help finding a revision surgeon in maine?

on 10/4/08 9:38 pm - wayne, ME
Hi, I have regained alot of weight and I had a lap RNY in Aug 02. I really feel that since I had 3 subsequent pregnancies, including a set of twins (I feel the twin pregnancy really stretched out my pouch I was always starving (or at least thought I was) I can't seem to find any information on any surgeons in maine that do revisions, anyone here had a revision in maine?? help I'm really depressed and desperate

mama to 5

Aug 2002 -297 lbs
May  2003- 160 lbs
May 2008- 195lbs
Oct 2008- 220 lbs

(deactivated member)
on 10/5/08 2:00 am - Brunswick, ME
Hi Carrie,

I had a DS with Dr. Aslam in Sept 2000. I lost weight easily without any of the usual side effects that go with the DS and have gained about 80 pounds over the past few years.  It's pretty likely that Dr. Aslam left my common channel too long for a DS.  I called the Bariatric Center at Maine General in Augusta and Casco Bay Surgery in Portland.  My impression was that they had no interest in doing revisions, especially on someone else's patient.  I went to New York last December for a Stomaphyx with Dr. Garber.  It was a total waste of time.  Long story short, I am flying to Phoenix at the end of the month to have a revision with Dr. Schlesinger.  He is going to shorten my common channel so that I have a true DS.  I am sure you could probably find someone closer, and maybe even someone here in Maine.  Keep making phone calls and asking questions.  Don't give up.

on 10/5/08 6:03 am
Hi there.  I know exactly what you're going through.  I called every single bariatric surgeon in Maine inquiring about a revision (lap band over existing RNY).  Only one would even give me the time of day, and I had the feeling they were very luke arm about it.  The is Dr. Roy Cobean of Casco Bay surgery, Portland. You can try them.  It'll have taken me 4 months before i actually get my first appt there.  My impression is htat everyone in Maine is already overwehlmed with the demand for first time bariatric surgergies.  We're asking for a 2nd chance with an established track record of failure, for an additional surgery that of course has higher risk of complications.  it's not surprising that doctors don't wish to treat us for what are of course elective surgeries.  It makes it every frustrating, and makes one feel hopeless.  I hope that Dr Cobean, who has an excellent reputation will help me.  If not, my only alternative may be to go to Mexico as the insurance issue outside of plan, etc is a biggie.   I'd try Roy Cobean, Carrie.  They'll have you fill out a very lengthy online questionaire and then decide if they will work with you.  Best of luck.

on 10/5/08 10:32 am - MA
 Don't fool around with a doctor that is not experienced in revisions.  It is a waste of your time and can be harmful to your body.

I know the ride can be long...but take the ride to Brigham & Women's in Boston to see Dr.Lautz. He is the GURU for laproscopic surgery. He does revisions, and does band to rny revisions. If they think they can do the down the throat (endoscopically) revision, he will give you to the expert who happens to be at the Brighams as well to do it. They will scope you to see what needs to be done that is how it is decided which doc will do it.
It will be worth your ride.   You might only need to come down a few times.....1st appt, testing, preop, surgery, postop...then later down the road postop follow ups.   Knowing you travel they will book whatever tests you might need on the same day.
The Brigham gives excellent care.
Email if I can help.  Joan
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