Back from my Endoscopic Sclerotherapy

on 9/2/08 7:39 am
Everything went great!  I have been home since 12:30, but I am in a lot of pain so have been sleeping.  When I woke up it felt like someone jammed a huge metal rod down my throat and into my stomach where it then exploded.  It was so hard to breath and the pain is really like your extremely raw inside, like your choking sorta and feel it through your back even!  I was given 4 injections of pain meds, I left "comfortable" but DIZZY and loopy!!!  By the time I got home the pain has came back, but certainly isn't as bad as it was when I woke up!  It really really burns to burp, there is pain to breath and I've been sipping on warm beef broth due to hypoglycemia, even though I would so rather not eat!  I have to go back 4 more times, once a week, for another round.  Ouchie!!!

Its by far WAY better then the RN-Y pain, but its sure not a comfortable recovery!  I will know tomorrow if this is going to work, I hope it does!!!!  I'd hate to have to go back 4 more times for this, and not lose some weight!

I am going to nap some more now, have a great night everyone! 
RN-Y Bypass - 2004
615 lbs to 350 lbs
Back up to 400 lbs - 2008

Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part one - 9/2/08
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part two - 10/10/08
on 9/2/08 10:21 am - Chicago, IL
I hope it works for you so you don't have to go thru it again!  Sweet Dreams!  Get a lot of R&R - hope you feel a lot better tomorrow!  Keep us posted!! 
Gwynn M.
on 9/2/08 12:08 pm - Tucson, AZ
Oh OUCH!  I'm scheduled to have an endoscopy in a couple of weeks!!  Never had one before, and ummmm, kinda sounds like I won't like it too much! 

I'm glad it's over....for now, for you and hope you get some sweet rest!!
AND, I hope it works!

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/08 11:05 am - AZ

I had tons of EGD's and they are nothing. You should not have pain in your stomach afterwards. Maybe your throat will be alittle sore but there should be no swelling. The more EDG's your doctor does should not have any pain. Relax it is no big deal. Don't worry about it. You will be just fine. I hope and pray you get approved.

on 9/4/08 11:21 am
I've never had stomach pain after any of my endoscopy's, I've had 4 of them.  This was more then a basic endoscopy as my doctor injected an irritant several times into my stoma, that caused scar tissue and swelling.  So, there is stomach pain after the procedure I had, but not for a basic endoscopy.
RN-Y Bypass - 2004
615 lbs to 350 lbs
Back up to 400 lbs - 2008

Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part one - 9/2/08
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part two - 10/10/08
Gwynn M.
on 9/4/08 11:47 am - Tucson, AZ

Thank you SO much Dawn!!  Little bit nervous....but not too bad!   Today feels like a new DAY after I had a very INSPIRING & KIND phone call from a very special lady

It's amazing to me how your thoughtfulness and so many others on here can make such a sweet difference in my day!!

I have NOT given up!  I just can't! LOL!

Thanks for thinkin' 'bout me!!  How are YOU doin'??  I hope you're feelin' GREAT!!



on 9/2/08 7:41 pm - Orlando, FL
Wow since the procedrue is less invasive, I thought you'de be in less pain. Sorry to hear your suffering... REMEBER THERE'S LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!!!!! Good Luck abd s=a speedy recovery to you.

Annette, Orlando, FL
on 9/3/08 12:53 am
Hi everyone!

Thanks for the replies! 

I feel a lot better this morning!  I have a little bit of pain deep in my throat and weird feeling down in my stomach.  Overall though I feel a lot better!  I got serious relief after I sent my husband to the store to get me some sf popsicles!  That took away a lot of the pain, probably because it reduced some of the swelling!  The broth felt good because it was warm, but the cold actually made a lot of difference!  So, any of you that get this done, make sure to get sf popsicles!!!!

This morning I've had a yummy sf Carnation protein shake, since I am on liquids all day... its popsicles and protein shakes for me!  lol    I've decided I am not going to eat "normal" food for a few weeks yet.  I am going to do soft foods and protein shakes.  My husband and I will be doing Slim Fast, but my "sensible meal" will be of the softer, High Protein variety.  I just feel that the longer I go with out weighing down my stoma with heavy foods, the better/longer it might work for me!  Just my thoughts really, but I am going to try it.  I have to call my doctor later this afternoon, so I am going to run it by him too. 

I really didn't expect this much pain either!  I am just glad that its almost gone now!  Well, til next week when I have to do it all over again....

If it works, it will be all worth it!
RN-Y Bypass - 2004
615 lbs to 350 lbs
Back up to 400 lbs - 2008

Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part one - 9/2/08
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part two - 10/10/08
on 9/4/08 6:26 am - Midland, MI


I go in for a consult about having the procedure done the end of September, please keep me posted with your progress it has been hard for me to find very many patients who have had this procedure.


on 9/4/08 10:54 am
Well, today has been a good one!  I woke up feeling even better yet!  My stomach is still a bit sore, especially if I drink too fast.  I am eating soft foods now, and I definitely feel fuller after I eat!  It lasts about 45 minutes, whereas before the procedure I was only full about 10-15 minutes!  That makes me happy! 

I've been doing Slim Fast low carb Protein shakes, might I say YUMMY!!!!  They don't seem to help me last in between meals sadly.... but at least they offer good protein!  I've been able to stay under 1500 calories yesterday and today.  My goal is to continue that limit, even as my food intake gets more solid.  I am staying away from all heavy meats, by choice. 

My diet so far is:

Cottage cheese
Slim Fast protein shakes
SF Jello
SF Pudding
SF Popsicles
Mashed Potatoes (but am trying to limit them to very little) with Beef Broth for protein
Low sugar apple sauce
Low sugar yogurt

I am trying to stick with serving sizes, but I do feel hungry after eating only servings.  I drink shakes in between meals.  I will be going back for #2 soon, doc will make my stoma even smaller yet.  So, then I will stay fuller longer, I can't wait!  Sadly, this procedure won't change my pouch size and he did say it was stretched quite a lot.   My stoma is supposed to be the size of the tip of a pinky... but its about a thumb and a pinky tip wide. 

So, even though I will be able to stay "fuller" longer, I probably won't ever get the satisfied full feeling that I find comforting.  I think my biggest down fall was drinking a ton of diet pop (which I am going through major caffeine with-drawl and my head is killing me!) and grazing all day.  Its my fault, and I will have to learn to deal with it.  I am going to see a "back on track" specialist soon, so hopefully she will be able to help me!  Fingers Crossed!!!

Oh, when my husband went to the Dr today.... I stepped on the scale.... I am down 3 pounds...!!!  I know its probably water.... but hey, its a start! 

I will post again on Monday, we are going away for the weekend.

God Bless everyone!
RN-Y Bypass - 2004
615 lbs to 350 lbs
Back up to 400 lbs - 2008

Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part one - 9/2/08
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part two - 10/10/08
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