Got Lapband removed yesterday!!

on 10/29/08 11:26 am - Wayne, PA

Hi All,
 I can't tell you how happy I am to have this band out!! I will be waiting 8 weeks and then getting RNY. Two reasons why I have to wait. 1) My Dr. wants body to heal first and 2) I change insurance companies the beginning of the year. I have UHC and they suck in my area. They paid for my removal and denied the RNY. I am going to BCBS and I am hoping that they will approve. I am just hoping that the RNY is not the same as the band was. I had a lot of the "first bite" syndrome and a lot of throwing up and acid reflux..I got so sick of the band. I had it for 3yrs 7months. I really hope the feeling is different when you eat with RNY. I just want to eat and be full and not have to run to the bathroom to puke!! That got so old!! If anyone has any thoughts or advice for me I am listening. I love this board and value everyones advice.

Thanks for reading,

on 10/29/08 12:34 pm - Sayville, NY
I had to have my band out in August after 2 1/2 years. Starting on Easter Sunday I had constant reflux and couldn't hold down any solid food.  My doctor took it out in emergency surgery on 8/20.  I had RNY surgery on 9/22.  I am thrilled with my RNY! I have already lost 23 pounds and I feel great!  Good luck & I hope that you get the surgery approved...
Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

on 10/29/08 11:27 pm - Wayne, PA
Hi Marcia,
 I remember you on the lapband board way back in 2005. I used to go on there a lot but usually just to read. I didn't really write much. I am so glad to see that you are doing well now with the RNY. It sounds easier than the band. I just wish I would have gotten that the first time around. I was approved in 2005 but was scared to get it. Oh well live and learn. Please keep us informed how you are doing. It is great to get on here and get good tips and advice from all of you especially since I don't have it yet and don't really know what to expect..

Thanks again,
on 10/29/08 2:49 pm
I just had my band out and got the Duodenal Switch 2 weeks ago (Oct. 16th). I had my lapband since April 15th of 2005. I swear that band was the worst thing I've ever done to myself.

However, I was interested to note that I think having the band has helped me with my new surgery. I know how to take small bites and chew, chew, chew (although honestly I don't even have to as much as expected)  - sipping is now second nature...even though with the band I could gulp at night, I always had to sip first thing in the morning.

Unless a person has had the lapband, it's hard to describe how wonderful it feels to have it O-U-T of the body! Also, I had no idea prior to my DS surgery, but my port had flipped around and I would have had to have surgery before ever getting another fill anyways. I wish so much that I had gotten the right surgery the first time!

Tonight I had a loaded baked potato and some chicken strips from KFC (all allowed with the DS), granted I could only eat about 1/4 cup total...but not having to worry about it getting stuck was priceless.
on 10/29/08 11:33 pm - Wayne, PA
Hi Mandy,
 You are right I do think having the band might also help me out to. Boy do I know about chew, chew, chew and not drinking with eating and all of that stuff. I also wish I would have gotten the right surgery right away. I feel like I wasted so much time. I am glad to hear that you are doing better with DS. Good luck and please keep us posted. I love reading everyone's stories on here, you guys are such an inspiration!!!
on 10/30/08 12:02 am - Browns Valley, MN
I had my lap band removed on 10-15-08 and the surgeon did a sleeve at the same time.  I  know what you mean by saying you are so happy to have the band out.  I never realized how much it affected me until my daughter stated one night when the whole family went out to eat, leave the spot at the end of the table for mom in case she has to get up to go to the bathroom!  That hit me so hard.  I then asked myself, what are you doing, is this the way you want to live?  So now I am very happy with things so far.  I am done 32 pounds and looking forward to the rest of my journey!
on 10/31/08 3:04 am - Wayne, PA

OMG that is so true about leaving a spot at the end of the table!  My poor BF, I left him so many times sitting there eating alone, so I could get up and walk or run to the bathroom to puke. I just got so sick of living that way! I really hope this other surgery is not that way for me. WTG on losing 32 pounds Keep up the good work!!

Hondurian Queen
on 10/30/08 10:03 am - BOSTON, MA
hey charla1019 I wish you the best of luck on your revision and I pray that all goes well for you i had my band removed and the RNY done all at once and I am loving the change


on 10/31/08 2:57 am - Somerville, TN
I'm working on getting my band out and getting DS.  I know how you feel about going out to eat.  Whe went to a very small place to eat and I had to run for the bathroom to puke.  I didn't know it till later that eveyone in the place could hear me.  I was so embarresed.  I can't wait to get this piece of crap out and get on with the DS. 

       Tn Walkers - OFF AND RIDING!!

nicole u
on 11/1/08 1:09 pm - holbrook, NY
Revision on 12/01/08 with
WOW! We are the same person pretty much!!  I had my lapband taken out October 23 and I am going in for my RNY on Dec 1!!!!!!!!  I have never been sooooo happy to have had the band removed.  That thing for me was the WORST idea ever.  What a waste of time.  I am so happy I finally feel normal after almost 4 years of being uncomfortable.
My only fear is something going wrong in the OR and the pain that I will be in after.  I wish I had known in 2004 what I know now!!! 
Dec 1 will be the best day of my life!!  I can't wait!!  Good luck to you...we are in this together!!  Please keep in touch!

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