RN-Y done 5 years ago, looking to have Lap-Band... Anyone?

on 8/19/08 11:21 am
In 5 years since my bypass, I've lost a TON of weight!!! But sadly, for many reasons (mostly not fully ready to accept my new post-op lifestyle changes/needs) I never made it to my goal and I am now seeing the weight slowly come back.... wanting to nip it in the butt ASAP! 

I see my surgeon tomorrow to discuss things, but I would love to hear results from other RN-Y patients that have had the Lap-Band revision.... Thanks!

The good, the bad & the ugly.... lay it on me!  I want to know what to expect.... I have over 100 pounds to lose to make it to my goal, and want to make this time around the success I deserve!
on 8/19/08 12:08 pm - Schenectady, NY
I don't have an answer for you, but I am in the same process.  I have had a couple appointments and had an EGD today.  I am looking into the lap band over bypass because I do not want another major surgery.  I have not heard from alot of people about this though and also would like some info. 

Good luck with your appointment.  I think I was more nervous about the first appointment to talk about revision than I was the first time around.
on 8/20/08 7:11 am - Norwich, CT
Let me join in!!  BC denied me but ObesityLaw is filing an appeal for me to have a lap band put over my old gastric stapling.  Believe me, you'll hear me screaming with delight if they get the denial overturned.
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 8/20/08 12:25 pm
Alright, here is my update! 

I seen my doctor, and I only gained 50 pounds... yikes right!  He said that given that I am 5 years out and that is all I've gained in that period of time (which is still way less then even a quarter of the total weight I've lost) he is proud of me for coming in and deciding to make a change before I got too much farther.  We talked about different procedures and a possible lap-band.  He told me that he doesn't think by what we discussed, that I've damaged my pouch, therefore he doesn't want to do surgery.  However, he is going to do a non-surgical procedure that is compared to the Lap-Band, but with out cutting, stapling etc.  YAY!!!

Its like the stomaphX, and is done about the same way through endoscopy. But instead of creating folds, he will apply a solution through a syringe into my stoma lining.  That will cause scar tissue around my stoma, causing it to shrink the opening, and hopefully resulting in keeping me full longer then 10 minutes!  lol   He believes that my problem is my stoma has stretched, not that my pouch is the failure.  He will know more on Thursday (next week) when my procedure is done.  I don't remember what he called it, just that he said its compared to Lap-Band and has good results.  He also said that he doesn't like the StomaphX procedure, because the results are not very good. 

So anyway, I am feeling very excited!!!
Hopefully by next week, I'll be back on the losing team!!! 

I hope that you both get approved for what it is your wanting done!  I have my fingers crossed for ya! 
on 8/20/08 11:07 pm - Schenectady, NY
Did he call is schlerotherapy?  Sounds like it.  I hope all goes well for you, keep us posted.  I am always interested in hearing about how people are doing after some of the procedures.  It helps me to make a more informed decision. 
on 8/22/08 12:55 am - NY
I am in the opposite position.  I had Lap Band done 4 years ago and have spent the last 4 years vomiting.  I had to have it re-done 2 years ago due to it slipping and still continue to vomit daily.  I vomit drinking water sometimes.  After spending 4 years of this, I now have developed a large hiatal hernia and my stomach is now coming up through my lungs.  The acid reflux is so bad and chronic that when I vomit that up its the same thing as if I puked Battery Acid.  I cant sleep flat, burp and belch all day, constant heartburn...I had only lost 45 lbs but gained back 15.  I was approved for a removal of the lapband and a revision to bypass in addition to repair of the hernia.  I however am going to one other surgeon for a second opinion but have to have a surgery date by Oct 6 or my approval will expire.  My worry is that can I loose too much weight?  I am 175 now with a BMI of 35..I need to be 125 so I am concerned that I will loose too much as I only need to loose 50 lbs.....will my body know when to stop loosing? 

