Traveling for surgery and what happens...

on 8/9/08 10:34 am - Buffalo, NY
Hi:  I have a friend who is very concerned that if I travel for a revision (from NY to OhiO) and I come back home and have problems, what will I do?  Where will I go?  There isn't a GB Surgeon in the area, that will ever take on a patient that wasn't theirs. 

So for those of you who have traveled and have had issues, what did you do?  What about serious issues?

She also feels that I am desperate and will do anything to lose weight.  That I didn't take care of any issues I had with eating and that is why I regained weight.  That I will lose weight, get thin and still won't be happy.

I think that friends and family who don't support the person, then they shouldn't say anything.  I feel that I and most people do our research and are willing to take our chances, because I'm not living now.  My friend works in a Dr's office and the dr. said that I will have bathroom problems my whole life.

on 8/9/08 2:37 pm - mesa, AZ


Not to be a buzz kill buit your friend has some real concerns, May I suggest you talk to your surgeon of choice and see if he can  reccomend a local Dr for you  to use as follow up care .

The bathroom issue is very real , But hey almost any Dr can  perscribe Lomotil and flagyl  if needed, I use lomotil on  days I am going to be out. and flagyl was used for a about 3 -6 weeks . I tappered off  and use it on occaison fro gas flare ups! 

How does your primary feel about this?  because he is the one who will need to be involved, Mine was not crazzy about it - but he see's my commitment and is  doing much better with it all , He follows up on labs with me , we  make sure to get my mal absob labs and his labs piggybacked - So we know I am in good shape..

*** note  Start using a probiotic - It helps a lot !!!

I am sure your friend thinks she is looking out for your best interest. sometimes they mean well and come accross bad ??

on 8/10/08 2:14 am - Buffalo, NY
Thanks Gina:  I do know the bathroom issues are real, but when I asked the ds'rs about it, many replied they don't have problems.  I suppose it might be a personal issue and everyone is different.  What works for one won't work for the other.

I trust my primary will do what is best for me and I will make sure she does.  I guess I was just asking for that one emergency that could come up after coming home after surgery.  Do I travel back to Ohio?

Thank you for the probiotic tip, I will do that.

I know my friend is worried, but I can't even discuss it with her because she just says I'm foolish and desperate.


on 8/10/08 2:20 am - mesa, AZ


How long is he having you stay after surgery ??   My revision  I was in hospital 1 day for pain control - I was much happier at home, I went back at 1 week,  had my drain out and then no issue's  till  I had a under skin suture  that did not want to disolve ..

depending on what he is doing - I dont think you have a lot of chance  for an emergency ..  ya know - Give him a call a call and ask.

on 8/10/08 4:05 am - Buffalo, NY
He has you stay 2 weeks in the area, I am assuming that includes the hospital stay.  I will find a hotel that is as close to the hospital as I can, won't have to have a kitchette though.  It will  probably be a very boring time, but I understand why he insists on it.  Family can't come because my sister will have to take care of my mom while I'm gone and she can't travel.   I can't expect any friend to be able to come so far, they have to work. 

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