4 Year Battle

on 10/24/08 9:07 pm, edited 10/24/08 9:09 pm - PA

I had a RNY 10 years ago.  I knew there was something wrong when I started to regain weight, but I had no clue what.  I went to my (now retired) surgeon and had did an upper GI to confirm my pouch was still in tact.  My pouch is not transected.  He couldn't find anything else wrong.

My weight continued to rise.

I went to my new follow-up surgeon, Dr. Ku and he also did an upper GI and found my stoma was stretched to 1-1/2 times the normal size and all my food is basically passing right through me. This leaves me hungry literally ALL the time.  Plus, he says he can't help me.  So I eat.  I give up.  I eat horrible unhealthy foods and I have regained 80 lbs. so far. I know better and now I'm mad.  I want to get this thing fixed!  I've started eating healthy again.  Killing myself with high fat foods isn't helping.  Duh!  No weight loss, though.

Finally, Dr. Ku contacted me about a study being done in Philadelphia called Stoma Stapling.  I go through the study, have the stapling done, and lose 20 lbs.  Then promptly regain it again.  Hunger is back.

Now, I'm researching having a full revision.  I went to see Dr. Meihlan in Philadelphia and he recommended making my pouch smaller and creating a new stoma.  I LOVE the idea, but don't know anyone that has had this done....OR if Dr. Meihlan is the best surgeon to perform the revision.  Some have mentioned changing to the DS, but there aren't any surgeons in my area that can do it. 

Does anyone have names of surgeons in the Philly/Reading area that do revisions and have experience at them?

Any other suggestions/support would be GREATLY appreciated!


on 10/25/08 6:55 am - Norwich, CT
Wow...let me tell you about my experience.  I had gastric stapling (I guess it was technically RNY, but my new surgeon said they do not do it like that anymore) back in 1982.  I got down to about 190 lbs (120 lbs lost) and within  a few years I had gained it back.  back in 1982 I was like 25 yrs old.  I have lived ALL of my adult life morbidly obese.  I started researching revision options almost a year ago...why all those years have I lived like this?  Don't know...I think I just felt that I failed and there was no hope for me.  Anyway, I had Stomaphyx last Feb, but it did not give me restriction.  I gained the 17 lbs back that I had lost with the phases of the diet and I am now scheduled to have a lap band placed over my old bypass on 12/10.  I am ecstatic that I am being given another chance, and this time I will work with it.  In 1982, there was little to no aftercare, no nutritional or any other kind of support.  I have the same problem as you---stoma is large and pouch is dilated.  The food leaves my stomach quickly and goes into the also dilated jejunum and I can eat again.  I have learned to eat in this maladaptive way simply because I am either stuffed and uncomfortable or empty.

The moral of my story is do not give up.  They are putting bands over bypasses and having good results.  Because of the way my original surgery was done, I cannot have VSG or DS, but I am thrilled that my second chance will be here and I intend for it to work with me.  Don't hesitaite and feel worse about yourself...check into the band and good luck!

 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 10/25/08 2:55 pm - Katy, TX
Pepsi98, you mentioned you did a lot of research on revisions.  Ever heard of the band over the sleeve?  Thinking of doing it now.  Only lost 38 lbs in six months with the sleeve.  My sister who weighed the same but had the band has lost almost twice that..and for much less money!
on 10/25/08 9:38 pm - Norwich, CT
YES!!  Read through my previous post again.  I am scheduled to have a band over bypass in Dec.
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 10/30/08 10:02 am - PA

Thank you so much for the support!  I don't think the band is the right way to go for me because it doesn't fix my stretched stoma issue.  I need to have the stoma fixed or sewn shut and a new one created.  I'll definitely ask about the band, though!

Thanks again,

on 10/31/08 6:59 am - Norwich, CT
Hi Deb,
I have the same thing wrong with me!  I could have had a full blown revision, but chose the band because it is the least invasive and it has shown some good results.  There are so many major risks with a revision of the stoma and all that at this point in my life, I choose less invasive.

I wish you the best!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 11/5/08 7:45 am - PA
Hi there and thanks for your reply!  How long ago did you have your revision and how much of your excess weight did you lose after it?

Thanks again for the feedback.

on 11/5/08 6:43 pm - Norwich, CT
I am having a lap band placed over my old bypass on 12/10, so wish me luck!!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 11/6/08 7:34 am - PA
Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes!

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