There is another choice out there....

on 11/1/08 3:11 pm - Manteca, CA
the DS. Check it out, you owe it to youself to check out and Please check out the information and you will see that when you have a DS, you are at the top, you cannot go any further up. I wish you all well.

I had the RnY first time around and am so sorry I did. Many people do just fine with the RnY, but many people gain a good amount back. It is a tossup, who will lose weight and who will gain, you just never know, but with the DS, it is a no-brainer.  Check it out and let me know what you think.




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 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 11/2/08 5:53 am - louisville, OH
it doesnt matter what wls u have if u don****ch what u eat and excersize u can still gain weight back any wl surgeon will tell u . wls is only a tool.
on 11/2/08 8:30 am - Manteca, CA
No! Weight loss surgery can be a lot easier to maintain your lost weight with a DS. No regular bariatric surgeon, one who does only RnY and/or lapband they do not know the whole story. They did not study the DS. Go to a surgeon who does do the DS and he will explain it to you. Check out the DS board and you will see how so much easier it is.




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 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 11/2/08 9:28 am - MI
 DS definitely has some very promising statistics.  And it is awesome that there is something available that is helping so many realize their dreams.    

All WLS procedures have different pros and cons about them and it really comes down to what the individual wants and what they feel will fit their lifestyle and feel they have the best chances of staying compliant with.  i.e. malabsorption, or no malabsorption, a wls that can be reversed if needed.  Or maybe just a restrictive procedure if one feels they would have a problem staying compliant with nutrients and vitamins for the remainder of their lives, or just simply fear the long term effects of bypassed procedures (20 yrs down the road).  I for one think it is simply great that we live in a era where there are so many choices and we are not just limited to one.

Any good surgeon will tell you that ANY wls is a tool and should be treated as such.  I think that sometimes we, as people,  want the "easy" fix and we tend to forget the fact that this is a tool.  Human nature sure can thwart our intentions.    It is sad when you see individuals get to a place where they get caught up in the "fix all" and are devastated from not realizing that, when they are on the other side looking at a revision.  For instance, Carbs can be a problem for all WLS, even DS.   I have done some research on the DS as I was considering it prior to my choice of ERNY (which is similar in that the common channel is shortened like the DS and in some cases even shorter.  So I suspect I will find out if I "choose" not to be compliant and use the "tool" as it was meant to be).  During my research and decision making, I have spoken to DS surgeons and read the articles that are on (some very impressive and informative) and the like websites which deal with the issue of carbs and non compliance and have even seen some posts on the boards that deal with carb issues.  The DS surgeons that I have spoken with have all stated in one way or another that if I choose to consume carbs they will cause me problems and I can regain weight from consuming them.  Simply because carbs break down quickly, starting the moment they are in your mouth, so therefore you will absorb all calories taken in by carbs because they will be mostly broken down when they reach the CC.  Since everyone's body is different, there are some who probably get around this scenario and my hats off to them.  But for me it is not worth the risk.  I didn't go through 2 surgeries to become complacent with the tool and end up with the agony of obesity again.  

So hats off to everyone who does their research and for knowing what your own limitations are and having the courage to choose the best tool for you!  With whatever procedure you choose, we on this board are here to support and understand that your choice is a personal one and should not be taken lightly.  

Good luck to all of you going through your process of a revision.  May it be very successful in all ways!
on 11/2/08 1:23 pm - Manteca, CA
You said it all well my dear. My only purpose here is to enlighten people about the DS. It is not all bad as some RnY surgeons will tell you. That was the old BPD done in the 60s, now that was bad. Now it is done so well so that if you abide by the rules and limit carbs (Not saying you have to give up carbs completely, maybe keep them under 50 a day and go up on them as you get to goal) yu can maintain your weight loss. That's all. I sure wish someone had enlightened me to check out the DS before I had this crappy RnY (crappy for me cause it did not work). I know it does work well for alot, but I know quite a few who have gained as well as thouse on the revision board looking for something else. Just research everything!




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 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 11/2/08 11:56 pm - CA
 You have all stated the truth beautifully.
I would like to add to this.
All of the available surgeries work for some people. That is the beauty of choice.
Each surgery comes with its pro and cons. 

