
on 8/6/08 4:36 am - Layton, UT
Someone on this site said:

"you only want to put your life in the hands of a DS surgeon who has performed many RNY to DS revisions.  Regardless of this site, which is paid for by surgeons who "claim" to do either the DS or revisions. 

I'm not pointing to any one surgeon in particular, just my observations from the years on  the boards."

The inuendo is that a surgeon owns this site?  Nope!  O.H. doesn't sell their forums but just the little banner adds you see spattered around.  I don't work for O.H. so can't speak for them but with years of association; I know they are very generous in allowing any and all posts as long as they are not flaming in nature.  So, if a surgeon posts and takes the time to reply to individual questions then kudos to him or her for offering some of their valuable time and knowledge.  I think it is refreshing that a surgeon would even bother when many other surgeon's don't even make time to respond to their own patient's in crisis!

A list of "perfect  surgeon's' has been referred to.  Lists are great but how about reviews from our peers???  I'd say the many reviews posted on a surgeon speaks volumes! 

Dissing a surgeon through inuendo only discredits your opinion.  Just because the voices of many successful revisions are not heard on this forum; does not mean they do not exist. point?  If you are reading these boards faithfully....consider the source of negative posts (mine as well since I am a happy revison post-op).  Do your research and then "go for it"!!!!  

If anyone wants more info on my choice of ERny then jsut pm me.  I'll be out of town for a couple of weeks (happy family stuff) but will catch up with you sometime soon!...........still below goal and still losing itty bits.....loving my life!  ....catch me at work most days:  [email protected]
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 8/6/08 5:55 am - mesa, AZ



  It is amazing the amount of negativity on this board . We  as well as the Medical professionals post here mean only well. we do care about each and wish the best . I hope we can all continue to support each other and not drive  people in  TRUE NEED away through insincere  posts and feedback.

(deactivated member)
on 8/6/08 9:41 pm - TX
On August 6, 2008 at 11:36 AM Pacific Time, JRinAZ wrote:
Someone on this site said:

"you only want to put your life in the hands of a DS surgeon who has performed many RNY to DS revisions.  Regardless of this site, which is paid for by surgeons who "claim" to do either the DS or revisions. 

I'm not pointing to any one surgeon in particular, just my observations from the years on  the boards."

The inuendo is that a surgeon owns this site?  Nope!  O.H. doesn't sell their forums but just the little banner adds you see spattered around.  I don't work for O.H. so can't speak for them but with years of association; I know they are very generous in allowing any and all posts as long as they are not flaming in nature.  So, if a surgeon posts and takes the time to reply to individual questions then kudos to him or her for offering some of their valuable time and knowledge.  I think it is refreshing that a surgeon would even bother when many other surgeon's don't even make time to respond to their own patient's in crisis!

A list of "perfect  surgeon's' has been referred to.  Lists are great but how about reviews from our peers???  I'd say the many reviews posted on a surgeon speaks volumes! 

Dissing a surgeon through inuendo only discredits your opinion.  Just because the voices of many successful revisions are not heard on this forum; does not mean they do not exist. point?  If you are reading these boards faithfully....consider the source of negative posts (mine as well since I am a happy revison post-op).  Do your research and then "go for it"!!!!  

If anyone wants more info on my choice of ERny then jsut pm me.  I'll be out of town for a couple of weeks (happy family stuff) but will catch up with you sometime soon!...........still below goal and still losing itty bits.....loving my life!  ....catch me at work most days:  [email protected]
Joyce, what is your problem?   I clearly said I wasn't inferring any one particular surgeon.  But I do know for a fact there are many surgeons listed on OH stating they do the DS and once seen, try to talk the patient into a RNY because they're not qualified to do the DS. In fact, I had a consult with one in Chicago who pulled the "bait and don't switch on me" and he was one who clearly states he does the DS here on OH.

