Scherlotherapy, anyone?

Ruth S.
on 10/4/08 11:26 am - Orlando, FL

I'm hearing about all these revisions but has anyone had the scherlotherapy? I just had it done this past Friday. It was not that bad though the introduce some air into you so I was moaning in pain but once I was passing that I started to feel much better. It was done endoscopically. Right now I just feel like a sore stomach. My stoma was closed with this agent which creates scar tissue. I'm wondering if there are others out there who have tried this method. The posibility of the DS is an option down the road however that is a big surgery and done more distally and Im not to sure I want to have diarrhea with bowel movements, if ya know what I mean! (LOL).  Thanks for letting me share.


Ruth S.
on 10/5/08 1:50 am

I had this done last month and so far I've had great results!  I am going for my 2nd one on Friday!  I can't wait to feel even fuller for even longer!!! 

I had a sore throat and sore tummy for a few days after, not looking forward to that part.  But if the results are anything like what I've had so far, bring it on!    I can't wait to see how much weight I've lost later this month.  I am SO excited! 

Good luck to you! 
RN-Y Bypass - 2004
615 lbs to 350 lbs
Back up to 400 lbs - 2008

Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part one - 9/2/08
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part two - 10/10/08
Ruth S.
on 10/5/08 3:26 am - Orlando, FL
The dr had mentioned the possibility of a 2nd one..however Im thinking WHY do we have to do it twice???  Did they give you a pic of the before and after? I got one and it's see the insides. I've already gone down 5 lbs..but then I had some swelling prior due to taking laxatives cause my intestines are slowing in moving food through.  The key for me this time around is to take smaller bites and CHEW, CHEW, CHEW!! No more large bolus of food going through and messing things up.
Ruth S.
on 10/6/08 2:47 am - Midland, MI
I am scheduled to have it done on November 14th, please keep me updated with your progress.

I had RNY in June 00 and have gained back about 50 lbs. over the past 3 years.

Ruth S.
on 10/6/08 10:07 am - Orlando, FL
Okay! Well I can tell you it's a shinch..well then again I've had several endoscopies and I actually enjoy that. So if you had an endoscopy same exact thing as far as you the patient is concerned. The dr goes in and inserts the schlerosing agent and it creates the scar tissue. It does make the opening of the stoma smaller...a/k/a this our 2nd chance to make it work.  I remember eating fast and sometimes eating a big piece of protein and probably not chewing properly...not this time. It is now the 3rd day and I feel like nothing was done to me..then again Im eating soft foods, jello, tuna and such..nothing heavy per se..but Im making smaller bited/pieces and chewing. I will tell you it was a bit pain for  2.5 days cause they put air in the stomach..felt that right away. My weight had gone up to 180 and now Im back to 174.5 today..I had swollen up cause I was also taking laxatives.  My purpose was not really related to weight was a thought the dr had since I was having abdominal pains for 2 years. My guess he is thinking since the stoma was was rushing through and then stuck in the step is to add Reglan to get the GI tract moving so now with the slower digestion of food and the movement of the GI I should be good to go. But it will be nice if I can finally get up to 30 lbs off with this process.....time will only tell.
Let me know you'll be doing okay?
Ruth S.
on 10/6/08 10:05 pm - Midland, MI
I will and please keep me updated on your progress also! :)

on 10/9/08 1:13 am
I am going in for part 2 tomorrow... I am excited!!!! 

Too bad I am also getting a colonoscopy too.... I am in the middle of prep right now, OMG how gross this all is!    Anyway, please wish me luck for my double whammy tomorrow! 
RN-Y Bypass - 2004
615 lbs to 350 lbs
Back up to 400 lbs - 2008

Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part one - 9/2/08
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part two - 10/10/08
Ruth S.
on 10/9/08 11:22 am - Orlando, FL
Congratulations girl...I can DEFINATELY tell you the prep for the colonscopy is NO fun at all..when I was doing my cleansing I tried that..and it was God aweful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The test will be a no brainer. 
I do want to ask why do you need the 2nd dose..cause Im thinking of asking the dr. I see him on the 20th.  I haven't noticed much difference in anything except that I do feel fuller longer and Im not snacking.  Usually around the time of my cycle (now)..I get crazy cravings for soda and chocolate but Im fine now and I eat just my main meals...but I should be losing and Im not. If I don't lose by the time I see him Im gonna have him do it again..I guess.  Did you have the same experience?? Staying fuller longer only? Did you lose any weight?
Keep in touch!
Ruth S.
on 10/11/08 3:12 am

Actually the prep wasn't too bad, except for when it was time for the enema...   I threw up one time with the liquid before I switched to mixing it with oj instead of diluted diet sprite like the pharmacist suggested.  The oj really masked it well!  The 4 pills I had to take were a breeze.   My doctor was able to get through the majority of my colon, but not the whole thing.  Apparently I was moving and fighting them while I was drugged.... don't ask me why or how I was able to do that while being sedated, however I remember non of it.  With what they seen though, its all clear. 

As for your questions

"I do want to ask why do you need the 2nd dose"  My surgeon says for the most success, having this done 4 times will make my stoma back to the size it was created after my original bypass.  Right now its the size of an index finger tip.  When he is all done, it will stay the size of a pinky tip.

"Did you have the same experience??"  Yes, I have always gotten super hungry/snacky just before and during my cycle.  Even after my wls I would be STARVING all day long when it was cycle time.  Chocolate and carb cravings are impossible to control around that time.  Its frustrating for sure!

"Staying fuller longer only?" I noticed a huge difference after the first one with my ability to stay full for longer.  I know that the one I just had done will help me to feel fuller even longer.  
"Did you lose any weight?"  I will have an official weigh-in later this month.  But as far as I know I am down 5 pounds.  At least according to my PCP's scale.  I know I am down more then that though!

It won't hurt to ask about another one if you want.  I would mention to your doctor that your not loosing weight and see what he/she suggests.  Maybe you need more protein?  Who knows.

Good luck! 

RN-Y Bypass - 2004
615 lbs to 350 lbs
Back up to 400 lbs - 2008

Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part one - 9/2/08
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part two - 10/10/08
Ruth S.
on 10/11/08 3:32 am - Orlando, FL
Hello..thanks for answering my didn't know our stomas were supposd to be THAT tiny..what would fit through there then?? if it's pinky tip?  a grape??????? hehehehehe
Well...I hope I get to at least get the 2nd one done...but the job situation where Im at is not that great and I can only hope I have a job by that time, if not then I'll have to get it done when I get a new job and insurance.
Keep me posted.
Ruth S.
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