Questioning my decision for a revision.

on 9/26/08 11:07 am - MI
Hello Deanne,

I am glad to see you are doing ok and hope that your concerns with the pain you are having turn out to be minor and that you are feeling better real soon.  Thank you for your support and your words of encouragement.  It is very appreciated. 
on 9/26/08 8:21 am - Layton, UT
Hey there girlfriend!
Deep cleansing breath You're normal!!!  The majority of us have the pre-surgery "oh my gosh"! moments!

Just do a little mental checklist.
1.  You're going to a fabulous surgeon who has many patient's on this board'll have a network/support system in place.
2.  You will be able to recover in a lovely area of the country and be minutes away from the Doc and office if something comes up.
3.  You'll be a successful loser; who is back on track for good health and a better quality of life!

As for comparing it to going to Mexico.  What???  ....  Many patient's from all over the U.S. travel to safe surgery centers and hospitals for plastics, WLS and even dental!  I fly out of state for all of my dental work cuz my nephew will do it for whatever the insurance covers.  He's fabulous and so the ONE time in 20 years that I had to return within a couple of wasn't a big deal and I still saved oodles of dollars for the best dentist in the world!!!

You are NOT in an isolated part of the country and you can go to a pcp if you have a little incision issue.  Dr. Schlesinger CAN prescribe things (cept certain pain meds) over the phone so as long as you have a phone, a computer and the ability to dial a number then you are just a minute away from answers.

I would say that I am the # 1 problem kid that Dr. Schlesinger has had as a post-op and I went back to work 3 weeks after my revision.  It wasn't easy but then I had a 30 mile commute each way which often meant over an hour of driving eacy way.  You'll be fine!  As long as your hubby is a smooth sailing kind of driver and you have a cooler to pac**** packs, water bottles, and protein drinks then you'll be set!  Take mini pillows to pack around yourself and to block your belly from the airbag (jsut in case) and buy some juicy girlie books on cd to listen to'll probably enjoy the ride!!! (your hubby may cringe with the girlie story but if he's like mine, he'll be all wrapped up in it in a minute!!! LOL!)

The few days/weeks after your surgery is just a little "blip" on the timeline of your future!  Look forward to the bigger picture and just visualize yourself recovering, being positive, being compliant, lounging in a lovely hotel while sipping protein drinks and catching up with good DVD's!!!

I'm babbling but just wanted to send a cyber hug your way!  AND....I'll let you be the first to know that I am finally smelling good and have managed the bathroom issues!!!!  My secret, you want to ask?  LOL!  Well.......Ezekial bread (1 piece of toast in the a.m. and 1 piece of toast in the p.m.) charcoal capsules in the a.m., low carbing lifestyle, AND all the "Dry Mouth" products I could find at CVS and Walgreens.  Seriously....I think the smelly breath thing is because we tend to go "dry mouth".  I've been brushing more, flossing more but the mouth wash seems to have made a big difference!

I'm going to knock on wood cuz it's too early for the jury to be totally out.......BUT...I'm feeling like I've turned a major corner.  I"ve been back at the gym for 4 weeks now, have a surge of energy and feel fantastic!!!  ...Only problem....hmmmm.....back to the point where that loose skin is more noticeable in the mirror than my small size!!!!  Dang it!  I'm going to have to go plastic surgeon shopping again!  LOL!  ......Upper body lift maybe this time around?

Anyway...I didn't mean to just take up the entire Revision forum..............Of course this was the "short version" of what I really wanted to say! 

You are going to rock sweetie pie!  ......   .......Can't wait to pop in and meet you for a minute!!!!    How about sending me a little pm with your hubby's cell # so I can check in with you while you're in Phoenix???  Pleeeeeeez
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 9/26/08 10:00 am - MI
Joyce!  You wonderful person you!   I have thought it before and will say it on line.....You are a beautiful person...inside and out!  Thank you so much for your support.  I do feel better today. Especially now since your encouraging post.

I am not questioning my choice in surgeons at all.  That is actually the least of my concerns right. I know a lot of people go to Mexico for their revision and WLS but that is just not for me.  I feel more comfortable in the states.  Shoot...I know there are a lot of surgeons here in MI but none with the experience I am looking for or the ability to really consider the patient like Dr. S does.  So AZ it is for me.  We leave home early Sunday morning as the rooster crows!  

Thank you for the cyber hugs and honey, you can babble all you want, it is music to my ears!  What is Exekial bread and where do you get it?  What does black charcoal do for you?  Any secrets you can pass along in this area is greatly appreciated.  This is one of my biggest concerns.  Jenna also claims you have the diet thing down pat as well.  So don't be surprised if I ask a few more questions in the up comming weeks...

My PCP is aware of my decision and is supporting me through it!  So at least I don't have that to worry about.  I am happy to hear that Dr. S will be able to prescribe for me long distance if needed. That is great!

I will PM you our cell phone numbers.  Thanks again for your support

PS....Your new hair do look GREAT!  Good choice!

on 9/26/08 12:45 pm
(deactivated member)
on 9/28/08 12:23 am - AZ
On September 26, 2008 at 7:45 PM Pacific Time, StacysMom wrote:
 Hello again.  I am afraid I have offended some of you, but you have misconstrued what I was saying.  I would never venture to compare your Ivy-league trained surgeon with those found in Mexico!!!   My only concern (playing devil's advocate here LOL) was that, if you have so little confidence in the experience and abilities of the surgeons in your area -- WHAT IF (and that's only and "if") something goes wrong in two months (this has nothing to do with your surgeon, I've read that things just "happen") and one of those same surgeons who YOU DID NOT TRUST to fix you in the first place has to fix you on an emergency basis down the road?    You are traveling a far distance, not for price, but for expertise.     

