I am a previous lap-band patient that is having gastric bypass in a few weeks, any advice???

Stacy S.
on 8/18/08 8:50 am - NJ
 Hello friends,

I had lap-band surgery in 3/07.  To make a long, long story short, after a few trips to the hospital with pneumonia I found out that my band had slipped and caused erosion and severe swelling of my stomach.  After careful discussion with my surgeon (who I absolutely adore) I decided to have it removed (last month) and have the gastric bypass surgery (September 12th).

It was extremely hard for me to have my band removed - I loved it and it worked great for me.  I guess I am one of the few that had all these problems with it.

Now that I am having the gastric bypass soon, I am getting extremely nervous.  One of the reasons I choose the band was that if I experienced any problems it could be removed.

Has anyone has this happen to you?  If so, any advice?

I would appreciate any feedback!

Thanks so much! Stacy :)
on 8/18/08 7:00 pm - UK
Hi Stacy

I can't help you with the surgery you're about to have, because I had the DS instead.

I can say that I don't miss my band though - I hope you feel the same after your op and like it even more than you liked the band.

The main advantage of the band (that it is removable) is also one of its weaknesses I think. It is something that is designed not to be 'forever' and like you found that can cause problems if it moves or kinks or the port breaks - its only a piece of machinery after all.

With RNY you'll just have your own body, but redesigned. Nothing in it to malfunction in a machine way, nothing that needs removing. You'll have a different set of rules to follow though, but if you can live well with a band you shouldn't have any problem following them.

I hope it all goes well for you, and in the meantime perhaps the RNY board will answer any questions you might have about post-op life.


DS revision from failed lapband

Stacy S.
on 8/19/08 4:42 am - NJ
 Hi Sal!

Thanks so much for your reply.  I hope the RNY works out better for me.  I am keeping very positive!

Stacy :)
on 8/19/08 12:23 am - Linwood, MA
Hi Stacy, I have my revision from lapband to RNY on June 24, My band had broken, it wouldn't hold a fill. come to find out it had a cracked port. I am glad I  did this. RNY is more restrictive with what you can eat which is good for me. As far as surgery goes it was no worse than the lapband surgery. I felt it went even better. You have the same soreness as with the lap, just that you have more restriction right away...I wish you luck...Debbie


Stacy S.
on 8/19/08 4:45 am - NJ
 Hi Debbie!

Thanks for your reply.  I guess the main thing is that the band does not work out for everyone.  I hope the RNY is better for me.  It is nice to speak to people that have gone through this.  When I was having all these issues with the band I felt like I had failed in a way.  I am keeping my head up and remaining very positive.  Thanks again for your help!

Stacy :)
on 8/19/08 6:45 am - GA

I am a 5 year bandster revision to VSG . I loved my band but had long term complications. I liked the idea of another restrictive procedure, but did not want malabsorption. Have you researched the sleeve?




Stacy S.
on 8/20/08 6:04 am - NJ
 Hi Babs!

Thanks so much for your reply.

I have researched the sleeve and to me the gastric bypass would be a better option.  I also trust my surgeon and the advice he gives me.

I appreciate your feedback!

Stacy :):)
on 8/19/08 7:17 am - NJ
Hello Stacy,

Ok we have too mu*****ommon,  I had my band placed 2-07 and am scheduled for a revision to rny on 9-9-08.  I am also in NJ just different doctor.  I too went with the band because it seemed safer.  I was and still am afraid of the rny but know that its what I need.  I lost 60 lbs with the band but when my anxiety level kicked in due to work my band would tighten on its own.

Here is wishing you  the best and keep in touch maybe we can help each other out.


If you love yourself first then all others will too.  Never judge me by looking at my shell, instead try to look at my soul.

Lap Band 2-1-07   starting weight 317 lost 50 pounds gained 25 back  

Revision to Gastric Bypass on 9-9-08 starting weight was 294

Stacy S.
on 8/20/08 6:05 am - NJ
 Hi Norma!

Wow!  Yes, too mu*****ommon!

I am scared as hell, but I also know that this is something that has to be done to help me get the rest of the weight off.

I wish you the best of luck with your surgery!  Please keep in touch because I would love to know how you are doing.  It great to have someone that is going through the same thing at the same time.

Stacy :)
on 8/19/08 9:25 am - MI
I had my lap band in 3-07, and I am going to the RNY on 9-9.  I lost 60 lbs initially, and have gained back 50.  I don't like my band.  I have been tempted to rip it out on my own at times, especially when I couldn't even keep water down.  I am not sure what went wrong, maybe it wasn't the right procedure for me, or maybe I ate too fast, I'm not sure, but I know that I'm looking forward to the bypass.  With my diabetes, I think that having the sugar restrictions will be helpful in managing my diabetes better.  So good luck and heal fast to all of us who have been down the road once, and are planning another trip down the WLS road.
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