Another common channel question~

on 9/9/08 5:48 am - NEPA, PA
I'm trying to find out everything I can these days, and so the latest question is in regards to the common channel-
Is getting a shorter common channel considered part of a DS? I just want to get my facts straight. I really want this to be the final time I have surgery, so the more I know, the better off I will be.
Thanks in advance for your help,
on 9/9/08 7:26 am - UK
If you have an RNY and are thinking of an eRNY then the operation is still different from a revision to a DS.

In RNY I think the surgeon measures downwards - if you imagine your intestines as an 'S' shape, then your new tube will be placed on the top of the S for a normal RNY.

For an eRNY it will be in the middle, but for a DS it will be right at the bottom of the S. DSers routinely get CCs of 100cms; this means that the bypassed part is often 900cm. RNYers I think are usually the other way round - they get perhaps 100cm bypassed, and 900cm absorbing. eRNY is somewhere in the middle.

So DSers absorb the least calories from a given quantity of food, but then our stomachs are left larger so that we are able to take in enough protein to stay healthy.The RNY pouch size can make this more difficult, so you wouldn't want a lot of bypass/malabsorbtion if you only have a teeny pouch for protein.

I'm rambling again, so sorry, but I had to get this straight in my own head when I was picking revision surgery!


DS revision from failed lapband

on 9/9/08 12:35 pm - Layton, UT
Hey Sal,
I'm always getting the top differences twisted but......the DS'ers and the ERny's are equal with their bottom half; meaning we have the malapsorption in common because of our shortened common channel.  My common channel is 50 cm which is short even for a DSer.  In fact, I've been invited on quite a few DS support sites and have found very few 50 cm surgery buds to compare notes with.  Vitalady is coaching me through things, as is my fab surgeon, Dr. Schlesinger.

My understanding is that with the top half:  A DSer has a sleeve (orginal piece of the stomach that is cut to take any type of med mostly, (not reversible) has the pyloric valve in tact (some Rny revisions to DS are unable to resurrect dead pyloric valve)....and though they have some restriction, they don't have dumping.  They still need supplements because of the extreme malapsorption.....
The top of the Rny is just rerouted from the stomach with a small pouch constructed. It is reversible if needed.  Dumping is a possibility as a natural consequence to poor choices but isn't a sure deal for all.  Restriction is severe at start and then relaxes to 6 to 8 ounces for most which is still smaller capacity than most traditional sleeves.

Both the DS and the ERny have great losing results.  Both need a lifetime of high maintenance for optimum health though the DS does absorb more with the original stomach still in use.  Vitalady gives the same supplement schedule to both types.

As a revision option from a proximal Rny; both are great choices but the DS involves much more so an experienced surgeon would be a must to help you choose between the 2.

My rule of thumb in selecting ANY surgeon....."IF" they suggest another type of surgery than what you are after then RUN!!!!  That is a sure sign that they either feel uncomfortable with the desired procedure or feel you shouldn't have it for some reason,.  If their reason is valid then a 2nd opinion is vital.

Probably too much info, right?  I know there are a lot of details that I'm leaving out and I'm sure I"ve offended someone cuz I didn't spell it all out correctly.....My apologies....just hoping that the main point someone notices is to find a GREAT surgeon and do your research.

There is great information on the ABC's of Revision if you put it in this forum's search.  To the left of this thread are some links to read through as well.  And as is always can find out more info on the DS surgery by asking on the DS forum. 

Wondering why there isn't an Erny forum to send people to???  Hmmmmm.....maybe we should petition the higher ups of O.H. to round one up for us?

