Feel like a Failure

AphY Girl
on 9/24/08 1:03 am
I started at 420lbs in Spring 2001 - (surgery July 2001) lost down to 225lbs by 18 months out.  Had a baby (April 2005), a tummy tuck (Nov 2005) and another baby (April 2007) and gained up to 327lbs.  I currently weigh 307lbs (lost 20lbs from being sick and have heartburn when I ate as well as a UTI).

So anyhow, I went and have the Endoscopy done yesterday morning.  The doctor how preformed it is not my surgeon, however, he said that my pouch looked fine as did my 'opening'...

I FEEL LIKE A FAILURE!!  Every time I think about it I cry... he said that I should write down everything I stick in my mouth he doesn't understand how I have gained this weight back.

So, where do I go from here?
on 9/24/08 4:54 am - UK
I'd see another surgeon and get a second opinion. If you post on the RNY board they'll tell you how to do the pouch test, which I think indicates how much 'capacity' you have - you might feel yourself that you can eat more, faster, than when you were post-op.

If there are things wrong, there are various ways of fixing them - pouch resizing, common channel shortening, the things like ROSE and stomaphyx, adding a band, getting a DS revision - its a long list, but you need someone who knows what they're talking about - the doctor you saw doesn't fill me with confidence!

Don't feel bad either, you aren't alone, and it isn't the end. Good luck


DS revision from failed lapband

on 9/24/08 11:20 am - MI
I agree with PekinSal...get another opinion!  It is very obvious your doctor does not understand or may not even have your best interest at heart.  YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!  You're RNY failed you. You are also not alone!

There were some things back in 2001 that they did not fully understand about the RNY or just failed to tell patients.  I know as I also had my RNY in 2001 and since have learned so much more then what they told me prior to the surgery.  I am currently scheduled for a revision on Oct. 3rd.

I had the upper GI done and one doctor told me it looked "normal" and yet another told me it was definitely stretched.  You have a right to all of your test reports.  I would suggest getting a copy of these tests and have them sent or take them to another doctor for a 2nd opinion.

The 5 day pouch test that Sal mentioned can be found at  www.5daypouchtest.com.  I would also recommend that you read Dr. Schlesingers "ABC's of Revision".  The link is below or you can put it in the "search" at the top of the page.  It gives some very good information and is worth reading.  Good Luck to you and please don't give up!    http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/action,replies/board_id,5360/cat_id,4960/topic_id,3537444/a,messageboard
on 9/30/08 10:48 am
Oh this is my story all over again....I did the same thing and for years. I felt like a failure too and then I saw Dr. S in Phoenix and am now working towards a DS revision and guess what??? When I had the swallow test and the upper GI my pouch looked exactly like it should and I still can only eat about a 1/2 cup of rice and about a 1/2 of a hamburger and not too much red meat, which means I still have a great deal of restriction in my pouch. It isn't me and it isn't you. Please go and see another Dr. there are things beyond our control and although some surgeries work perfectly for some people and they lose the weight and maintain there are some of us who don't and it isn't our fault. We are not all made the same and our bodies don't work the same. Please let us know what you find out but please don't give up and know that there is always someone here to listen.
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