Got Lapband removed yesterday!!

on 11/2/08 10:09 pm - Wayne, PA
Hi Nicole,
 I am so glad that there is someone else out there that is going thru this same thing as me. I read your profile and I thought you were having it done in 1 surgery? What happened that you had to have 2 like me? Well, I am also worried about the pain afterwards. Taking the band out wasn't as bad as putting it in, I remember when I had it in and that was painful for me, but RNY I feel will be painful also! I am a little scared. Well, at least you are getting it done before me! You can let me know how it is! LOL  I also feel that it was a waste of my time, I wish I woud have gotten RNY back in 2005 instead of the band! It is so weird having it out now because I still think that I have the band. Sometimes when I am eating I think "OH I can't eat that" and then I remember that it won't get stuck and I will be OK and won't have to run to the bathroom! I just don't want to get used to that because I know with RNY I will be back to watching what I can eat so I don't feel sick! Well let me know how you are doing, You only have 1 month to go!! PM me if you want sometime..

Keep in touch,
on 11/3/08 12:46 am - Woodstock, GA
Wow...I see I'm not the only Lapbander who was having problems and thinking the same thing.  I have to say that I am surprised.  I thought everyone was doing well on the band BUT me.  It's been just over 2 years for me.  I lost weight the first 6 months, then stalled...then got depressed over it stalling and GAINED weight.  Then had some major life issues (both my Mother and my Mother-In-Law died within 6 months of each other and I took it really hard) and turned to food to comfort me.  I know that's not the answer...but we all know here that we didn't get this weight by behaving well to begin with!  So I have an appt with my surgeon next Tuesday to talk about REMOVING the band.  My question is will insurance pay for it?  I have different insurance that the one that put it I'm wondering.  At this point, I'm willing to pay for it myself to have it removed.

WHAT A MISTAKE it was for me to get this.  Who was I fooling??? :(

I haven't considered other surgery yet as I want to get passed this bridge first...but could really use some words of encouragement or help from anyone who has been there/done that.


on 11/3/08 2:17 am - Wayne, PA
 Trust me there are a lot of Lapband people on here that have the same problems we have. We are not the only ones!! I am so glad for that because we can learn from each other. I am so sorry to hear about your Mother and Mother-in-law. I know what you mean about turning to food. That is what we do best or esle we wouldn't be on this site and having our own weight issues. Just so you know tho, I had a different insurance when I got the band. I had BCBS. Now I have UHC and they did approve the removal due to mechanical failure. Nothing was wrong with my band besides the fact that it did not work!! So, I think you might be able to get your insurance to cover. Let us know how everything is working out for you and good luck!!

on 11/3/08 2:26 am - Woodstock, GA
Thanks Charla!

I had Cigna when I had the surgery, and I now have BCBS of MA.

I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one who is going through this, and I don't feel like such a I did before I got back on this board.  Honestly, I though I couldn't even do this right...but now I see that perhaps the band wasn't what it was cracked up to be in the first place.

I'll keep ya posted on whether the insurance will cover it or not...keep your fingers crossed :)
on 11/3/08 1:06 am - TX
Reading all of your stories have really made me think about getting the lapband.  I know that everyone is different but has there been many changes in the process since you've had it? 
emily S.
on 11/3/08 1:56 am - Indianapolis, IN
I am writing on my friends account.  I am considering joining.  I had a lap band put in by Dr. Inman in 1998.  I still have the lap band in today and have been denied or my insurance will not cover any weight loss surgery now.  I have dumping syndrome at least once a day and I have become a vomit queen due to the band causing me to not be able to eat anything and hold it down.  The sad part about it all is that I continue to maintain 365 lbs.  I am so frustrated...  What to do?  Scary, sad, and depressing.  Wendy (Emily's friend)
on 11/3/08 2:26 am - Wayne, PA

Please do all of your research about all the WLS there are and see what is right for you. I will tell you that there are people who do well with the lapband but I was not one of them. I did well with it in the beginning when I was at the right fill level but then could never get back to that spot again. I ate around the band somehow and was able to always eat junk food and had no problems. I somehow had problems eating healthy food! Go figure..I felt always hungry. I think it depends on the type of eater you are for the different surgeries. I was more of a snacker so I think Lapband was not for me. Like I said I ate around it with bad foods. I also though had problems with reflux and throwing up a lot. You can read my profile if you would like to get a better idea. Keep us informed.

on 11/3/08 8:19 am - TX
Thank you for that information, I am a sweet eater but a little concerned because I don't have any health issues my back and knees hurt like hell though.
on 11/3/08 8:39 am - Wayne, PA
Well just so you know you don't need any heath issues as long as your BMI is over 40. Insurance should cover it. They do seem to cover RNY right away but sometimes the other surgeries are harder for you to get them covered. I will say again that I am a sweet eater too and I wish I would have just went with the RNY first. I wasted so many years getting the band first. I am back up to my beginning weight and feel like crap again. My knees and back also hurt. I am glad that I don't have any health problems though. I had my blood work and all of that done and I am fine. I know if I don't get this surgery though that I will be headed that way. Good luck whatever you decide, let us know!!

on 11/3/08 10:48 pm - TX
Yes it is over 40.  Just want to make sure that I get the best procedure for me.  My sister in law is so happy now, she had all kinds of medical conditions and now she says she has more energy and can exercise without being tired.
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