Has any gotten aprroval for revision with UHC
My BMI is 40.1 and UHC has tried to deny me my revision -- apparently their rule is that the patient should have had a BMI of 40+ for the past 5 years. Hello!! This is a revision - my band worked and I lost 100lbs with it but it's slipped and I've gained most of it back. So of course my BMI was under 40 in the past 5 years!!! duh
I've hired ObesityLaw.com and we should hear this week or next that they've rethought their decision. I'm thinking positively and I've scheduled my revision for 11/17! I'll keep you posted.
I've hired ObesityLaw.com and we should hear this week or next that they've rethought their decision. I'm thinking positively and I've scheduled my revision for 11/17! I'll keep you posted.