I GOT A DATE...WELL ALMOST...at least I think!

on 9/15/08 11:57 am - MI
 Looks like my ERNY with Dr. S will be next Wednesday!!!  Whew....I can't hardly believe it!  The office had an opening and asked me if I wanted to fill the spot.  Of course I said YES!  Jen just needs to confirm that she can put me in this slot and will let me know in the morning for sure.  I guess this will test my abilities to plan a trip across country in 4 days!     I was pretty excited earlier but now I think I am feeling a bit nervous as well....go figure!  It will be great to finally be done with the approvals, tests etc and on the other side.  Jen has been absolutely wonderful working with me to get this far.  I don't know how she did it but....she did, and I am not questioning that any further for fear of jinxing myself.  
Deanne K.
on 9/15/08 12:57 pm - Tucson, AZ
Congratulations and you wll be in good hands.  Dr. Schlesinger is the best.  You can get the plans together by then.  What day are you flying out?  I will see Dr. Schlesinger on Monday after the conference this weekend and hopefully he will be able to take my drain out.
on 9/16/08 9:55 am - MI
Thank you Deanne for your kind words.  That is what I hear about Dr. Schlesinger and one of the reasons I am traveling from MI to AZ to have this done.....because I know I will be in good hands.  My date had to be moved back slightly do to a conflict at the office.  My confirmed date is not OCT. 3RD! Woo hoo.  We will be driving, my husband hates to fly and Dr. S. said that if we drive we may be able to head home a little sooner then if we fly.  How long did you have to have your drain in?  How are you feeling?  Any tips you can think to add would be helpful.  
(deactivated member)
on 9/15/08 4:00 pm - AZ
That's great news. Are you going to fly out here or do a road trip? The tickets are pretty expensive non stop from Detroit to Phx. I check the prices everyday and see If I can get the cheap ones. I would like to go home to Detroit for Christmas but that will be the most expensive time. To bad you could not come for Friday and this Saturday for the OH convention. Keep us posted...
on 9/16/08 10:08 am - MI
Hi Dawn,

I am doing the road trip....my confirmed date is Oct 3rd.  I am pretty excited about it!  Just need to find a hotel and all the fun stuff that goes with traveling.  How have you been feeling since your surgery? I hope you are not experiencing any issues.  Thanks for your post.  I appreciate it. 
on 9/16/08 12:50 am - IN
Congratulations!!  I know we haven't really met yet but i've looked thru your profile and posts and I feel like I almost know you already!!  Our stories are oh so similar!  I'm also looking into a revision but unfortunately it seems like my insurance would not cover Dr. S.  (Everybody just raves about this man, he must truly be a special doc!!!)  So, I have an initial consult with Dr. Inman in the Indianapolis area on  the 29th of Sept.  I'm very excited to see what she has to say!  I had a RNY in Feb 02 with Dr. Schram and lost about 140 lbs.  However, I've been struggling with anemia for several years and feeling horrible most of the time.  I have since regained all but about 50 lbs.  ugggggg  So, i'm not sure what revision would be most appropriate for me, but with the anemia i'm unsure whether another procedure with further malabsorption would be ideal.  But....i'm truly not a doctor so i'll have to wait and see what's recommended.    Anyway,

Good luck to you!!!  You're almost on the losers bench again!  ya hoo!  Keep us posted !!  God Bless
on 9/16/08 10:28 am - MI
 Hello Kimmad,

THANK YOU for the well wishes!  I am pretty excited.  

I am so sorry to hear of your troubles.  It's rough when things are such a struggle.  I know, I have been there!  There were so many things that they DID NOT tell me after my RNY in 2001.  I have learned so much since and one of the important things was why my original wls failed.  Becoming more educated this 2nd time around has given me the hope that I can make this one work!

I too suffered from anemia, low B12 and low D.  I have been on script iron now for 2 years, which only causes severe "potty" problems for me.  I am actually hoping this ERNY will help relieve some of this if you know what I mean.    As long as I am religious about taking my vitamins I seem to do ok.  I need a little adjustment now and again but seem to be handling it.  I never realized before just how important it was to ALWAYS take the vitamins especially since I was never a vitamin taker my whole life.  Once it gets low it is hard to rebound back.

I am sure Dr. Inman will be good for you.  If you are not comfortable with her then don't settle or give up.  Find the right doctor for you!  I am sure one thing the Dr. will have to help you do is bring up that iron level prior to your surgery.  This was one of the things Dr. S. looked for was to ensure your levels were adequate.

Don't get discouraged.  I too thought I would never be able to get a revision.  I guess I felt I had my one chance and I blew it.  Now I can hardly believe I am getting a 2nd chance!  I am so thankful for this one.  You will get yours too.  I will say a prayer for you.  PM me if you have any questions you think I might be able to help answer.  Hang in there!
on 9/19/08 2:12 pm - Manteca, CA
My RnY failed me and I am going for the top of the line, the DS. Please tell me why your original WLS failed? I am really curious. Please tellme what you learned?




Check out
www.dsfacts.com  and www.duodenalswitch.com
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 9/20/08 8:57 am - MI
 Hello KRWaters,

My WLS failed for a couple of reasons;
1. My pouch stretched
2. I don't believe my CC was short enough
3. I ate to many carbs
4. I didn't always follow the pouch rules
5. There is a possibility there may be other problems I am not aware of.  Dr. S will investigate when he does my ERNY.  Over the past 5 months I have been waking up with stuff coming back up through my throat and choking.  So he will check this out as well.  Not sure if it is because of the RNY or something else.

What did I learn:
1. WLS of any kind is a tool and it is best not to forget that in order to have the most success
2. I should have worked at changing my "head" when my wls was in the early stages
3. Taking vitamins IS NOT an option, it is mandatory!
4. Never become complacent and get the mind set that there is one wls that is a "fix all".  This is just not true.  What is true is that there are some WLS procedures that yield better results then others.
5. It is important to have support from family and friends not just at surgery time but long term as well.  Their support can help make your wls easier
6. It is essential to give up carbs!
7.  ALWAYS follow what your doctors instructions are.  WLS failures do happen and they can happen to you.
8.  WLS means a lifestyle change.  Thinking that after you have it you can 100% go back to the way life was before is inaccurate and you're just fooling yourself.

I guess I could go on and on.  I am so thankful for this second chance I am getting.  LIke you believe with the DS, I believe the ERNY "is the top of the line" as well but as it effects my personal cir****tances.  If it were my first wls then I would probably agree that it is the top of the line and I would seriously consider it.  But since there is so much risk involved with the take down of the pouch I think the ERNY does just as well.  At least as far as the long term results go.  But then again I do not have the problems with dumping and "things" getting stuck in my stoma.  This is why I say that it is a personal choice what wls is best for you and your cir****tances and that no wls is a one size fits all.

Good luck to you on your new journey.  I hope everything works smoothly.  I am sure you will love your DS once you get there!

Gwynn M.
on 9/16/08 11:32 am - Tucson, AZ

HOW COOL!!  Congratulations!!  Very good news!   Yes, Jen is an awesome lady!  She works VERY hard!  And your choice of surgeon, wellllllllllll.....he's simply the BEST. 

You'll do GREAT!


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