I will be one size one day...

Cynthia Johnson
on 8/27/08 4:35 am
Just two things.

One I am truly thankful for this other opportunity to lose the weight and relieve the pressure from my right knee.  I have battled with weight all my life.  Many of you can relate to this.

So, here I am just one month and 26 days out from revision surgery. OK, two months. Wearing between 24 and 18 size clothes.  It totally depends on the cut.  My pants size has dropped to 20. 

This morning I tried on some clothes.  I was thinking I should be able to get into a size 18 dress well I put it on and Yes alright it fits.  But when I took it off I looked again it was a size 16 dress. Oh boy!  Who knows I just maybe in my size 14 clothes by Nov? It can happen!

This was most encouraging as my second thing.  I had an emotional melt down on Monday.  Don't know why but it was awful.  Had a big cry and a time of prayer.  I felt better by the evening hour.  My dogs were also comforting.  Sharing a little along this journey.

Moving forward again.
on 8/27/08 4:49 am - Chicago, IL
Congratulations!!  How exciting - wish I were there!!  I bet part of the meltdown was just the weight loss period - and hormones and emotions change along w/weight loss - realizing what it all means - and the happiness it brings can be overwhelming!!  Sounds like you'll be in Size 14 LONG BEFORE November!!  Keep it up - and again congrats!  Carolyn
Cynthia Johnson
on 8/27/08 5:23 am
Thank you, yes I believe it's hormonial.  I hope not to have any more melt downs.
on 8/27/08 10:41 am - mesa, AZ

I hear ya loud and clear on the melt down issue !!!  and it's totaly the Hormone issue ..  I never knew what a large percent of hormones are stored in fat ! as we loose our fat - we found the lost Hormones and the wreak havoc in our lives ....     Thinking about medication  to assist ???
I have been very ugly with the man friend - I put  a  TIME OUT period into the relationship..    I finally broke it today and been putting him thru ringer all day !!    trying to find peaceful place right now..

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

Gwynn M.
on 8/27/08 1:52 pm - Tucson, AZ
Hi Jeanna,

I hope you're feelin' better now???  Isn't it just crazy how we can take it out on our poor men!!
LOL.....I tell you what...as crazy as I can behave sometimes......I gotta know he loves me to put up with me!!   Good thing they love us even when we're goin' through a little ......melt down!

I'm sure you KNOW how to FIX him....LOL!!  I think from meeting you just the one time....I can tell you KNOW how to handle your MAN FRIEND!! 

Be sweet.............................................

See you soon,
Cynthia Johnson
on 8/30/08 3:52 am
Hey G, I hope your friend will recover.  Not really interested in med at this time.  My Dr. (psychologist) encouraged me do more walking. maybe eat a high end chocolate to balance out not eating as many carbo's. 

He didn't say anything about finding a husband.  Whatcha think will that help?

Anyway the dogs and I went for our first walk on yesterday.  Had a little pain in knee after I got home but other wise I'm doing OK.  The boys were totally happy with the walk.
Gwynn M.
on 8/27/08 1:48 pm - Tucson, AZ
Hi Cynthia!  I have not got to meet you yet but I sure have heard nice things about you! And of course, I've been following your journey!  I live here in Tucson also! I FINALLY got to meet Deanne!  That was great and I'm so excited for her upcoming revision!!

What Carolyn & Jeanna said.....perfect!!   I just wanted to add.......that I feel like it's perfectly fine, necessary even ....to have a little melt down every now and again!   It's like a little cleansing of our soul!  My goodness, this JOURNEY is a bountiful erray of EMOTIONS!!   It's so many different things to deal with ....on top of all of our eveyrday things!!   If we didn't have a little melt down......well, I think we would EXPLODE!!  LOL...It's good to let it out so that you can figure out some stuff....and then move on!!     If we kept it all inside......it's like poison.  So......don't feel bad!!  MELTING DOWN can be a good thing!!  LOOk how much you're MELTING!!  Into smaller sizes!!

I think you are doing FABULOUS!!  I am SO envious!!  I have been denied for my revison, but am not giving up just yet!  I've learned that from Deanne and so many other KIND ANGELS that I've been blessed to know!    I'm tryin' to hang tough!  And reading posts like yours touches my heart! 


Keep lovin'g and huggin' and kissin' on your doggies!!  Isn't there un-conditional LOVE just the BEST!!   All they want and need is our love.  Thats all they live for!!  Hey, kinda like all of us friends!   Keep up the AWESOME work, cuz it is indeed WORK!

Hope to meet you someday soon,
on 8/27/08 11:49 pm - Chicago, IL
Such a beautiful, heart-wrenching post!!  I enjoyed it and read it twice!  I too am seeking a revision.  I'm looking to have Dr. S. in AZ do it.  It was just submitted to insurance this week so I'm kinda holding my breath until I hear!  I definately agree - the posts on this forum are so motivating and everyone is so nice - I wish I could meet everyone!!  Take care and good luck to you as you pursue your revision!!  Carolyn
Deanne K.
on 8/28/08 1:23 am - Tucson, AZ
Gwynn and Cynthia,
What powerful posts you both have done.  It gives me a little comfort to know you are will be thinking of me and everyone who is on this journey. 

I told others that all us Tucson people have to start getting together.   I am so happy to have met some of the greatest people here recently.  I feel so blessed.

Hold tight to your dream and you will achieve it.  Never let the insurance company win.  Keep up the faith and soon it will be your turn.

Cynthia Johnson
on 8/30/08 4:07 am
Hi Deanne, next week is your day!!  I am so happy for you and glad you stuck it out.  I hoe you got all the info about the hotel.  See you soon loser!!
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