I believe if anyone cares to read my previous postings on this board they will not find anything negative from me that is untrue.  I try to help people realize they have other options and don't just blindly follow the  crowd.  Anything negative I've said has come from my own personal experience with the RNY.  The dumping, the food getting stuck, the vomiting, the mechanical failures of my RNY and total regain, plus some additional #'s  have been my experiences.  I'm sorry if the truth sounds like I'm slamming any surgery or any surgeon.  I certainly don't mean it that way.

However, having had the 16 years experiences I've had with WLS, I can state unequivocally that the DS is the easiest, closest to 'normal" way of life.

The list on is a list of our peers.  Only surgeons who have been throughly checked out and vetted are on that list.  That website does not accept any money nor advertising for any surgeon.  Which makes it more accurate than OH.

Please show me any post of mine on any board where I've "dissed" any surgeon.  I'll wait.

Again, I'm happy for you that your revision is working so well and I wish you continued success.  Facing a revision for any of us has been a disappointing experience as we all hoped to succeed forever.  The DS has the best odds of keeping the weight off forever is all I'm saying.  There are studies that will back that claim up.

Have a good day.
(deactivated member)
on 8/6/08 9:49 pm - TX
I never said this site was owned by the surgeons who advertise.  I said it is paid for by the advertising the surgeons give the owner.  Please don't twist my words to read into them what you think I am saying.  I have a good command of the English language and am able to communicate what I mean effectively.
on 8/7/08 10:45 am - MI
  Joyce...Very well put!  Thank you for saying it!  I have been researching revision for some time now and not just one kind.  I have run into a few on this site who inaquivically claim that one type of surgery is better then another.  While I am glad that it is working out for them  (but I would still like to see "long" term results, 10 years or so out)  I am still a true believer that NO ONE PROCEDURE is the right choice for everyone.  I have even had replies that "slammed" my reasoning for the choices I make for myself!  Right or wrong, if it is a mistake, it is mine to make and nobody's place to judge me on it.  I have  tried contacting several revision specialist whom posts on this site recommend highly.  I have been disappointed on several occasions, either I do not get a response, or they will not take the time to answer my concerns and questions, or just simply must have enough patients because they or their office seem rather rude to a prospective new client and push you away rather then welcome you aboard!  On the other hand I have been in contact with a surgeon who does do revisions, he has taken the time to answer ALL my questions and concerns, and continues to do so.  I have been impressed and am even willing to travel to go to him because of his experience in many kinds of procedures.  So I think you are right, patient reviews and experiences speaks a thousand words for him or her and when that doctor adds to it by respecting you and your individual situation it only makes him more appealing.  Not one time during my conversations or e-mail exchanges with this doctor did I get the slightest impression that he was just trying to reel me in solely for his financial gain and  that he did not care about my true well being!  And that says a lot coming from me....I am a true skeptic!    

WLS is a very important and serious decision....I am glad that there are so many here that are having success with theirs regardless of what kind it was....  on the other hand, I feel for the ones who are struggling as well.  This is a great place for support and I find you very inspirational and motivating.  THANK YOU for all your wonderful posts!  I always purposely look for post from both you and Ginau(sp).
on 8/7/08 7:27 pm
Frankly, unless you are vegan or unable to take vitamins (in which case you shouldn't have ANY WLS), statistically, there is NO WLS that outperforms the DS for excess weight lost and excess weight loss maintained long term.

It really IS black and white.

If you want the BEST results, you'll get the DS.

If you want the studies that prove it, read my blog. But, it IS proven.
Check out my profile:
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

on 8/7/08 7:10 pm
On August 6, 2008 at 11:36 AM Pacific Time, JRinAZ wrote:
Someone on this site said:

"you only want to put your life in the hands of a DS surgeon who has performed many RNY to DS revisions.  Regardless of this site, which is paid for by surgeons who "claim" to do either the DS or revisions. 

I'm not pointing to any one surgeon in particular, just my observations from the years on  the boards."