BTW....I like your softer approach to sharing the DS info Sal.......People bristle when some of us come on so strong like we are superior because of our uniquely twisted insides!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 9/9/08 2:02 pm - NEPA, PA
Not too much info for me..I'm trying to figure out exactly what to do..(see my post: Topic: Ok, so mebbe I need to swallow my pride.... ) I am so torn. I keep thinking that DS would be best as a more permanent solution, but who knows if I would even qualify since I've had the RNY pouch for the last 9 years. I mean I am able to take all the meds I need to take, and meal size is about 6oz give or take. I also have some dumping even though my original surgery bypassed only something like 40 cm of intestine. It's all so confusing, scarey and exciting all at the same time
Anyways, I guess while I am waiting to get together with my surgeon, I will talk to this other doc who does DS and see what his opinion is. (My current one does not do the DS) I pretty much need to put it in God's hands. I'll continue to do research, and make inquiries etc. I guess the only other thing as far as my current surgeon goes, is to ask him about the eRNY. Then when I have all my facts, see where I want to go from there.
Please forgive me for my ignorance in the meantime- I just want to make an informed decision.
Thanks again~
on 9/10/08 6:08 am - UK
On September 9, 2008 at 7:35 PM Pacific Time, JRinAZ wrote:
Hey Sal,
I'm always getting the top differences twisted but......the DS'ers and the ERny's are equal with their bottom half; meaning we have the malapsorption in common because of our shortened common channel.  My common channel is 50 cm which is short even for a DSer.  In fact, I've been invited on quite a few DS support sites and have found very few 50 cm surgery buds to compare notes with.  Vitalady is coaching me through things, as is my fab surgeon, Dr. Schlesinger.

My understanding is that with the top half:  A DSer has a sleeve (orginal piece of the stomach that is cut to take any type of med mostly, (not reversible) has the pyloric valve in tact (some Rny revisions to DS are unable to resurrect dead pyloric valve)....and though they have some restriction, they don't have dumping.  They still need supplements because of the extreme malapsorption.....
The top of the Rny is just rerouted from the stomach with a small pouch constructed. It is reversible if needed.  Dumping is a possibility as a natural consequence to poor choices but isn't a sure deal for all.  Restriction is severe at start and then relaxes to 6 to 8 ounces for most which is still smaller capacity than most traditional sleeves.

Both the DS and the ERny have great losing results.  Both need a lifetime of high maintenance for optimum health though the DS does absorb more with the original stomach still in use.  Vitalady gives the same supplement schedule to both types.

As a revision option from a proximal Rny; both are great choices but the DS involves much more so an experienced surgeon would be a must to help you choose between the 2.

My rule of thumb in selecting ANY surgeon....."IF" they suggest another type of surgery than what you are after then RUN!!!!  That is a sure sign that they either feel uncomfortable with the desired procedure or feel you shouldn't have it for some reason,.  If their reason is valid then a 2nd opinion is vital.

Probably too much info, right?  I know there are a lot of details that I'm leaving out and I'm sure I"ve offended someone cuz I didn't spell it all out correctly.....My apologies....just hoping that the main point someone notices is to find a GREAT surgeon and do your research.

There is great information on the ABC's of Revision if you put it in this forum's search.  To the left of this thread are some links to read through as well.  And as is always can find out more info on the DS surgery by asking on the DS forum. 

Wondering why there isn't an Erny forum to send people to???  Hmmmmm.....maybe we should petition the higher ups of O.H. to round one up for us?

BTW....I like your softer approach to sharing the DS info Sal.......People bristle when some of us come on so strong like we are superior because of our uniquely twisted insides!

I think an ERNY forum would be a great idea, since it seems to be quite a different proposition than the normal RNY. I'd be interested too, information is power when you're faced with doctors I find!

Thank you for your compliment too - DSers can be a bit loud and proud, on account of being outnumbered I think, but in the end we're all just trying to get to the same place. I think we have more in common than we have differences - twisted and happy!

DS revision from failed lapband

on 9/9/08 7:42 am - NEPA, PA
Thank you sooooooooo much as I am revision challenged
The reason I was asking is because while my Doc doesn't do DS's, I thought may******NY might be better in the long run.  I just don't want to seem like an idiot when I go to my next appt.
I appreciate your patience and thanks again for your response.
on 9/10/08 6:02 am - UK
You're welcome - it is hard, I mean I barely scraped through human biology at school, and now we have to think about hard things like this!

I hope you find surgeon(s) that can help you with your options - then in the end if you have a choice of surgeries you just have to jump in with both feet and pray!


DS revision from failed lapband

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