Endoscopy THIS Monday!!

Gwynn M.
on 9/13/08 1:11 pm - Tucson, AZ
Hi ya'all......have a question about my endoscopy this Monday morning....

I know I'm NOT supposed to eat anything after midnight.......what abou****ER?

Can I drink water up until I get to Phx. for the endoscopy???  I'm coming from Tucson, long way to not be able to drink water....but won't if thats the requirement!!

I know, shoulda asked before the weekend got here!!  My bad.

on 9/13/08 1:30 pm
Revision on 08/04/15
I have had 9 dilations due to 2 strictures...   my doc allows water up to 3 hrs prior to the procedure...

best wishes to you
(deactivated member)
on 9/13/08 2:09 pm - AZ

I always sneak some water before a procedure. Maybe you will get nausea afterwards. I would rinse your mouth out and just sip alittle. Your bad and I am bad. Keep me posted of your results.
on 9/14/08 12:00 am - mesa, AZ
Ya know you could call Jen or even ask Joyce ??   I am sure they could answer that question for you.

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 9/14/08 12:59 pm
Part of the reason you are asked not to eat or drink after midnight is that if there are items gurgling around in your stomach and you become nauseated and vomit during the procedure (perhaps because of the sedatives/anethesia used ), then there is more of a chance that you might aspirate or accidently breathe into your lungs this vomit and that is a rapid recipe for pnuemonia.  By not drinking/eating you reduced the risk of that complication.
I am an RN looking into revision myself, but I often work in the day surgery unit of our hospital and we do many endoscopies and colonoscopies and that's why for most any procedure requiring "conscious sedation" (where you're asleep, but very lightly so) or general anethesia patients are asked not to eat or drink after midnight.
on 9/16/08 3:14 am - Chicago, IL
Being an RN can I ask you - I'm having a revision on Oct. 14th.  I'm told not to eat or drink anything after midnight but my surgery isn't scheduled until 12:15 pm.  How can I go that long w/o anything to drink?   I don't mind not eating - but I'm constantly thirsty.  Thanks for your advice!
on 9/18/08 1:20 pm
You can do it.  You'll be hungry, but you want the best possible outcome after surgery without any complications and you'll be able to do it.  If your mouth gets really dry , you can suck on an ice cube (suck, don't crunch  and chew and swallow a bunch of ice).  How exciting you're having a revision so soon!  That's SUPER!! Good luck.
on 9/19/08 8:13 am - Chicago, IL
I don't care about being hungry.  It's just the dry mouth and thirst.  But I will suck on an ice cube.  Thanks for the suggestion!!  I'm excited - I leave for AZ 3 weeks from tomorrow - yikes!!  Thanks so much!!  Carolyn
Gwynn M.
on 9/16/08 11:15 am - Tucson, AZ

I posted this over on the Arizona forum also (cuz I live there! LOL!), so I'm sorry for those who might read it twice but did wanna thank everyone over here too that eased my STRESS!!

Hi again Ya'all!  I just wanted to THANK EVERYBODY so much for making me feel less nervous about my endoscopy yesterday!  You guys were RIGHT!  LOL!   Just a little freaked out cuz I've never had one and didn't know what to expect!!

May I just say that my endoscopy experience was DELIGHTFUL.  LOL.....

My doctor, Dr. Schlesinger is not only an INCREDIBLE SURGEON, but an INCREDIBLE PERSON!!  He made me feel very comfortable before the procedure when he just chatted with me. 

Here's the deal, for me, I thought to myself, this sugeon KNOWS what he's doing, he does this stuff EVERYDAY........just like I used to be good at wiring critical engine systems at Honeywell, so I should just RELAX and let him do what he does BEST!!  And I did, and he DID! LOL

My anestheologist (Scott) was awesome too!  Knows his stuff also!  My nurse (Danielle) was very sweet. All in all, I was made very comfortable for the whole deal.   When I woke up,  I was SHOCKED that it was over!!  I could NOT believe I didn't remember a THING...LOL, just like the docs promised!!  I was laughing and joking and SO RELIEVED!  Not even a sore throat!  Last thing I remember was seein' Dr. Schlesinger pick up the big longggg, black tubey camera thing  ......LOL......................................

So for anyone goin' in for the first time..........not to worry!!  LOL


Paula Prichard
on 9/22/08 4:59 pm - Kingman, AZ
Dr. S. is doing my endoscopy on Friday....did they find anything when you did yours??

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