Any point in revision if you're a constant grazer!

markys mama
on 10/28/08 3:05 am - independence, CA
Hi my name is faith and i would like to ask you a few ? I see the you had Ara to your revision. I was looking at him also because he did my dads and he is a very nice person in general. I just need to know how much did he charge you for the revision above ur insurance coverage. and how hard was it to get him to do the revision. thanks faith
1 hour bf RNY 398
before Baby 220
goal 160
current 285
need to lose 129  chocolate
on 10/28/08 3:54 am - Manteca, CA
Hi markysmama, I have not had my revision yet, but I am on the way in a few months hopefully. I am being charged 4 grand to do a revision, and that has been my problem. I am trying to save the money. I do not own a home any longer, I am a renter. I have no money put aside for extras. I just wait for my disability check every month and my bf said he will help me, but he has other payments he must make with the IRS and the VA. I sometimes do wonder if it will lever come to pass, but I am still being hopeful. I wish you luck and yes check out Dr. K. He is one of the best.




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SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


markys mama
on 10/28/08 5:39 am - independence, CA
thanks i my father had him for his org surgery he is 5 years out and is still marinating and even still looses hear and there, I was just wondering will he except payments. Or can you make some kind of payment leading up to your revision. thanks for the help

1 hour bf RNY 398
before Baby 220
goal 160
current 285
need to lose 129  chocolate
on 10/28/08 10:08 am - Manteca, CA
Yes, you definitely can make payments ahead of time, just as long as the whole amount you owe is in their possession at least a week before your surgery. So your dad is doing okay? We would love to hear his results. Is this your first time or a revision? I have a little money to send them, but I feel foolish just to send a couple hundred. (I just wanted to use this emoticon)




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I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


markys mama
on 10/29/08 12:24 am - independence, CA

YES YES YES. he is doing great had a rough start but he is great now. He had some bumps in the road and ended up back in surgery. He had blood clots in his legs. come to find out he had them before he had his D'S and no one caught it. he got a airplane ride back to Dr.k and was back under the knife in about 1 hour after they were discovered. I don't want to scare you but I think it is important to tell. Dr. k was just great and he has had no problems since with the weight. However he dose battle depression now but has nothing to do with the DS. Make sure you take all your supplements and vit. EXP Cal and multi. he is dong great with the weight loss he lost over 220 lbs and is still holding. He eats mostly what ever he wants and he sticks to protein first then carbs. He was a meat and potato's kind of guy any way so this was easy for him. What is not easy is to get him to do the shakes. He refuses he said he gets enough protein in his food. Any way he is great.

1 hour bf RNY 398
before Baby 220
goal 160
current 285
need to lose 129  chocolate
(deactivated member)
on 10/26/08 11:26 am - Togo
on 10/26/08 11:44 pm
In all honesty, no - there is no point in a revision. I think therapy would be far better. You can outeat any procedure if you keep buying and eating foods that aren't good for you. Luckily, you haven't regained all your weight and there's still time. I would try getting with someone good and trying to find out emotionally what's going on. The hardest part of this, for all of us, is the emotional component. It's just huge. All my prayers!
on 10/28/08 2:42 am
I am also considering a revision.  I never got to my goal weight and now have gained 40 from my lowest.  Whether my pouch is "perfect" or not I odn't know, but I do know that  a LOT if not MOST if not ALL of the weight gain and lack of full loss is my fault.  About the time I had stoppped losing weight I had also started drinking alcohol, and turned basically into an alcoholic for two years, when I drank i would eat more..and I also snacked all night long (waking up every few hours and eating) and grazing all day long.. no wonder I gained so much weight.  I have now stoppped drinking entirely and am trying to get a handle on my grazing .... I have an appointment in 3 weeks to talk about getting a revision..if with my new habits I lose weight on my own then I will cancel the appointment, but if I don't, I'll keep the appointment.  I think it's only fair to myself to see if changing habits will do the job...and if not, I am all for the revision!...but it's a lot of money and more trauma to my body to get a revision and end up with the same problem.

I like Dr. Schlesingers youtube blurb...about how everyone deserves a second chance.. we aren't failures, we just haven't succeeded yet.

I do think it's important to try to fix whatever habits led to the weight gain, or perhaps a revision will do no good... but I'm in a similar place that you are.


Before/Lowest/Current/Goal  I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!


on 10/28/08 10:46 am, edited 10/28/08 10:47 am - MI
 Hi Leslee,

I just wanted to congratulate you on your honesty and taking responsibility for your cir****tances!  I love your attitude and frame of mind.  I think it is awesome.  Also congratulations on getting the alcohol under control and working on the grazing issue.  This can be so hard and you should be commended.  I have no doubt you will succeed.

I loved Dr. Schlesinger's way of thinking also and I can tell you from experience this is how he truly is in person!  I chose to have him as my revision surgeon.  I even traveled across county to go to him.  He is a very skilled surgeon and cares a great deal for his patients.  I am glad you are taking his video to heart and knowing that you also deserve a 2nd chance!  

Good luck to you.  I hope all turns out well.
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