Help Reversal and G-Tube

on 10/31/08 8:18 am - River Falls, WI
Okay, so I have a lot of complications from the surgery (way too many to go into on a message without it beign a book) but the main thing is severe gastroparesis that has caused me to need a feeding tube to support nutrition permanently. So now to the problem. I had my yearly appt with my surgeon and he is thinking it is time to seriously consider reversing my RNY and maybe going to lap band or restricted anastomosis (really hard to explain but I would go lap band). He is worried that by just reversing the surgery, I would gain weight and so he would liek to consider a lap band cause then we can fill and defill it as needed. I have severe nausea that causes me to throw up daily and he is hoping by putting my stuff back together, it might reduce the nausea and therefore the throwing up. He is afraid if I continue down this path, I will not have an esophagus left as my teeth are already going to hell from it. He hopes that by putting the stomach back and the intestine I could absorb more easily because I would have the 5 feet of intestine back and with the lap band he could leave the stomach a little bigger therefore helping to eleviate my nausea or at least reduce it. Now for what I was told as statistics. I have a 65% chance of this actually doing any good and a 15 % chance of it completely curing the problem. I am afraid to do this big of a surgery and have it do nothing!!!!!! I am scarred to have the reversal. So what I need from you. Any advice at all from anyone who has had a reversal and anyone who had a lap band cause I don't know as much about that one. Also, I don't know if the odds are worth it or not. I know, no esophogus bad, but I just don't know if there is a better answer out there and it just has not been found yet. Anything would be great, I am just at a lost and a little scarred (okay ALOT scared). Thanks

Also anyone out there who has had or has a g-tube (permanent) I need advice. My dr's don;t know what it is or could be. I have severe burning adn pain in the stomach under the feeding tube. It causes a 6 out of 10 on their pain scale. My dr said it may take a week or so to heal after the last change but if it is not getting better to call but I thought I would see if anyone else has problems with theirs. I had blood and pain and discharge from the other tube (blood fromt he inside of the tube, so coming from the stomach). They changed the tube to a different kind and the bleeding has stopped and the discharge but the pain did not even come close to stopping. I guess I need to know if anyone else has had sharp burning pain in the stomach behind their feeding tube. Thanks
on 10/31/08 10:00 am - St. Cloud, MN
Oh my gosh, you poor girl!!!
And this is not any type of ulcer?
I sure wish I could help you in some way, but I haven't even had the surgery yet, but I sure have been hearing some bad news about a lot of them lately....makes me nervous!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

on 10/31/08 10:03 am - St. Cloud, MN
I forgot to ask....where did you have your initial surgery done? I'm going to Park Nicollet/Methodist in St. Louis Park.

on 10/31/08 11:04 am - River Falls, WI
I had my original surgery at the U of M under Dr I. Thanks

on 11/1/08 4:06 am - Philly-delphia, PA
Hi my name is Isa and have a surgery date of 12/18. I was very excited but after reading almost 90% of your story I am kind of 50/50 and also after hearing about your best friend..I can neverimaged what you have been going through during the past few years..I will keep you inmy prayers and hope that all will work out for you.
HIGH-294CURRENT-151 GOAL-150LBS GONE-143LBS 2 GO-1 (Last weigh in 7/14)   Platics Done: Breast Reduction (5/14) Extended Tummy Tuck w/ Anchor & Brachioplasty (5/29)
on 11/1/08 8:51 am - louisville, OH
im sooo sorry to hear about ur problems i had reversal of vbg to the rny from complications of constamt nonstop vomiting for 13 years with horrible reflux. they now do the lapband because of the problems with the vbg which actually caused the top of mystomache to grow almost completely closed so i had to have the rny open of course. i had to have the g tube for several monthswhich was no personal opinion is to have this thing fixed and if u have go without the band so what. its better to stop throwing up and get healthy than gain back some weight. alot of people complain of severe reflex and vomiting with the band so please do your research. my prayers are with u and please keep us updated.
on 11/1/08 2:44 pm - Manteca, CA
I am not really sure what you have wrong, but if I were you, you owe it to yourself to check with a DS (duodenal switch) surgeon and get revised to that. You must go see a real live DS surgeon; a Rny surgeon will not know much about it, they think it is some surgery from the 60s. Check out and and get the real answers. Try it, you might like it.




Check out  and
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 11/3/08 6:47 pm - MS
I am so sorry for all that you have been going thru. I read your journal and I would get a total reversal only if I was you. Good luck.
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