
on 8/26/08 9:25 pm, edited 10/1/08 4:03 am
on 8/27/08 1:32 am - Orange County, CA
I lost 60lbs (at my most) by six months and never lost another lb.
I did everything (journaled it here) and suffered shame.
Ask your Dr for an upper GI or some sort of test to check your stomach.
I suffered much shame until I started reading and realized I stopped having restriction post EGD ( I had an ulcer) at 6mos. 
ANYWAYS my point is. Get over the shame and be PROACTIVE. See if it was a mechanical failure. Stop beating yourself up.
It is very brave for you to come forward here to share where you are.
on 8/30/08 4:46 am - Manteca, CA
Hi Louise, I remember you from the Cali board. I also had a set back, gained over 40 pounds. I am hopeing to get a revision to a DS. Check out the DS forum; it really isn't bad at all. Those RnY docs spout foul language about the DS, but it is so not true. Just check out the board and duodenalswitch.com for the truth!




Check out
www.dsfacts.com  and www.duodenalswitch.com
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


Floretta L.
on 8/27/08 2:51 am - Houston, TX
Stop beating yourself up. You are not a failure. I truly understand your pain. I am going through the same thing, except my surgery was a VBG. It has been five years, and I never reached my goal, and in fact, I have gained 40+ pounds back. I also felt like a failure, but what I didn't know, was that the VBG doe's not have a good long turn success rate. So I decided to snap out of the depression, and do something about my my problem, because I don't want to gain all this weight back. I know that some people look at me as a failure, but frankly, I don't care. This is not about them, it's about me, and what I need to do for myself.
It's also about you, and what you need to do for yourself.
Don't be afraid. Go ahead and make that phone call, and schedule your appt.
Don't be afraid to take that first step. Step out on faith.
Cynthia Johnson
on 8/27/08 3:43 am
Hi there, you can actually go see your own MD for a different surgeon.  If your ins permits go straight to a different surgeon.  He or she will talk with you and request certain test to be done.

If you have a fear of talking with your previous surgeon it doesn't appear that you have a good relationship with them.
on 8/27/08 11:51 am, edited 8/29/08 4:51 am
I was scared to see my doc and so I put it off for almost 2 years! As a result, I gained back 50 pounds of the near 300 lbs I lost.  I am glad I decided to go see him though, because soon I will be having Endoscopic Sclerotherapy to shrink my stoma and I'll be back to losing this 180 pounds I have yet to go! 

Don't be afraid to see your doc, I was terrified that he was going to yell at me, boy was I surprised how supportive he was!  He told me that this is a "team effort" and they are there to "help us, not punish us for our mistakes!"  

Good luck with what ever you decide, but I would say to go see your doc and let them help you get back on the wagon! 
RN-Y Bypass - 2004
615 lbs to 350 lbs
Back up to 400 lbs - 2008

Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part one - 9/2/08
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy part two - 10/10/08
Deanne K.
on 8/27/08 12:31 pm - Tucson, AZ
Go see your surgeon.  If they start givng you a hard time, then think about seeking out another Dr.  I stuck with my previous Dr. for 2 years before I wised up and realized they weren't going to help me and I  found a better Dr. who is 100% supportive. 

You are not a failure, you have just not yet succeeded.  You will get there with the right team of Dr.'s and support.  Sometimes this surgery fails us.

on 8/28/08 12:32 am - MA
You are not the first person who has slid backwards. At one point with my band, I had gained. I just told him I take responsibility...I hadn't been my best...but that was behind us and time to move on. He was fine .  Offered nutritional counselling if I needed it.  These bariatric docs know we are not perfect...we weren't before the surgery...we all aren't after the surgery. Just be honest and get the ball moving again.  You might have a physical problem with your pouch than can be fixed.  Good luck. Joan
on 8/28/08 1:18 am
Please don't feel like a failure!! Just because you had bariatric surgery, doesn't mean it's a fix all solution to weight loss and issue with food. I highly recommend you see your surgeon and discuss the option you have. Certainly getting in to a behavior therapy group would help, it helped in y case. I had RNY about 11 years ago and have regained weight and am in the process of getting a revision. The type of surgery they did back then is different than they do now, as now they also include banding your connection to the pouch to prevent it from stretching. The therapy for me has been helpful in recognizing patterns that have returned that are not healthy and conducive for continued weight loss success. Don't eve be afraid to seek out your surgeon, even if they give you a talking to, he's your best advocate, and has your best interest at heart!!!
on 8/28/08 2:50 am, edited 8/28/08 3:11 am - Spring, TX
I felt the same way when I went back after my band "failed."  I did really well the first 5 months - lost 40 lbs.  Then as we started to do more fills EVERYTHING that I ate got stuck.  I'd fill and unfill.  I'd end up running to the bathroom or in pain because the "right" things were getting stuck.  Missing work just wasn't an option for me anymore (for appointments) so I quit trying for the fills.  Two years later, I am close to what I weighed pre op.  I was so embarassed to go see my surgeon, but I realized I HAD to do this.  They aren't there to judge you, but to help you.  Don't be ashamed, do what you need to do to be healthy.  Best wishes to you!! :)
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