Discrimination/harrassment of the obese

(deactivated member)
on 10/29/08 2:00 pm, edited 10/30/08 10:50 am - Togo
I have been slender and I have been obese. And the treatment i receive from others is drasticly different depending on my appearance.

When I am slender women envy and are jealous of me, men pay lots of attention to me.

When i am obese i am treated as if i am mentally retarded and uncouth. it is so wrong. 

i thought i would post this here on the forum and ask if any of you have had similar experiences. 

Are you treated as though you are ignorant and undesirable because you are obese? 



on 10/30/08 4:44 am - NEWMAN, CA

I think we all have at some point.  I know I definately have.

Make yourself familiar with the angels and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen,they are present with you.
~ St. Francis De Sales


on 10/31/08 10:15 am - St. Cloud, MN
DEFINITELY-Been there!! And it's darn hard to not start to think of yourself that way then also.
It seems like we are also totally "unseen" sometimes as well.

on 10/31/08 6:11 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
I definately agree.  I'm back in school getting my masters degree and my thesis topic is "Obesity discrimination in the workplace, and the effect WLS has on your career."   I'll be getting ready to post the link for my survey in a couple of weeks if you want to participate. 

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


Margie McQueen
on 11/1/08 5:44 am - Sebastian, FL
I am very much interested in participating in your survey!  I work within a predominately all-male environment... when I started three years ago I was maintaining my initial weight loss of 125 lbs. - now 3 years later I have gained 50 pounds... the men (my age group) are not phased by it but the younger men seem to be... As an obese female, if I dare make a negative remark regarding the program that I manage, it is looked upon as I am loud mouthed and disgruntle... in the past I had a definite rooting section that would rally around me... it is a sad day when people are judged by their "outward" appearance... it is a good thing that those of that have been on both sides have the will and ability to take in stride and move forward... know one rains on my parade!  Again, please contact me for your surgey...
(deactivated member)
on 10/31/08 6:40 pm, edited 10/31/08 6:54 pm - Togo
on 11/2/08 7:41 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with

Just waiting on my thesis advisor to approve, should have it ready by the end of the week to post.  I think I am going to use survey monkey and will put in the link so everyone can go directly to the site and it is anonymous. 

Thanks for the support.  

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


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