That said, I work with Dr. Husted and recently I was discussing with him people's choices for their revisions since we do so many of them.
Dr. Husted has done over 200 revisions and I can safely say that over the past 2 years over 95% of them were to the Duodenal Switch.
I can count on 1 hand the number of revisions that were not to the Duodenal Switch. 
His theory is that if someone has already had some form of weight loss surgery and for whatever reason there was not success, that the most aggressive of surgeries, which would be the Duodenal Switch, is often the choice. 

I think the most important thing for everyone considering a revision is to find a surgeon who not only does all of the available surgeries but also has a track record for doing them. There are quite a few of them but they are not necessarily your original surgeon. Most of us adore our surgeons and the thought of going elsewhere can have its own issues.

It breaks my heart when patients call saying........if I had only known about this surgery or that surgery when I had mine. My doctor only did the XYZ and that is what they recommended and I trusted them.

Please, please, please, whatever you do, do your homework.

Nunyo B.
on 11/4/08 8:19 am
Hi Mew6495,

You stated,"  Simply because carbs break down quickly, starting the moment they are in your mouth, so therefore you will absorb all calories taken in by carbs because they will be mostly broken down when they reach the CC" which is not entirely accurate.  Yes, simple carbs (like sugar, especially candy) begins breaking down in the mouth and will cause weigh gain if abused, just like candy will cause regain if abused with ANY WLS.  But complex carbs (especially fruit and veggies) are not 100% absorbed.  DSers malabsorb about 40 - 50% of the complex carbs we eat. 

on 11/5/08 5:25 am
All weight loss surgeons know all about all the surgeries. Some choose which ones to do, and choose not to do others.
And no, educated surgeons don't think DS is some surgery from the 60's.
There have been many posts on and on Obesityhelp where people with DS have had weight regain. You will see fewer such posts, one reason has to do with hundreds of thousands having had RNY, and a fraction of that having had DS. As time goes on, and DSers' surgeries age, you will see more regain posts.
I personally have a short common channel, instead of a small amount of bypassed intestines, so I malabsorb fats and more calories of what I eat. This doesn't mean I have a free ride. All weight loss surgeries work when post-ops avoid most carbs, and sugars.
on 11/5/08 9:15 am - Manteca, CA
I am sorry, but all physicians malign the DS unless they do it with gusto (meaning they are more than happy to do a DS on a patient, but not say they have done it (maybe only 5), but that they do not like doing it. There was an older version called the BPD without the DS back aways, and that had many problems that the current BPD/DS does not have. Most bariatric surgeons will completely totally put down the DS the way it is done now because they have not looked into it and are giving many patients a bum rap about the DS, saying that there is extensive smell with the gas and pooping, etc. This can be controlled with what foods are eaten. I need not go on. And BTW, though there can be weight gain with the DS, it is far more easier to get back on track, just slow down on the carbs. Many people can eat WHATEVER they want and not gain. With RnY one cannot consume that much or kind of food, and one can have a more normal eating experience with the DS, including desserts occasionally. I could not do that with my RnY or even come close.




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 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 11/6/08 2:04 am - Tacoma, WA
I wish everyone well with this journey toward health. But if it is for health, then you need to make wise food choices. Surgeons dont do this so we can wear cute clothes, they dont care about our sex lives, they do this for HEALTH and that is why insurance covers it. If we do it for health, we will suceed because we wont "eat what ever we want". Those days are over. my sister in law had RNY years ago and will have a bite of something once in a while (like every few months, not weeks or days). My co-worker had lapband and is a perfect little trooper never putting anything unhealthy in her mouth (like ever) and she lost over 110lbs. My parents had the heap mini switch and my mom does GREAT while my dad struggles, why because he still makes less then stellar food choices. My mom FEELS GREAT, my dad feel ok.
we need to learn to not look to food for comfort, for fun, for reward. we need to find it in ourselves and move on. If we can do that, any of these surgeries will help us suceed.
Its a very personal choice and i am glad you posted this, i do hope everyone researchs everything before they make such a huge choice, that will be with them forever.
but my hope is that people dont do this, dont risk their life and health to only go back to that abusive relationship they had with food.
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