Zena Romy
on 8/22/08 12:59 pm - Canada
I just had a lap band put over my RNY.  I had gastric bypass 8 years ago and lost 130 lbs.  I kept it off for a while but then regained 40.  I decided toget banded because over the long haul, it has the BEST success rate for losing the weight and keeping it off.

The lap band has been around in Europe about 12 years longer than in N. America.  They have many studies done on RNY, DS, JJB and the lap band.  Their long-terms studies have show that of all the revisions for RNYers, the lap band is, by far, the most effective - probably because it is the only one that you can keep adjusting.  In Europe today, if you get an RNY, they automaticalyl put a band on you (unfilled) because they know your pouch will stretch and they can then fill the band and keep the restriction BEFORE the weight regain starts.

Having said that, there is no guarantee that any of the revisions will work well for you.  Like the poor person who wrote in saying they have been vomiting for the last few years.  There are also people who have gone on the get DS revisions and now have the disgusting gas problem.  Still others have forked over thousands of dollars for the stomaphyx (which has already proven NOT to work and is no longer used in Europe) only to have all the staples fall out.

Your best bet is to really, really do your research and then make sure you have a surgeon *****ally, really takes the time to know YOU.  Between the two of you, you will be able to select the best revision  with the best odds for YOU.

Many people write in on their soap boxes wanting to "prove" that their revision is the "only" one worth doing.  There is no such thing as a "best" revision.  A revision is, at best, a calculated risk and needs to be done only after you have exhausted all the research together with your doctor.

Good luck in whatever you choose and keep us posted@
(deactivated member)
on 8/23/08 1:33 am - AZ
On August 22, 2008 at 7:59 PM Pacific Time, zena_romy wrote:
I just had a lap band put over my RNY.  I had gastric bypass 8 years ago and lost 130 lbs.  I kept it off for a while but then regained 40.  I decided toget banded because over the long haul, it has the BEST success rate for losing the weight and keeping it off.

The lap band has been around in Europe about 12 years longer than in N. America.  They have many studies done on RNY, DS, JJB and the lap band.  Their long-terms studies have show that of all the revisions for RNYers, the lap band is, by far, the most effective - probably because it is the only one that you can keep adjusting.  In Europe today, if you get an RNY, they automaticalyl put a band on you (unfilled) because they know your pouch will stretch and they can then fill the band and keep the restriction BEFORE the weight regain starts.

Having said that, there is no guarantee that any of the revisions will work well for you.  Like the poor person who wrote in saying they have been vomiting for the last few years.  There are also people who have gone on the get DS revisions and now have the disgusting gas problem.  Still others have forked over thousands of dollars for the stomaphyx (which has already proven NOT to work and is no longer used in Europe) only to have all the staples fall out.

Your best bet is to really, really do your research and then make sure you have a surgeon *****ally, really takes the time to know YOU.  Between the two of you, you will be able to select the best revision  with the best odds for YOU.

Many people write in on their soap boxes wanting to "prove" that their revision is the "only" one worth doing.  There is no such thing as a "best" revision.  A revision is, at best, a calculated risk and needs to be done only after you have exhausted all the research together with your doctor.

Good luck in whatever you choose and keep us posted@

You know, this post is probably one of the most well written posts I have seen on this forum in ages.  I thought it deserved repeating. ;o)

on 8/24/08 1:30 am
Well, I won't know if it works til I get it done.  I am still very excited and can't wait to give it a try!  If it doesn't work for me, he said that we will discuss lap-band etc, but he feels very well that this procedure will work for me.  We can only wait and see what happens.  Fingers Crossed!

on 8/24/08 3:38 am - Norwich, CT
This is true, but I had stomaphyx done and had no restriction.  I spent $10,500 out of pocket which I am still paying for.  In a way I'm glad I didn't pursue having BC pay because then I'd probably have no hope that their denial will be overturned.  They'd have stomaphyx's failure to add to their arsenal against me.  So, be careful if your insurance company is paying for this, because there is a real chance that you'll be like me trying to get a band over old stapling.

Good luck!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


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