Anyone had a follow-up surgery after old stomach stapling?

on 3/9/11 12:56 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Hi Chaty,

I'm in Nova Scotia and just saw my surgeon today about a revision.  I had VBG in 1991 and just this past Christmas with a bad episode of food stuck and vomiting all my staples let go.    I had initially lost 90lbs and kept it off for over 10 yrs, and after a regain, I just lost 45lbs on my own.  So this is not a good time to not have any restricition.  I'm sitting right at 200lbs and he expects me to lose at least 40lbs or more this time. 

My surgeon, who is semi-retired in another town is still doing the revisions and he's going to do RNY for me this time.   He expects my OR date will be before the end of June 2011, he wants it done asap to avoid a regain.  Hope you can track someone down who will fix you.   

VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
michelle M.
on 6/18/13 11:35 am - oakdale, PA
RNY on 01/17/13

I had vbg in 1996 and of course it failed after a couple of years.  I finally go a revision 1/17/13 to an RNY.  I have lost 55 lbs and although it is a little slow, i couldn't be happier.  It is very important that you see a surgeon who has lots of experience with these types of revisions as they are complicated.  I saw one surgeon who indicated he was very comfortable with performing this surgery, but after researching him found that he hadn't been practicing long enough to have lots of revision surgeries under his belt.  I found the right surgeon who had lots of experience and i am doing fine.  JUST  for some additional information, I researched the Ds and would have gone with that surgery, but was told that the surgeons were hard to find.  I found this site and came to realize that the surgeons are out there and are excellent from the reports i have seen.  I wish i would have gone with the Ds even though my surgery is a success so far.  I have pain issues and with the RNY you can not take motrin.  That is a big draw back for me, but i am still thrilled with the surgery that i have had.  Research the Ds before you make a final decision, and make sure you have a very experienced doctor.  I would have gone to CA for the Ds if i would have known about it.  

Good luck with your surgery and keep us posted.






on 3/11/11 8:57 pm - MN
Wow, your story sound alot like mine, I had stomach stapling (loop Roux n Y gastric bypass) in 1981 did great until about the early 90's then my weight started creeping back up to my orginal weight , then I started getting sick like feeling nauseated, diarriahea, some vomiting, unexplained wt loss, started getting neurological symptoms, tremors, confusion, well then I was refered to the U barriatric center as my old surgeon could not be found, I had a revisional surgery on 1/27/2009 had some complications, but they were overcome , until now , Now I have a G tube in place because I have fluid in the "old stomach" (the remnant stomach) they are trying to see if I have some kind of obstruction or something but they have to do a endoscopy surgicaly to see if they can get behind the old stomach to see. Please keep informed on how you are doing.
Sandi B
on 6/9/13 10:42 pm - Falls Church, VA

Hi, I had stomach stapling..straight gastroplasty restriction only in 1982. I was 17 and also did not get any follow up care beyond the first year.  I lost 135 lbs but the vomiting was so bad that I fell into the habit over the years of eating soft foods (usually more high in calories).  Now I am back to my pre-surgery weight and I have terrible stomach problems.  I have pain when I eat and horrendous GERD.  Regardless of what I eat, I have horribly painful burning at some point after.  I had an endoscopy a few years ago but all the doctor told me was that I had a hiatal hernia.  He did not tell me if my staple line was intact or anything.  (I didn't know to ask).  

At the time I said I would never consider revision because I just don't want to have surgery at this point in my life, but I have some serious health concerns (asthma, mild CHF, borderline high blood pressure) at this point and I am considering a change.  I attended a seminar last year and the doctor told me that he wasn't sure he could do a revision laparascopically due to scar tissue.  That scared me away for awhile but all attempts at weight loss have failed.

My original surgeon has passed on and the hospital was bought out and my records destroyed.  I have no idea what my stomach looks like. I would like to avoid a complete revision if possible.  I don't want to go through all of the pre-op crap they put you through plus my copay would be quite high.  I just want a simple fix.  


I am thinking the first step is to get my report from the gastro who did my endoscopy and see what it says.  I don't really even know what the issue is beyond the hiatal hernia.  


I am in VA and would love any recommendations or advice.  thanks


Courtney in VA

on 6/12/13 8:17 am, edited 6/12/13 8:18 am - Davison, MI

This post is 5 years old so they may be long gone.  If you want insurance to pay you will have to go thru there hoops.  There isn't a simple fix.  You are right to get the endo report and get the gastro doc to tell you what your stomach looks like.

If you really want to skip the hoops, you might want to do self-pay and check out the Mexico boards.  You might be able to get the VSG or DS if the stomach allows.

If you do a revision many of the hoops will benefit you.  The biggest complaint from those that fail at WLS is they didn't get good after care and support.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 7/23/13 11:17 am - WV

had a stomach stapling in 1983. in the last year i have stomach pain everytime i eat and instant diarrhea. a few times i have made the bathroom. went to a surgeon and had an EGD, thought i had a hernia, but was told i needed a revision. my question is even with a revision do you still have to go thru this 6 month prep. i am in pain daily. weight loss syrgery was not on my mind when i went for the EGD. i can't say i am not happy about getting a second chance.

on 6/3/14 7:02 am

The technical term for the stomach stapling surgery is Vertical Banded Gastroplasty, which I also had in 1983.  I went from 305 lbs down to 165 and kept most of it off until 2007.  During the course of those 24 years, I had three children and gained approximately 35 lbs back.   I considered it a great success.  However, when I hit my mid 40s everything changed and the weight started to creep on even though I hadn't changed my eating habits or amount of food.  Then, menopause hit and I watched fat go around my middle where I'd never had it in my life.  In the last 7 years, the weight has slowly crept back on and to seal the deal, I took a bad fall in 2012 breaking both bones in my left leg and being out of commission for 5 months.  Currently, I weigh 259 and I just feel awful.  Yesterday, I went to see a bariatric surgeon to discuss a revision to a roux en y gastric bypass.  He has done many of them, but you could tell he isn't a fan, and made sure I left knowing about the risks.  1)  The risk of death goes from 1/400 to a non-revision gastric bypass to 1/200 for a revision.  2)  The risk of other issues (leakage, infection, etc.) goes up considerably, as well.  3)  The weight loss isn't nearly as great for a revision.  At 260 lbs, I have 105 lbs to lose.  I was told I could likely not expect to lose more than about 60 lbs.  For me, any weight loss is better than no weight loss at all, and what I have to consider at this point are the risks.

(deactivated member)
on 3/2/11 5:50 am - kamloops, Canada
 Wow it is so comforting to know that there are others out there who are experiencing the same issues as myself.  In March of 1995 I had the stomach staple and I only ever lost 60lb which I have slowly put on.  I can eat anything and everything.  I have spent quiet a bit of time googling trying to find a Dr in the British Columbia area who can do a check up.   I see that some of you have done a revision and Im not to sure what that entails.  The Dr that did my surgery was in Carston, Alberta and has since retired.  I have called the hospital but they can't help me.  
I am frustrated and need help.  If any of you are in Canada in the BC area and can help point me in the right area Please Please I'm all ears.  

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