Should I try again?

on 10/6/08 6:42 am - Alexandria, VA
RNY on 10/29/03 with
I've posted before, so I'll try to keep this at the abbreviated level.

I had my open RNY in November of 2003.  At first, things were great - I was 367 lbs at 5'11 and got down to 235.  Then stopped.  Full stop, no more loss.  I plateaued then regained a little, plateaued again - for almost a year.

Fast forward to now, I am at 283 as of this morning.  I cried like I haven't cried in ages over that.  I had gone to Dr. Halmi about a revision months ago because my pouch was dumping so fast into my intestines, they couldn't even get it on film.  I malabsorb everything at this point taking iron IV infusinos, 4-6000 IU of Vitamin D, B-12 shots on top of the b-12 sublinguals, and my multiple multi vitamins. 

Suffice to say, my revision was declined and I was encouraged (by the insurance company) to try a diet / exercise program for 6 months and see a counselor. 

I miss so much time at work to deal with the PCOS, iron deficiencies and constant illnesses because my immune system can't stave off anything at this point that spending more time (and money!) on going through another diet program (as I did pre-RNY) that will fail because I dump everything into my intestines and still have "hunger" 30 minutes after eating, not to mention the time and cost of the additional counseling...

I don't know.  Is it worth it?  To risk my job in today's economy?  To put myself through something that is doomed to failure because my body physically isn't operating correctly?  On top of that, my father died unexpectedly two months ago and I've noticed a marked depression that I'm combating.  I like physical activity, but I'm usually too tired for it and that makes the depression worse.

Should I try again?  Should I look for a new doctor?  Should I just give up and continue to let my health at age 33 deteriotate?  I need some perspective.
Margie McQueen
on 10/6/08 9:14 am - Sebastian, FL
My heart cries out for you... but you need to focus on the positive... you may have reached a weight of 283 this morning but you are NOT at 367! 

I, too, had RNY back in 2004 and have started the weight gain - to date I have gained 50 pounds - I am also a patient of Dr. Halmi - I am waiting for a response from my insurance company for a revision - my plan is to have a lapband done...

While we may not be perfect in our own eyes, we have to look for the positive - you have been through a great deal over the past few months... give yourself some time - but DO NOT give up!

Hang in there!  I believe in you!  We can be "losers" together on the same team!! 

- Margie
Ruth S.
on 10/6/08 12:08 pm - Orlando, FL
If it were and your current surgeon's office won't do anything..find someone who will at least order an upper GI to see how your pouch is. Once they make that determination, you can check into this types of procedures out the schlerotheraphy, Rose or the stomaphyx..those are viable small procedures that are done endoscopically and hopefully covereable under insurance. Now most of the procedures are performed here in FL so Im not sure what is offered in your best of luck to you.  But I would get that GI to at least know what is going on internally and then take it from here.
Ruth S.
on 10/7/08 12:43 am - Alexandria, VA
RNY on 10/29/03 with

Thanks for your response.  I did have the upper GI done, that was when they found that my pouch was still pretty small but the opening between the pouch and my intestines was stretched.  The doctor could barely get anything on film my pouch emptied so fast.  She eventually gave me these crystals (they hurt so badly) that formed a gassy bubble she could film but even that passed so fast into my intestines she was amazed.  She determined that was probably my biggest problem.

on 10/7/08 9:41 am - Norwich, CT
You know, my heart goes out to you also.  I had a gastric stapling in 1982 weighing 373 lbs and only 5'4".  I lost about 120 lbs and got down to 190-200 lbs and then proceeded to gain it all back simply because I thought I was "cured".  They knew so little back then, and had no support groups or dietician involvement that I was doomed to fail.  Not to mention that I also have the dumping syndrome and when I had an upper GI recently the radiologist said that it's like I have a "second pouch" and like you can eat again about 30 minutes or so after my meal.  Now I am (I think) about 320 lbs and I got denied by BC/BS to have a lap band placed over my old stapling.  I contacted and they accepted my case and I found out last Friday that BC overturned my appeal and approved me for the lapband.  Don't give up...if you got denied talk to your MD about a lap band.  It is less invasive than a full revision and a very viable alternative for your (and my) problem.  If you get denied contact ObesityLaw and I guarantee they will get you approved for a band.

I wish you all the best and if you want to PM me any time please feel free.
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


Ruth S.
on 10/7/08 11:12 am - Orlando, FL
Okay...well per my personal opinion I think you may benefit from the procedure is an agent done endoscopically that creates scar tissue and closes the stoma..which is what I believe you are saying..that is what they did to me to close my stomach.  Im not sure if this is offered in your state. I hope they can!
Ruth S.
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