Waiting on a Revision, up to 206lbs.

on 10/3/08 8:30 am - Orlando, FL
Got on the scale today......... 206lbs. My mom says how is that posiible?  I wish I knew.  Feeling sad, down, devastated, misserable, sick, disgusted, etc. etc. I know that in life there are more important things to be worried about, for example right now "The Economy" but after being able to go down to 158lbs. and now find myself almost back to where I was   I don't know what OI feel right now, WHY???? WHY the stomach pain? why the diabetes, why do i have to be in so much pain all the time.  I went to my podiatrist because my right foot has begun to hurt, he took 3 x-rays and what was the diagnosis??????  4 HEAL SPURS!!!!! not 1 not 2, BUT 4 damn spurs.  See what I mean????? I am not a pittiful person, but damn, what else can happen?  I have begun a series of cortisone shots on the right foot and ethanol shots on the left foot due to complications of 3 prior surgeries on several sections of the foot.  AND WHAT IS THE FIRST SIDE EFFECT OF CORTISONE???????? DING, DING DING!!!!! WEIGHT GAIN.  Second side effect High Blood Sugar Levels. I'm so fed up with everything.  I am going on a cruise in December 2008 and I'm devastated, I know all I'm gonna hear is WOW you've gained.

Deanne K.
on 10/3/08 2:42 pm - Tucson, AZ
There are so many of us who can relate to with what you are going through.  I for one have had 2 foot surgeries and know exactly the pain you endure everyday just to put your foot on the floor.  I also know about the wait regain.  Don't give up in getting your revision surgery.  It will happen for you.  I know the Pitty Party, I have had it myself lately, I thought I would be feeling better and have more energy.  I am almost 5 weeks out from surgery and don't have a lick of energy.  I go back to work on the 15th and I am worried about making it though the day.
on 10/3/08 5:45 pm - GA
I totally know how you feel, I have been feeling the same way. It took me a year to get rid of a bone spur in my heel and I have gained a  ton of weight. Never made it to goal with my rny but its so depressing after 9yrs to have gained 65lbs mostly within the last year and 1/2. Im still down 100 plus pounds but still, I'm back to super obese. The worst part is now I have a new co-morbidity, hbp, never had it before but here it is. 

To top it off, I was just  told that I was denied a revision by my insurance company because my surgeon did not submit all the necessary clinical info. I'm going with my instincts here and I am changing surgeons, and am hoping to qualify and get the ds with Dr Schlesinger. So perhaps everything happens for a reason.
on 10/3/08 7:53 pm
Tell anyone who mentions your weight to shut up until they've walked a mile or 3 in your shoes!
Work on getting a revision if that's what you need. Especially if you are eating protein dense foods first at each meal, and avoiding carbs. It could be a failure of staple lines, a slipped band etc, since I don't know what you have.
Try to get a diagnosis for the reason for the failure.That's the first step in getting a revision.
Best of luck to you. And I'd do my best to enjoy my cruise if I were you.You may want to call the cruise line and look into renting a scooter so you won't have to walk the 40 miles to the different decks, casino, dining rooms etc. That way foot pain won't be on your mind. 
 I'm going out of Tampa December 8, for a 10 day cruise.
on 10/4/08 12:00 pm, edited 10/4/08 12:01 pm - Orlando, FL
Hi Sally, Deanne and 2axcharm, thanks for the uplifting words !!!!! I had RNY in 2005, had a Upper Endo done on 8/14/2008, it revealed that my staples are exposed and I have a foreign body growing on it.  Also my stoma is enlarged, so I hope to be approved.  I feel very sick at times.  I use Nexium, Carafate, and Lortab, which is habit forming!!!!  All of these are for my stomach pains.  In addition I use, Insulin, I use 4 different pills for hypertension, Clonidine, Verapamil, Hyzaar, Paxil,  I use Xanax for Anxiety, Flexiril for my overall body Arthritis.  And I have begun to suffer from difiiculty swallowing.  I thought it was stomach related, turns out I have Arthritis in the hyoid bone, that is a small bone in your throat. A very rare condition.  So as you can see, it takes alot of effort to get up in the morning. And it's really hard not to complain I am in some type of body pain or discomfort 24/7, 365 d.a.y. But I have faith in the Lord!!!!!!!
on 10/4/08 2:53 pm - New York, NY
You might want to consider the DS. I had the RNY in 1998 and it failed I am were I started, but I fought the good fight for years trying to keep the weight off...

Doc supervised diets, personal trainers, and diet pills.. In the end I see now I need a revision and something that will help me keep the weight off. I have learned so much from the D.S forum..

Just a suggestion. Take Care
on 10/5/08 2:50 am - MI
 You poor thing....I am so sorry to hear of all your troubles!  You deserve a pitty party so don't feel bad about being where you are or posting it here.  We are here to support.  I believe we are never given more then what we can handle at any one point, you must be one very strong women!  Hang in there your revision will happen for you.  I agree with the previous post, maybe check out other types of revisions.  There are so many available to you now.  The DS might be a good choice, I chose the ERNY simply because I did not want the risk of taking down my pouch and I still got the benefit of the shortened CC like the DSer's.   But since your pouch already needs repairs it may be an option for you.  Do your research and pick the one that best suits you and your life style.  Good luck to you.  God Bless, I will send a prayer your way.
Deanne K.
on 10/5/08 1:32 pm - Tucson, AZ
How are you doing.  Jeanna said you were doing great and now drain.  I sure have still been having pain and everything where that blasted drain was for 3 weeks.  I go back to work on the 15th and have no energy yet.  Keep up the good work and let me know how you are doing.
on 10/5/08 3:03 pm - MI
 Hey Deanne,

I am doing pretty good.  Yep, no drain.  I am lucky.  I have been having a little discomfort this afternoon with distention in my abdomen.  Probably just my bowels have not started working yet since the anastheasia.  Other then that I am feeling pretty good.

I am sorry to hear you are having so much discomfort.  I hope things start looking up for you.  What does Dr. S say about your lack of energy?   
Deanne K.
on 10/7/08 3:54 am - Tucson, AZ
Dr. S says that it's because that my protein levels are probably not up where they need to be yet.  It is very hard to get the 120-150 gm of protein a day.  I am working towards it.  Also, my PCP says that I need to get out and walk everyday for just a little while everyday to get back in the swing of things. It's hard knowing that I go back to work in a week.  I see Dr. S on Monday morning and go back to work on Wednesday.  These 6 weeks sure have flown by very quickly.
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