totally do well with just restriction.  Today I'm feeling pretty good about doing it "on my own" because I've not been hungry.  I had a protein shake, a banana, and plan on some soup for dinner and maybe cottage cheese.  But what scares me is the days I have the cravings and binges.  THATS what kills me.  Even with the band I had those bad days and could but usually I did well because I couldn't eat TOO much...so that's my fear...the binge days and gaining 5# in 2 weeks, because I can do that easily if I choose ice cream and junk over good foods.  Even with the band I did that a few times and then reminded myself to get back on track.  I don't know if i can get myself back on track so easily without ANY tool because I think I'll be down about it and that will cause MORE emotional eating.

Oh....I'm so up and down right now!  I hope I can do it on my own but am afraid but know I have another option!!! AGH!  my mind is on overload!

Yes, I'm thankful for good surgeons too....and good follow up care and good hearted people like the surgeon and my NP and my NUT and even the physical trainer I can see...they're all so awesome and aren't planning on leaving me on my own.  There are too many that are in it for the $$$ and not thinking of the patient. 

Too bad had we (me and my surgeon) really talked about it, he could've possibly done the sleeve when he took out the band but then again, he said there was a lot of scar tissue.  It is better to heal and then go on to the next surgery instead of putting yourself through so much at once. 
Take care sal!  By the way, did you go through the whole surgery so far or just the sleeve part of the DS?

169 155   

High: 281, Band removed:180,
Sleeved: 215

on 11/9/08 5:17 am - UK
It sounds like you have a good team behind you, so thats good. Don't be too hard on yourself with the food - I was unbanded for 8 weeks and put on 10 pounds, which I lost again within a week of the DS, so it's just a temporary thing.

I don't think there was anything physically wrong with my band but any band can apparently cause your stomach walls to thicken (they can kind of 'fight back' against the restriction!) so it's best to wait. My surgeon said that even then the walls were a bit difficult to stitch together, and it took longer.

I had the switch part of the DS too, but I have quite a small sleeve - about 1oz when it was created. It is quite different to the band (you don't get much feeling of being hungry), but it seems to be working so fingers crossed.

You look after yourself and don't worry too much, your doc will sort you out.


DS revision from failed lapband

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