The inuendo is that a surgeon owns this site?  Nope!  O.H. doesn't sell their forums but just the little banner adds you see spattered around.  I don't work for O.H. so can't speak for them but with years of association; I know they are very generous in allowing any and all posts as long as they are not flaming in nature.  So, if a surgeon posts and takes the time to reply to individual questions then kudos to him or her for offering some of their valuable time and knowledge.  I think it is refreshing that a surgeon would even bother when many other surgeon's don't even make time to respond to their own patient's in crisis!

A list of "perfect  surgeon's' has been referred to.  Lists are great but how about reviews from our peers???  I'd say the many reviews posted on a surgeon speaks volumes! 

Dissing a surgeon through inuendo only discredits your opinion.  Just because the voices of many successful revisions are not heard on this forum; does not mean they do not exist. point?  If you are reading these boards faithfully....consider the source of negative posts (mine as well since I am a happy revison post-op).  Do your research and then "go for it"!!!!  

If anyone wants more info on my choice of ERny then jsut pm me.  I'll be out of town for a couple of weeks (happy family stuff) but will catch up with you sometime soon!...........still below goal and still losing itty bits.....loving my life!  ....catch me at work most days:  [email protected]
OH doesn't just derive their income from the banner ads. The surgeons listed on this site also pay a fee for that advertisement.

And I am one person who was decieved not once, but twice, by OH listed surgeons who claimed to perform the DS, but were "bait and don't switch" surgeons.

Thankfully, I was aware enough of the fact that the surgeon list here was inaccurate that I asked enough questions on the phone to weed out those two surgeons before I wasted 6 hours driving there.

If anyone knows of a way to deprive those such surgeons of their license, please let me know. They are no better than slimey used car salemen and have no business wielding a scalpel near anyone.

And it is a HUGE black mark on the ethics of the owner of this site that this has been a long-standing issue and he has chosen surgeon advertising dollars over the well-being of the people who keep him in business.
Check out my profile:
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

(deactivated member)
on 8/8/08 3:44 pm - AZ
On August 6, 2008 at 11:36 AM Pacific Time, JRinAZ wrote:
Someone on this site said:

"you only want to put your life in the hands of a DS surgeon who has performed many RNY to DS revisions.  Regardless of this site, which is paid for by surgeons who "claim" to do either the DS or revisions. 

I'm not pointing to any one surgeon in particular, just my observations from the years on  the boards."

The inuendo is that a surgeon owns this site?  Nope!  O.H. doesn't sell their forums but just the little banner adds you see spattered around.  I don't work for O.H. so can't speak for them but with years of association; I know they are very generous in allowing any and all posts as long as they are not flaming in nature.  So, if a surgeon posts and takes the time to reply to individual questions then kudos to him or her for offering some of their valuable time and knowledge.  I think it is refreshing that a surgeon would even bother when many other surgeon's don't even make time to respond to their own patient's in crisis!

A list of "perfect  surgeon's' has been referred to.  Lists are great but how about reviews from our peers???  I'd say the many reviews posted on a surgeon speaks volumes! 

Dissing a surgeon through inuendo only discredits your opinion.  Just because the voices of many successful revisions are not heard on this forum; does not mean they do not exist. point?  If you are reading these boards faithfully....consider the source of negative posts (mine as well since I am a happy revison post-op).  Do your research and then "go for it"!!!!  

If anyone wants more info on my choice of ERny then jsut pm me.  I'll be out of town for a couple of weeks (happy family stuff) but will catch up with you sometime soon!...........still below goal and still losing itty bits.....loving my life!  ....catch me at work most days:  [email protected]

You are not being completely accurate.

Surgeons do not own this site but they are the ones that pay the bills and the DO INDEED get preferential treatment.  When Amy was still here anything that was negative about a paid advertiser was removed immediately.  In all fairness to OH, that has changed since she left.

