tips for success with a lap band?

(deactivated member)
on 11/4/08 3:39 pm, edited 11/12/08 12:29 am - Togo


on 11/5/08 2:56 am - Spring, TX
Speaking as a revision patient, I can give you my perspective.

I did very well initially; stuck to protein first, did not have liquid calories etc.  It wasn't until I started having fills that I had problems.  It got to the point that I didn't  follow the band diet because I could not get protein down, so, because I had to eat, I'd turn to things that were easy - aka the "bad stuff"  It's hard when you know you should eat chicken/tuna things like that, but with one bite, it's stuck and then you've got 1 hour or so of pain and vomiting.  It affects people different.  With me, I had the "foamies" and then had horrible pain between my breasts.  So, this was happening at work, group lunches, things like that.  Your body adjusts to the restriction, so even though I do get things "stuck" now, it's nothing like it was before.  There were times when, after a fill, I couldn't drink water for a day or so.  I won't live my life like that, and though some people will suffer through, I would not.

For me personally, I don't think a restrictive procedure was enough for me - perhaps I should have looked into other options and I wouldn't be where I am today.  I chose the band because I wanted the least invasive surgery.  Now I am having the DS.

Like any WLS, it's a tool.  Some people have had great success, others haven't.  Many have been victims of slippage, erosion, severe reflux.  Things they experienced later out, which aren't related to "the healing period."

There's stats that also show, higher BMI patients aren't as successful with the band, simply because the EWL % is lower. 

If you are considering WLS I suggest you visit all of the forums. Especially if you aren't a revision patient, because you can have perspectives from those who are "virgin" wls patients.

Good luck!
Tough times don't build character, they reveal character.

SW (12.1.08):  310
CW: 210
GW (whenever God gets me there):  160ish

on 11/5/08 6:00 am - UK

Sorry but you might be asking the wrong question! You're assuming that bands fail only because the patient did something wrong. Sadly this is not the case - if it was our fault we could have done something about it. In my case the surgeon could never get the fill level right. Either no restriction at all or too much to be able to swallow.

There are technical limitions to a piece of silicon, and you have to hope that it will work for you. It might, it might not.

Even when it worked it was only an assisted diet. After 40 years of attempting them I know I'm no good at diets so I got the DS for my revision instead, and you can see what its done for me in 7 months.

DS revision from failed lapband

on 11/5/08 11:49 am - Spring Valley, NY


I have been banded for 4 years and in the beginning it was great and I loved it but there are definitely things I was not aware of until after surgery. The major one is the "productive burp" or at least thats what the doctors call it but for me it's THROWING UP! The band is a great tool but it takes alot to get used to. Food getting stuck is not pleasant... I lost about 80 lbs total and have since gained at least half of that back. I am looking into a revision .. I dont want to discourage or scare you but its better to know all the facts.

(deactivated member)
on 11/5/08 8:02 pm, edited 11/5/08 8:15 pm - Togo
on 11/9/08 4:56 am - Spring Valley, NY
The reason for the weight gain is being able to eat fatty foods like soft cheetos and ice cream but not be able to eat good foods like carrots and broccoli. Everyone is different and every experience is different. I would strongly advise you not count on my opinion or anyone else's opinion alone. It's on a case by case basis. Obviously if u are already stuck on the idea nothing will change that. All I can say is best wishes.
(deactivated member)
on 11/5/08 8:32 pm, edited 11/5/08 8:36 pm - Togo
(deactivated member)
on 11/6/08 2:32 am, edited 11/6/08 2:33 am - Brampton, Canada

I first had VBG back in /87 and went from 260 down to 113 lbs. for several years.   Years later I regained and decided on a revision to the Lap Band in /06.   For me it's been wonderful, because I have a great surgeon who has excellent aftercare.  I went from 251 lbs. on April 18th,/06 down to my goal of 124 - 126 lbs. twenty months later.  I am presently 123 lbs. and will be at goal one year next month.

For me I was at the point where I could no longer stick to a diet for even one day when I had my revision.   I still eat most everything I did before banding except no more than a small bit of rice, french fries, etc.   Since I was banded I have only thrown up twice and love the fact that I can eat large variety of food and be satisfied with the smaller portion.

I know many who have done well with their bands and others who haven't.   With my clinic I paid $16,000 and that includes fills at my clinic for a lifetime and if there are any complications I am covered completely too.  One of the problems in the States it seems is that many people don't follow up with the aftercare because they have to pay out of pocket or they have a band clinic that is not too great or supportive or lousy private insurance.  Your band is only as good as your aftercare, if you don't have the patience to go for fills when needed the band won't work.

I know some people who just don't seem to tolerate the band around their stomach through no fault of their own.  I personally don't think there is one perfect type of wls for everyone.  Research all of them and go for consults with the surgeons you are considering.  

(deactivated member)
on 11/6/08 4:33 am - Togo
on 11/8/08 5:37 am, edited 11/8/08 5:41 am - WI
I had the band...sadly I lost it this past monday.  I went in for it to be repostioned after a slip and there was too much scar tissue and a weird spot that looked like it might be the beginnings of erosion on my stomach.
Let me tell you I'm devestated!!!!

I'm one that LOVED my band and it worked awesomely and I lost around 100#.  I only want to lose about 30# more.

Here's my thought on why it worked for me:
My problem with eating has been portion sizes for the most part. I usually ate healthy but I'd eat too much and I couldn't stop!  I do have a sweet tooth too and eat too much candy/chocolate/sweets but the band still stopped me from eating too much.  No matter what, I could always depend on it to tell me "one more bite and you're done".  I followed my post op diet, the 60-70g protein, low carb, eat protein first, no snacking, etc.  I exercise about 5 days per week..jogging and weight lifting.

I never had any problems with PBing, sliming, vomiting, got stuck now and then but rarely.  Gosh, I'm going to cry about losing it!!  It was the BEST thing I've ever done for myself.

I agree that the first 6 weeks are crucial.  You have to start off on the right foot and follow those rules.  If you can't do it right away, how can you do it 6 months or a year or 2 years from now?  And that's for ANY surgery.  I think some don't do well with the band because they want the band to do all the work and it DOESN'T!  Some other surgeries do "more of the work" and some people don't want to think about it and change their habits to be more healthy.  I think with all surgeries, in the end, if one doesn't change the eating habits, you're going to gain the weight back and not be happy with that surgery.  I think after care is crucial too.  You need a surgoen that wants to see you succeed and is there for you.

There is also the few that the band just doesn't work for, just like other surgeries. 

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