Obviously you have the confidence that everything will go fine and that kind of positive thinking is commendable!!   

I'm only on this board to see what kind of problems happen with what types of surgery before I make my decision on which way to go.   Checking out all of the different boards.   Extra cautious.  I am trying to avoid having to get a revision down the line.   I personally would feel more comfortable with an "expert" closer to home.  LOL ;-D


~~I would never venture to compare your Ivy-league trained surgeon with those found in Mexico!!!~~

Excuse me?  What is wrong with comparing US surgeons to Mexican surgeons?  Isn't that a bit bigoted to write?  I would imagine that most any Mexican citizen reading your post is quite offended and rightfully so!  I'm not even Mexican and I am offended by that remark.

You know, when an American gets their education about what is outside of the US from their television it is embarrassing to the rest of us that open a freak'en book and do a bit of research.  But if you do get your education about countries outside the US from TV then you seriously know absolutely nothing about the world around you.

I have news for you, just because someone is born in the US does not make them better, smarter, or more skilled in the medical profession.  In the US we are seriously lacking when it comes to medical care.  Considering the dollars we pour into medicine and the mistakes that come out in return, there is simply no excuse.

Please, do a bit of research before assuming that a doctor cannot be good because he is (gasp) MEXICAN!

on 9/29/08 12:23 am - Layton, UT
You said:  "You are traveling a far distance, not for price, but for expertise.     

Obviously you have the confidence that everything will go fine and that kind of positive thinking is commendable!!   

I'm only on this board to see what kind of problems happen with what types of surgery before I make my decision on which way to go.   Checking out all of the different boards.   Extra cautious.  I am trying to avoid having to get a revision down the line.   I personally would feel more comfortable with an "expert" closer to home.  LOL ;-D"

Point taken!  Research combined with Risk = Success!  If we live by the "what if's" in would be a day of What if I get hit when I cross the street to smell that rose?  What if I don't lose enough weight with this surgery?  What if my boyfriend doesn't like me thinner?  What if ...........

I, research, get opinions from peers then with your educated decision ...GO FOR IT!  If that takes you to Mexico, Brazil or 2 blocks down the road then you have made a great decision for you.  And, "what if" it all works out and all your hard work pays off???  Me thinks you'll join us on this board to challenge those who think the what if's in life are worth taking risks for!!!

Best wishes! Making decisions regarding surgery should be a biggie!  Kudos to you for bringing up the possibilities so you'll be ready with the answers!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 9/26/08 11:43 pm - Chicago, IL
Hi Joyce -

Thank you for the beautiful post - as usual!!  I too am not worried about having it done out of state.  Dr. S wouldn't accept out-of-state patients if he felt it couldn't be controlled and handled - I know he'll solve any problem that should arise.  And I too have a great PCP that will work with Dr. S.  For the record - I would travel anywhere to Dr. S - even if it were in Mexico - it's an added bonus that it's Arizona - I love AZ!  So I'm hoping that week 2 I'm there I'll feel ok to do a little sightseeing.  I leave 2 weeks from today and am just too excited - I know the nerves will set it as it gets closer - that's only normal! 

What are the black charcoal capsules for - loose bowels?  Where to do you get them - drugstore or like GNC?  And is it a special mouthwash that says for dry mouth?  Where to you get the Ezekial bread?   I just want to be prepared to have all this stuff when I get home.

You sound like you're doing great - you've developed a great lifestyle - I admire you so much!!  I agree - you are a beautiful person - inside & out!  Thank you so much!!  Carolyn
(deactivated member)
on 9/27/08 6:31 pm, edited 9/27/08 6:31 pm - AZ
Hi Carolyn,

The black charcoal caps are for gas. If I eat certain foods they cause me alot of gas, But everyone is different.  I take them all the time. You can buy them at the drug store like CVS pharmacy. You will be just fine. Your in good hands with Dr Schlesinger. I was totally calm when I had my revision with him. I had my ERNY on July 2, 2008 and lost 65 lbs so far. I don't own a scale because I would drive myself nuts weighting my self everyday. I always have to see other doctors so I weight on there scale. Can you bring me lake perch when you come out ? Just joking. I miss my fish. Friends our coming out in Oct and usually bring about 5 lbs of lake perch on dry ice. Than my dad has a big fish fry and also freezes them. If you have any questions about your surgery I am here for you. Just pm me. I hope to meet you when you have your surgery.....Dawn
on 9/28/08 1:47 pm - Chicago, IL
Hi Dawn - thank you so much for your kind words.  I will PM you with any concerns or questions - especially after surgery!  I don't think I'll be bringing my laptop so if I don't I won't be able to post for 2 weeks (when I get home).  Thanks for the info about the capsules.  I'm going to get them this week to have them ready.  I would love to bring you the lake perch.  But how to I bring it on the plane - it would have to be checked right?  I'm not a frequent traveler so if you know how to do it I would be glad to bring for you!!!  WOW - 65 lbs!!  You're doing so fabulous!!  Are you doing ok without the carbs?  What is your daily diet like?  Give me a sample of what you have for each meal.  I'm just nervous about afterwards and want to make sure I do everything right.  I'm looking forward to meeting Dr. S and Jen and some of you!  It would be great to meet you - do you live near the hospital or Dr. S office?  Thanks for everything Dawn.  Your kindness is overwhelming!  Take care and keep on losing!!  Carolyn
Deanne K.
on 9/28/08 2:00 pm - Tucson, AZ
Just to let you know that the Hampton Inn has free internet.   You day is coming up very quickly.  Everything will go wonderful and remember that youa are in good hands.  Dr. S is wonderful and always says I am only a phone call away and he has been for me. 
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