Reviews about surgeons do NOT speak volumes!  They are able to remove from view ANY testimonial they choose.  If Dr. "X" is a butcher and someone posts an honest testimonial, the doctor cannot delete it from the patient's profile but he can damn sure hide it from view in his testimonial site.  That is why NO doctor has any super negative testimonials.

You used to push Terry Simpson non stop.  Then you were released from your employment and you "changed sides" and now you are pushing another doc.  He may or may not be good, who knows?  I have no clue one way or another.  But you do post here to drum up business and we all know it.  You pushed Terry Simpson the same way you are pushing your current doc.

Com'on... tell the WHOLE truth for a change!

on 8/18/08 1:30 pm - Layton, UT
the story reads from a poster  
"Reviews about surgeons do NOT speak volumes!  They are able to remove from view ANY testimonial they choose.  If Dr. "X" is a butcher and someone posts an honest testimonial, the doctor cannot delete it from the patient's profile but he can damn sure hide it from view in his testimonial site.  That is why NO doctor has any super negative testimonials.

You used to push Terry Simpson non stop.  Then you were released from your employment and you "changed sides" and now you are pushing another doc.  He may or may not be good, who knows?  I have no clue one way or another.  But you do post here to drum up business and we all know it.  You pushed Terry Simpson the same way you are pushing your current doc.

Com'on... tell the WHOLE truth for a change!"

Hi there all!  Just back from a fabulous vacation where family occassions of all types were celebrated!  I came home 2 pounds lighter in spite of all the goodies!  Gotta love my ERny!!! ......

Had a mountain of posts to wade through but just noticed this one from an old friend!  LOL!  .....just to set the record straight  ~~~  I love Dr. Simpson and worked for him faithfully...promoting him loyally as any employee should do for a boss that they think is great!  No crime in that, is there?....I quit that job (was not "released" as you put it) to shift gears to something else.  The surgeons I promote and work for are NOT weight loss surgeons at all but are plastic surgeons....two of which specialize in post bariatric body contouring.  However, I DO promote my own surgeon, Dr. Eric Schlesinger cuz he's my own doc!!!!  I do NOT work for him however; as you have claimed.  I am fortunate enough to be in the same office complex as he is though and take advantage of him every chance I get by getting some quick tips on doing things the right way as one of his Revision post-ops!  He always gives me oodles of time; as he does to all of his patients!  ....  I don't think I'm the first patient of a great surgeon to sing their praises on the O.H. support forums?  Right?  ....Soooooo.....the axe you have to pick really has no relevance?  I've seen you slam me on other forums as well and wondered what the big thrill was for you?  If it elevates you somehow then have at it!!!  I have always been an advocate of U.S. docs for surgeries because of the obvious follow-up/safety issues and that has frosted you for quite some time.  Sorry bout that! ....It's great you have had positive experiences south of the boarder...You are fortunate....

And....Believe me, if the reviews could be messed with then I know a lot of surgeon's who would take advantage of it!  But, O.H. lets the good and the bad reviews stay where they are.

Have a happy week everyone!  I am soooo happy to be home even though the mountain chill of Idaho and Montana was fabulous!  ....At least the mosquitos don't fly us home to their blood sucking mommies here in AZ!  LOL!  Hope ya'll are getting approvals, getting magic numbers on the scale and getting the lives you deserve!

Anyone flying in for the AZ Extravaganza????  I can't wait!  ....  I'll be the one splashing around in the pool all night with the sharpei thighs falling out of her swimsuit!  Yup!  Even Plastic Surgery Patient coordinator's have a "list" of fixables
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 8/12/08 2:29 am - St. George, UT
Hi Joyce:

Janie Here, Question for you if you had to do it all over again (bite my tongue) would you still go with the 50 cm instead of 75 or 100?

I'm finally making some headway here with my Distal Revision and I really want the 50 but am told should go with 75?

J Rolfson
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