on 10/1/08 12:32 pm - Orlando, FL

Hey all it's been a while...... well just waiting and feeling sicker by the day, and that is no fun.  Hoping to hear good news soon, I could use some current events if it's any one eleses, that works.  Diabetes, attacking my body really bad,  Just had a CT SCan of the abdomnen.  I was doing fine until they injected the iodine,     i thought I would die.  In any event here i am,  still waiting.

on 10/1/08 1:45 pm - mesa, AZ
Hey Lady

 Ya know you have my thoughts and prayers with ya ,, mixed feelings too .. you want it to be enough so they can get the revision done - But not too much that you have other problems.  And that darn wait is sooo hard !!!

Been absent a while & I am sorry ,, the j.o.b.  is making me crazzy with all the Wall Street garbage and my employer  buying Wash Mu ,   I  have 16 extra hrs of pay in last week.. I can now afford to go to the Ca anniv party on Halloween

You know why Frankenstines bride never got preggars ... He had a hallow weenie !!! Ha ha ha

Ok - bad joke -- but not as bad as Hormone Joke

 Gina , beena , fee , fi ,fo, feena , Jean-na

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

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