Goodbye Lapband...Hello RNY

nicole u
on 10/15/08 12:56 am - holbrook, NY
Revision on 12/01/08 with
Hello everyone!!
Just wanted to let you all know that this morning I got a call from my surgeons office!!  I will be having this stupid Lapband removed and being converted to the gastric bypass!  I AM HAVING IT DONE ON NOVEMBER 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't wait!!
I think its the best thing for me since having the band was a disaster for me.  I need more restriction.  The band for me was like order for it to work its a constant diet.  If I could diet I wouldn't need bariatric surgery!!!
I am so excited!!  Would appreciate any advice you could give me!!  Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

Surgery/ Current/ Goal

on 10/15/08 1:10 am - MI
 CONGRATULATIONS Nicole!  I am so excited for you!  I think you will be happy with your RNY.  I would probably suggest that you talk to your surgeon whether it is a proximal, distal or ERNY he is planning.  My suggestion would be to see if he will at least do a distal.  The only other suggestions would be to remember, like any wls, this is a tool and not a cure all.  If you follow the rules you will do great!

Good luck to you and please keep us posted on how you are doing.
Ruth A.
on 10/15/08 1:53 am - Letchworth Garden City, UK

I agree with the other reply - find out how much they are going to bypass.  No point in needing another revision in a few years, which of course I hope you won't need.

All the best to you.  Advice - try to get moving as soon as possible after, and drink as much water as you can, even if it's a sip at a time to begin with.  Don't push the limits, as you will regret it later.
Zee Starrlite
on 10/15/08 1:54 am
Hey Nicole!!!

So glad you've found a "resolve" - it's been such a long road for you!  You will do fantastic with your RNY as many former bandsters do.

God Bless,

P.S. my Band now works (you remember I was never able to have restriction etc.??? My doc and I think that my band shifted its position a bit on its own???  Whatever, I'll take it!)

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 10/15/08 4:33 am - NY

Congratulations!  I am also getting a revision from Band to RNY.  My surgery is November 5.  I had not only one but two failed bands.  I cant wait either.  Best of Luck and let's chat once we are both on the other side.


Donna (DMS923)
RNY November 5, 2008
Starting Weight: 191 
Current Weight: 140
Goal Weight: 130
nicole u
on 10/15/08 5:01 am - holbrook, NY
Revision on 12/01/08 with
Congratulations!!  WOO HOO!!  This is gonna be the start of a whole new life for us!!  I am only 9 days behind you!!  Are you having yours open or lap??  My dr suggests open for me.  Keep me posted!!

Surgery/ Current/ Goal

on 10/15/08 5:09 am - NY
I am having it lap.  I will be in hospital 4 days then home for a week then its 1 tablespoon of food.  Are you going through Last Supper Syndrome? I want to keep eating until November 5....My band currently is unfilled due to violent puking and acid reflux so I can eat - I get full real fast but I am still eating.  Nov 5 cant come soon enough.
Donna (DMS923)
RNY November 5, 2008
Starting Weight: 191 
Current Weight: 140
Goal Weight: 130
on 10/15/08 9:02 am - Sayville, NY
You sound just like me when I had my stupid lap band out...
Congratulations Nicole! I know that you will be so much happier with the RNY!

Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

on 10/16/08 1:12 am - MA
Hi Nicole - I recently had a revision from my lapband to RnY - three weeks ago.  So far so good.  I've lost 20 pounds. Woohoo.  I had the band and port removed, a hiatal hernia fixed and the RnY done all in one operation. I stayed in the hospital for three nights. It was done laproscopically and have 8 little scars on my belly to show for it.  I am actually going for my first post op appointment with the nutritionist and the surgeon this afternoon. I am still really tired and need to remember to chew alot and limit my quantities.  It's all about protien and vitamins and water and exercise.   I am full very quickly but am able to eat chicken and egg salad and other good foods. 

My band was empty since last November and I gained 40 - 50 pounds during that time.  Yuck. 
I was throwing up all the time with the band filled and probably had some form of reflux - my throat hurt all the time. 

My throat still hurts so i am hoping that that will eventualy go away.

Wishing you the best of luck.  I guess this time I just decidd to listen to  my doctor's reccomendations rather than fighting them.

Wishing you the best of luck!!

on 10/16/08 6:27 am - NY
Oh my God!  You sound like you are telling my story!!!  Did we talk earlier and share stories?  This is freaky, you have just told my exact life the last 4 years.  Exact! every last detail.  This is spooky.

I am having revision from Lap to RNY on Nov 5.  I have spent 4 years puking, have a large hiatal hernia that my stomach is in my diaphram, have reflux that I started to puke battery acid and have spent a month sleeping up in a chair.  I was unfilled 2 months ago and gained 10 lbs.  I am back up to 185-187 lbs and cant button the top of my pants and am miserable.

I am having it all done, just like you, done laproscopic - taking out the damm band, repairing the hernia and then doing the bypass.  I was told I would be in the hospital 3 nights and then home for 10 days. 

Friends of mine (all thin people) are all "nervous for me" "worried for me" - its like no one wants me to be thin.  Can I ask you, do you regret it?  I have regretted going with the band and not doing bypass 4 years ago but hey, have to look forward at some point right?

Donna (DMS923)
RNY November 5, 2008
Starting Weight: 191 
Current Weight: 140
Goal Weight: 130
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