Not losing any weight!

on 8/11/08 8:29 am
hello, I don't have any advice but just wanted to tell you to hang in there and wish you luck! 
Gina S.
on 8/12/08 7:08 am - CINNAMINSON, NJ
on 8/11/08 9:19 am, edited 8/11/08 9:19 am - MI
 I surely can understand your frustration!  There's nothing worse then thinking you went through it all to have it not work....Don't give up, worrying so much about not loosing enough weight may be putting your system under the stress that is causing your body to hang on to it....just a thought.  I have also read that with revisions, the weight comes off slower.  If your body is having to adjust and heal from  a major surgery and on top of that "starvation mode" then it may take a bit for it to level out.  I think some times we humans tend to forget it takes longer then a couple of months to totally heal.  Be patient and it will happen for you.  Some peoples bodies handles weight loss in different manners.  Maybe you will be one of the ones that will not steadily loose but will loose it in larger amounts every so often. I know I am that way.   I agree, up your water intake and review your food choices.  I know this always has an effect on my weight loss.  Good luck to you.  Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
on 8/12/08 1:49 am - St. George, UT
Dear Frustrated:

I have had two WLS, Stomach Stapling and RNY...So I know a thing or two about losing and not losing weight after surgery. So you had surgery June 30th...and you are approximately 1.5 months out, you've lost 13 lbs and you can expect to continue losing up to a year after surgery.

I don't know how much you need to lose but, if you lose 13 lbs every 1.5 months you can expect to be down abut 104 lbs by a year from June 30th.

Now, if you can eat more than a palm full of food, then it sounds as if your pouch is too large. Did your doctor keep you on soft foods for 4-6 weeks after surgery? Are you eating normally already, if so, I would go back and ask to have a endoscopy to see how large your pouch is. Dr's do sometimes make mistakes and leave the pouch to large...It sounds like that is possible.

Good Luck,

and Don't Give Up!

Gina S.
on 8/12/08 7:09 am - CINNAMINSON, NJ

I had a revision to RNY from stomach stapling 6 months ago. I have been doing very well, but last week noticed for several days straight I was hungry all the time.... With the help of members here, I figured out it was because I had started eating too many carbohydrates. I was eating some mashed potatoes and crackers, cheerios and oatmeal which are all carbs. What carbs do is they spike your blood sugar up too quickly, then it crashes back down, and when it crashes, it triggers hunger hunger hunger!!!
No kidding - as soon as I eliminated the carbs and focused on eating mostly proteins like tuna, chicken, low-fat cottage cheese, and a little vegetables, I instantly noticed my hunger was at a normal level again.

I thought I would mention this to see if may be you're getting too many carbs or sugars - they may be sabotaging you and making you too hungry. Focus on proteins and then vegetables, with occasional no-sugar added fruit, but no bread, crackers, potatoes, rice or breakfast cereals, except Fiber One cereal is ok in controlled quantities, because it is so high in fiber and fiber partially cancels out the few carbs it does contain.
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on 8/12/08 8:47 am - MI
You can get a copy of your surgical report from the hospital.  This will tell you what your surgeon actually did (or did not do).  Interesting just to read at any rate.  
on 8/13/08 2:00 pm - Columbia, SC
Sounds like we are in the same boat.  I'm 1 month and 3 day post op from revision.  Had a mini gastric bypass 8 1/2 years ago and was converted to the traditional RNY.  I've only lost 2 pounds since the morning of surgery! (I did loose weight prior to surgery).  I can also eat far more than the nutritionist recommend and I feel hungry alot.   Read my profile and all of the drama and hoops I've had to jump.
on 8/14/08 12:46 pm - Howell, NJ
I hear ya!  Just had my 6 week post op visit this past Tuesday, 4 weeks from my last appt.  Doc was surprised I only lost 2 lbs in the past 4 weeks ---WTH!!  I am also frustrated.  However, I admit I am slacking off and not getting in enough water, which may be key for you and me -- we should be getting in at least 64 ounces of water each day.  Also, I must be diligent in measuring my portions or else I could easily overeat.  That means only half a cup of protein and half a cup of sugar free fruit int he morning, 1/4 cup cottage cheese or chicken for lunch, same for dinner.  I have a problem getting in the protein shakes, all taste like monkey's ass to me now and even the soy milk grosses me out.  Yes I will now kick up my cardio to at least 45 min per day (walking) and start weights at the gym in September.  I do feel like I've turned the corner last week and my clothes feel smaller even if the scale is not moving -- my TOM was late and there could be some bloat involved -- who knows?  My net weight loss from 4 weeks preop to 6 weeks post op is about 25 lbs.
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