Post Op 5 Years and Need Some Help Here!

on 9/12/08 4:44 am - columbus, OH
 Is there anyone who had WLS over 5+ years ago and is now just starting to gain weight? I NEVER lost all my excess weight from the RNY I had in 2003. I lost 125 lbs in six months after surgery and nothing after that. I have recently gained 20 of the 125 lbs back. I'm so disgusted and disappointed. I've been overweight all my life and realistically thought that WLS would get me to the 175-195 weight range, even though ideally I would like to be in the same range as some other WLS patients who have successfully lost all their excess weight. I know everybody's body is different, but it is so upsetting doing everything right and not getting the results I so wanted. Sorry for ranting, I'm just upset and need some guidance here from someone who's been (or is) at this same dismal place! 

on 9/12/08 5:12 am
I am right there with ya!  I've gained back 50 pounds since my surgery 5 years ago.  I just had a procedure done and I am down 5 pounds (if not more) already.... check out the Endoscopic Sclerotherapy.  So far so good for me... I wish you the best!  God Bless
RN-Y Bypass - 2004
615 lbs to 350 lbs
Back up to 400 lbs - 2008

Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part one - 9/2/08
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part two - 10/10/08
on 9/12/08 7:07 am - Orlando, FL
Hello, I had my RNY done on 3/2005, I weighed 234.  My lowest weight was 158 and that was some time around 2006.  I am currently 203, so as you see you are not alone. I believe I could have lost more, but unfortunately.............. we all have different stories!!!!

Good Luck and God Bless!!!
Diana M.
on 9/12/08 7:50 am, edited 9/12/08 7:51 am - Amarillo, TX
I never lost all of the weight I wanted to lose. I was still carrying about 60lbs when I had my lower belt lipectomy in 2004 (at 2.5 yrs out.) I was thrilled with having a flat tummy, but unfortunately within months started gaining because I was working two jobs and no longer took the time and effort to eat well and exercise. I am over 6.5 yrs out and have gained at least 40lbs from my lowest stable weight. (I don't count the five minutes I was at 166 after the LBL.) It's very hard but I had an incling then what is now becoming a reality - revision. From the outset I experience slow weight loss only losing 96lbs my first year out. I am 5'2" and started at 318. I lost 15 pre-op then lost down to 183 prior to LBL. I knew during the process I was going to bounce back regain due to the fact that I had a Lap RNY (which by my understanding means not as much is bypassed and is therefore less distal. Less distal = less weight loss.) I wish I had known about distal RNY prior to having surgery..sigh. Live and learn.
on 9/12/08 11:28 am - columbus, OH
 Thanks for sharing. I wish I would have known about OH pre and post surgery so that I could have learned more from other folks. It's comforting to know that at least I'm not alone.

Diane, I did not realize that with a lap RNY you will not lose as much because it is less distal. I had a lap RNY and no one explained this to me either until you just did!

I'm 5'3 and was 324 before WLS. I got down to 199, now I'm up to 219. I've been trying so hard these last few years to lose more but that scale isn't moving. So, what's up with revision options?

Butterfly, you mentioned you had a revision. Do all WL surgeons perform your type of revision? I've heard of people having to fly out of state to find doctors that can do revisions. I'm not sure if my surgeon does anything like that or if I would even qualify for one. Am I, or is my situation of only losing 6 months post op, considered a failed surgery? I did lose 100 lbs, but at 199 and now 219 lbs, I'm still obese. I'd love to even get to the "overweight" category. I'm so envious of those who are now considered at goal or their ideal weight. I don't think my body type is meant to be skinny. My lowest weight that I can remember was when I was 16 yrs old I was 168 lbs and I was the fattest girl in the I'm 43 yrs old and I'd kill to be 168 lbs! I've never known what it's like to be thin and I'm not sure if I ever will.

on 9/13/08 12:02 am - Charlton, MA
I am 9 years out and have gained back around 50 lbs.  I went to the surgeon, had an upper GI and learned that I have a fistula which is a path from the pouch to the old stomach so basically my surgery is no longer working.  I would suggest doing this and, in addition, ask them to check your thyroid just to be sure there is not a medical reason for this weight gain.

What I have found, being 9 years out, is that the "cheerleaders" are the people who are a few years out but most of us at some point gain some weight back and get disgusted.  I have three friends who have had it done and they are all almost back to their original weight because of poor eating choices and the lack of exercise.  At some time, the buden becomes ours and ours alone and those of us, myself included, who thought the surgery was the "key" realize that it isn't.  It is just a handy tool.

I share your frustration and feel your pain.  I've had people (my mother in particular) comment on how I've gotten "fat" and I feel sick to my stomach and it only makes me want to eat more!!  THe last 8 weeks I've been walking religiously, even bought a treadmill for home and I've lost 10 lbs.  You have to find the motivation from within and recognize that the surgery brought you to a certain point but now it is your job.  And a 125 lb weight loss?!?!?!  That is amazing.  You can get those 20 lbs. off if you set your mind to it.

Good luck,
on 9/13/08 6:09 am - columbus, OH
 Thanks for sharing your situation, Jenn.

I should make an appointment to see what's going on. I've been to my family physician each year but have not been back to my WLS since my 1 year post op. My family doc diagnosed me with anemia and B12 deficiency, but I am being treated for it and I guess it's not unusual for bariatric patients to acquire these vitamin deficiencies after surgery. I do exercise regularly, actually I just taught dance classes for four hours, so I get in my workouts. My eating could be better, but I still don't eat large portions of food, but I do eat constantly, like every 2-3 hours. Most of the time I make good food choices, but like you, I do have the occasional ice cream! My husband roped me into doing the "body for life" program and after six weeks I still did not lose not one ounce. Some how my body is resisting, so thanks for the thyroid advice. It's been almost a year since I had it last checked. So maybe something's going on there.

What type of revision are you having? I noticed on the general board you posted that you have a fistula and are scheduled for a revision? 

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