Not feeling the love.....

(deactivated member)
on 7/30/08 3:12 am - Brunswick, ME

Yes, I'm finally realizing that and it's hard.  I'm used to being an open book and sharing my journey with my co workers, family, and friends.  There are a few people that I feel care about and respect me enough to support me 110% and there are others that don't get it.  I will be chosing who I share with much more carefully and spend more time here....where everyone "gets it".

Gwynn M.
on 7/30/08 5:56 am - Tucson, AZ
AMEN ANGIE.  I was an open book my first time around...Lap RNY.  Not this time. IF I am approved for my revision with Dr. Schlesinger, I will NOT be sharing it with most of friends and family. Just my daughters, husband and parents.   I just don't want to hear everyone else's 'well meaning' opinions!  BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!

I wish you well and the best!  I believe with all my heart that it's ESSENTIAL to SURROUND ourselves with SUPPORT from people who understand...people from right here who know it first hand.  There is already ENOUGH negative thoughts in our little heads!  WE don't need to hear any extra's!!  

(deactivated member)
on 7/31/08 2:54 am - Brunswick, ME
Thanks Gwynn!!  I feel kind of sad about not being able to share everything with everyone but I need to protect myself.  Like you said, we already have enough negative thoughts floating around.  I wish you the best in getting insurance approval for your revision. 

on 7/31/08 3:42 am - CA
I am so with you Gwynn.  My first surgery I told most everyone.  This surgery I didn't want to get the judgement or confusion from other peoples opinions.  I think most know I am getting the band out due to complications but most don't know I am getting the RNY.  I need to make this decision for me.  I think we all want the support and in my heart of hearts we know who will be supportive and who won't.  I don't need to be validated.  I did tell one or two this time I shouldn't have...but for the most part....not saying anything but to my family and my man.  Thanks for the support on here...we are truly never alone...even when we feel like it.
on 7/30/08 6:57 am - UK
I think some of the lack of support is my own fault! When I had the band I told everyone it was going to be the answer to everything, and before that I said the same thing about the Atkins diet, the low fat diet, the low calorie diet etc etc

The band was just the latest thing that didn't work - lordy I hope the DS works this time, cos I'm running out of things to blab about!


DS revision from failed lapband

(deactivated member)
on 7/31/08 2:57 am - Brunswick, ME

I think it's perfectly normal to be excited and hopeful about WLS and to want  to share that with others.  It is hard though when we realize that everyone else is isn't as excited and hopeful as we are.  I hope you get all of the success with the DS that you want and deserve!!!!

on 7/30/08 9:27 am - Layton, UT
I saved myself the inevitable battles by telling them that I had a blockage, the surgery required some removal of "areas" and the consequences include a weight loss!    ......  I had nasty flashbacks from the 1st wls and didn't even want to go there.  Now, interstingly, they think I look fabulous because they think I lost the weight from illness!!!!  What????  ..............Tell your family to go strap on a few bowling balls and see if they'd like the opportunity to remove them!!!!  .......Grasp onto the Revision hand if it's extended to you!  You D-ZERV to be healthy lean and happy!!!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


(deactivated member)
on 7/30/08 9:58 am, edited 7/30/08 10:16 am

Joyce, you have once again, NAILED it.
i couldn't have said it better.
you are SO AWESOME.

Ginau...yes...agreed...excellent information. 
Joan and the member from the UK...good input! Right?! 

as for Angie and all are perfectly on track! every way.

i SO appreciate all of you and the time you take out of your day to post here.  i learn so engages my mind...on a proper life priority, for me...being healthy and strong. Joyce said...
we all deserve
healthy, lean...
...and strong   bodies!

my thought: 
we need to mindfully go out of our way to surround ourselves with people who 
Nourish Our Soul 
Support Our Success...
in health and in life.
(deactivated member)
on 7/31/08 2:47 am - Brunswick, ME
Joyce - Isn't it sad that people are excited for your illness induced weight loss?!  That's wacked.  Hind sight being 20/20, I wish I hadn't shared with as many people as I did or came up with a different way to word the situation, lol.  I am glad that things continue to go well for you.  I will be likely having my revision in early November and I'm actually starting to feel excited about it, thanks to everyone here!!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/30/08 11:41 am, edited 7/30/08 11:42 am - AZ
Hi Angie,
The first rny was back in 1997 and I told my family and they thought it was a big joke. Over the years they put WLS down and how it never works. I argued with them over it for years. I tried to educate them and it does not work. This time around with the revision only my parents know about my revision because we live here in Az and my family live in Michigan. My mom is really sick of my WLS surgery and does not even want to hear about. She said been there done that with you before. My only failure on my end was not to have a revision sooner. My original rny failured me. There was nothing really bypassed because Dr Schlesinger could not really find it. I told my family nothing. But my parents told them I had my hernia repaired and  that was strangulating my bowel and I had to have a bowel resection. This was also true but they never need to know about my ERNY. So be wise to only tell your closest family or friends that won't continue to tell you your a failure when your not. The reason you having surgery is none of their business. If your not feeling loved you have a bunch of Dr Schelsinger patients that will give the love and support you deserve. Just look how many people that are writing back to you. That is love. I do remember meeting you at that meeting in May. I missed the Botox party because I was on my liquid protein diet right before surgery and I did not think I could handle beeing around all that food but I did just fine.  My surgery was 4 weeks ago yesterday. Preop I weighed 343 lbs and now today I saw Dr Schlesinger and I weight 303 Lbs. Dr Schlesinger said to me " Did you ever think you would be below 300 by Aug 1" I said I can't belevive it. He was really happy and I could see it in his eyes. He acts like he is a proud papa when the weight starts coming off of you. I think you will get alot of support from Dr Schleinger and Jen. Plus I have everyone that I have met from online and other patients of Dr Schlesinger's. Hope to see you when you come for your revision!!!!! I am excited for you !!!!

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