I'm back from getting a band over my bypass!

on 8/3/08 7:51 am - Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Hi everyone!  I know a lot of people have been interested in finding members who have gotten a lap-band over their bypass, so I thought I would post now that I am home from the hospital!  I'm still very sore, but overall, I feel pretty good!  I updated my profile with info from my hernia repair and band over bypass.  I went in for my first surgery on 7/30, but there was a complication that caused my Dr to have to perform a 2nd operation on 7/31.  He was able to go through the same incisions that he had made the day before, so I'm not all cut-up.  When he banded me part of my insides were kinked in a way that they made a 90 degree angle, which prevented anything from passing through.  When he went back in he snipped a few sutures & laid my insides flat, so now everything appears (and feels) like it is moving through like it should be!  My Dr warned me that I would gain weight from the IV fluids from the hospital & he was right!!!!  I was 223 lbs the day of surgery, and 230 lbs the day that I came home.  I can't wait for this water weight & bloated feeling to go away!!

I have only been home for a few days, but if anyone has any questions for me please feel free to ask!  I have my post-op follow up with Dr Rosen on 8/7, so I plan on updating once I am back from that appointment.   

on 8/3/08 9:40 am - Norwich, CT
I am one of the people interested in your journey!!  I am in the process of appealing the denial I got from Anthem BC/BS...they said it "wasn't medically necessary".  I am 318 lbs and had this gastric stapling in 1982...no aftercare, no nutrition and no clue to expect any type of regain.  Blamed myself all these years simply because since I didn't have any hope, I didn't fight it.  Anyway, I am praying that ObesityLaw will get this overturned.  One question I have: Did you get pain pills or liquid?  I will NOT be able to have liquid so I hope it will be ok to ask for pills.   Keep us informed of your entire journey!!!!

 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 8/3/08 10:57 am - Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Hi Sue!!  I have BCBS IL PPO for my insurance, and they denied me the first time for very ridiculous reasons.  Obesity Law is what made the band over bypass happen for me!!  If it wasn't for them I would probably still be appealing the insurance company.  Once my surgeon got Obesity Law involved it only took 2-3 weeks once everything was submitted to get an approval.

Like you, I had very poor after care my first time around.  I know a lot of my regain was my fault, but I also put some of the blame on my old surgeon's office for not having the support system like Dr Rosen's office has.  For instance, Dr Rosen's office has support groups that meet once a month, you meet with the exercise physiologist & nutritionist on every visit, and they really instill the importance of lifestyle changes into you.  I didn't have that the first time...In fact, you know where the support group met after my RNY in 2002?  McDonalds!! 

While I was in the hospital they gave me IV drugs for pain and then toward the end they gave me liquid Lortab, which is what I am on now that I am home.  My surgeon does not want you taking pills, so everything is either in liquid form or needs to be dissolved into a liquid.  All surgeons are different, I don't know what yours will say.  Why aren't you able to take liquid forms of medicine?  Can you take it if it is a pill dissolved in juice? 

I will definitely keep you posted!  Hopefully you will be seeing me on the boards with success stories!!!  :-)  If you have any questions please let me know.  I wish you the best of luck with insurance - If anyone can get you approved it would be Obesity Law.  I worked mainly with Kelley, and she is FANTASTIC! 

on 8/3/08 8:22 pm - Norwich, CT
Thanks so much for making yourself so available!  I am just waiting for my medical records so I can fax them to Kelley and then it begins.  I agree Kellye is AWESOME!  She answers the phone each time I call and spends all the time I need to talk to me.  I hope and pray that I will be successful and that Kelley can make this happen.

Are you on full liquids?  Does it feel weird to have the port in?  Did they put some saline in the band during surgery?  If he will not let me take pills, I'll ask him if I can crush them.  The taste of liquids makes me puke !

Keep us informed.  How long will you be out of work?

 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 8/3/08 11:26 am - TOLEDO, OH
KEEP US POSTED!!! I should be getting a call fromt he doctors tomorrow for an appointment and I want the lap over my RNY.  I also have BCBS but of alabama. The first time around I had to hire a lawyer for my appeal but I never heard of obesity law and did they charge for the assistance?
I am also excited for my daughter who is 24 yrs old and weights almost 300 lbs. I told her about my revision decision and she siad she wants to have lap band and I am so excited because she siad she would never consider it before and know she is willing. I told her I would even pay for it, thats how much I want her to have it.

Thanks again your journey is a real support.

on 8/3/08 11:44 am - Schenectady, NY
Thank you so much for posting.  I am looking into this option.  I have had an upper GI and have an EGD scheduled for August 19th with a bariatric surgeon.  They told me that the band would probably be possible for me, but that they wanted to see what the EGD said and the see what some diet and exercise would accomplish.  They like to see 6 months of supervised diet first.  I feel like I at least have someone listening, not just telling me it is my fault.  Hope you continue to feel better. 
on 8/3/08 12:08 pm

I had the rny 10 years ago.  Due to a severe hernia and a lack of sick time at work; I have gained back 100 of the 180 pounds that I lost.  I am interested in the lap band instead of the standard revision.  Are there any insurance hurdles to go through?

I was originally close to 500 pounds and at my best got down to close to 300.


on 8/5/08 7:17 am - Norwich, CT
Hi Jacob,
I am appealing Anthem's denial of having a lapband over my old stapling.  There are MANY hoops to go through, but I believe it will be worth it in the end. 
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 8/4/08 9:39 pm - Orlando, FL
Hi Elizabeth, so happy to hear that you are doing well, despite your complication.  Stay focused and keep us waiting revisioners informed.  Wish you well on your next fpost-op follow up.

God Bless,
on 8/7/08 6:51 am - Shinnston, WV
just curious why you switched from the rny to the lapband.   i absolutely hate this lapband.  i havent lost any weight!  

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