When can you be considered for revision?

Ruth A.
on 10/17/08 4:58 am - Letchworth Garden City, UK

I have approx 40lbs I need to lose, as I never reached my goal and am still overweight.  I've always been a slow loser and battled to lose every pound.  My weight has begun to slowly creep up, although I'm fighting it tooth and nail, but feel like I'm in a losing battle.

Does anyone know if a surgeon would even consider me for revision?  I had lap rny and would like either Erny or DS (something with a greater malabsorption).

Thank you


on 10/17/08 6:12 am - MI
 Hi Ruth,

I think it depends on the surgeon.  I know when I had my consult with Dr. S a couple of his questions were what was my personal goal, how much did I want to loose, what my current weight was and how much did I gain.  He takes this information and then describes the procedures that he feels would best suit your cir****tances.  i.e. if you only have 20 or under pounds to loose then he may suggest the stomaphx.  In my case, I had 65 lbs I want to loose so he recommended the ERNY.  I believe he recommends this for patients who have around 50 or more but then again everyones body is different and a lot of factors are taken into consideration.  I think the key is to finding the doctor who does not just focus on the necessity of revisions soley based on bmi's over 40.  There are doctors who actually treat the patient.  Of course the other hurdle with the lower bmi's is the insurance companies unless you can prove mechanical failure.

Good Luck, I hope it all comes into place for you.
Ruth A.
on 10/17/08 6:40 pm - Letchworth Garden City, UK
Thanks so much for your reply.  If I have a revision I will be self pay - I was for my initial wls as I don't have insurance, and wls is not offerred on the National Health Service except in extreme cases.

Anyway, it is good to hear that at least one surgeon considers the patient and what is right for them rather than having a list of rules that you have to fit into and unless you do they won't touch you.

Hmmm...maybe a 'vacation' to see Dr S is in my future.  How often do you have to go back for check ups?  I come over yearly to the US anyway with my family as we have family and friends there - maybe I could combine the two.

BTY, how are you doing?

on 10/18/08 9:43 am - MI
 Hello Ruth,

Dr. S. would like me to come back once a year for a follow up with him if possible.  I will do my blood labs every 3 months for the 1st year and a half.  He has already given me the orders for the 1st set in January.  I can either take these to my PCP or go to a local lab and get the blood drawn.  The results will then be sent to Dr. S for review to see if I need any vitamin adjustments.  In the interim I will follow up with my PCP for general WLS issues and care or call Dr. S for consultation.

I can't say enough about Dr. S.  He is a great surgeon and doctor.  I know he has others who have and are traveling to have their revision with him.  Also, some of the AZ ladies who are also his patients have been a tremendous help and support to me through this whole process.  Thank goodness they also frequent this site!

I am doing fine.  Thanks for asking.  Over did it a little today and tired myself out!  I guess sometimes I get ahead of myself.  I am happy I made this decision so far and look forward to my new journey!

Good Luck to you.  I sure hope it all works out for you.  I've been following your posts.  Please keep us updated on your progress.
Ruth A.
on 10/19/08 8:07 pm - Letchworth Garden City, UK
Thank you

I'm going to have to wait a little while until I contact him.  I've got a small inheritance coming my way in a few months time.  Once that is all sorted I'm going to see if there is enough for a revision.  I've talked to my husband about it - he is not keen for me to have another major operation, but realises it is something that is concerning me, so will support me whatever I chose.

Glad to hear you are recoving well.  How much weight have you lost so far?
on 10/20/08 1:13 am - MI
 Hey Ruth,

I know what you mean with the husband's concerns.  My hubby felt the very same way.  He has changed his mind since, due to all the issues that Dr. S found and repaired...large hernia, partial intestinal blockage, adhesions etc.  I may have been living with these for who knows much longer and any of them would have ended me back under the knife so a surgery was, in my mind, unavoidable sooner or later.  He does still have some concerns over the malabsorption but understands if I keep up on my vitamins and protein we can keep that under control.

I have lost 11 lbs so far.  I have always been somewhat of a slow looser so to me this is GREAT!  I already feel the difference in my clothes and the way I feel.  

Good luck to you on your revision journey and your inheritance.  I hope it comes through for you.  As far as your choice in Drs.  You picked the best and can not go wrong there!
Ruth A.
on 10/20/08 1:59 am - Letchworth Garden City, UK
11 lbs is GREAT!!  Well done, you are doing fantastic.  I don't think it's slow - it's going down and that's the important thing.  Yay, way to go.

on 10/21/08 2:55 am - IA
HI all, I am butting in here as I just joined this site today and have the revision planned for early Dec.  I had bypass 20 years ago, was a great success, however over the last couple years my weight has been sneaking up.  Family dr. said it was because the it wasn't suppose to last that long.. I dissagreed and went on to see a Dr, that specializes in this surgery, he did take me at my word that something wasn't right as I have not felt real good for a while, they found that when I had a bleeding Ulcer 4 years ago that a couple staples tore and thus that is causing the pain and also the weight gain, and the not-feeling good... I am a bit blown away at the changes in the way that you are treated since 20 years ago when I had this first done.  We got no education, we got no support, we didn't tell anyone-God forbid except family, and you left the hospital after 9 days and we told to take care... nothing after that except if there were problems, I didn't have many thank God.... I am not even sure where to begin on all this learning,, due to the issues with the staples and the pain in my tummy, I already have the surgery scheduled, but am taking classes on how to eat etc... this is totally amazing.... I feel like there is so much to learn and only a month to learn it.... From your notes I think that one of you had had the revision already and one is thinking about it?  Is that correct, how long ago did you have the revision?  And if I may ask why did you have to have the revision?  Thank you for any information that you can share with me... Ginger08
Ruth A.
on 10/22/08 1:23 am - Letchworth Garden City, UK

I'm thinking about a revision - others have just had a week or so a revision, others a bit longer.  So you see we are all at different stages in our journeys.

Yes, things haev changed ALOT - there is much better information out there now.  I didn't get any followup from my surgeon as I went abroad and self paid for mine, but this web site has been amazing for me, a great support network, and a mine of info - of course you have to be careful what advice you take and alwasy weigh it up as it is not from professionals, but we can learn from others experience.

Anyway, that said, I hope you do well.  Stick around and let us know how you are doing

on 10/22/08 1:38 am - IA
THank you so much for that info,  Yesterday was my first day of this site recommended by my dr office, after reading a few things I was scared to death..... you are right compare the notes to the doctors advice... thank you for that, I didn't know that so much had changed it is scarry, but good that we can get the information even if I don't always want it.. I trust the dr to know what he is doing and to tell me what I need to know... dumb I know... so I have 42 days to learn everything that I can.......................... I am sure I will be asking lots...
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