To Everyone Out Here! - YOU!

on 9/13/08 2:29 am - Richton Park, IL
i sent this to another message board by mistake.. It really should be HERE!


We are not failures!!!!  We have taken a step that most "Skinny" individuals in all their wisdom (they think) would NEVER be able to do!  To each and every person on this board, YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!!!  You took a stand, you stood up to weight, you stood up to all the people who looked at you crazy,  who whispered about you, smirked bout you, and everything else.... IT TOOK GUTS, COURAGE, AND NERVES OF STEEL TO DO THAT!

I too had an RNY in 2000, I too gained back almost all of the weight I lost, and I too felt like a failure, but hear me, and hear me well... WE WERE GREATED FOR GREATNESS!  YES YOU, AND YOU, AND YOU!

I had to learn to believe in myself, was it easy NO!  I had to get up every morning look in the mirror and convience myself that I was beautiful (dispite what I thought I saw in the mirror)  sometimes we have allowed so much of others thoughts and views to color our own view of ourselves.  I will bet there is not one of you out there, who doesn't have something you do that people sit back and marvel at!

I am sure you are wondering WHY I decided to post this??  Because I am there, I have been there but I refuse to be there any longer!!!  Did any of you realize that you share so much knowledge and wisdom!  YOU DO!  Just like you took that first step, you will take the next one and the difference between them and us, 'WE HAVE DETERMINATION AND DRIVE", we even have WILL POWER, but WE HAVEN'T REALIZED OUR POWER YET!!!!  For those of you like me who are seeking revision, keep going, keep going, keep going and most of all remember, no matter what color, what size, how young or how old, " YOU ARE WONDERFULLY & FEARFULLY MADE, AND YOU HAVE WHAT THE SKINNY KNOW IT ALLS DON'T,     "NERVES OF STEEL!"
on 9/13/08 6:18 am
God Bless you!  Thank you for those wonderful words! 
RN-Y Bypass - 2004
615 lbs to 350 lbs
Back up to 400 lbs - 2008

Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part one - 9/2/08
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part two - 10/10/08
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