Not feeling the love.....

(deactivated member)
on 7/29/08 10:56 pm - Brunswick, ME
Anyone else not feel as much support for you revision as you did for your initial WLS?  I've been getting a lot more questions and comments this time......why do you keep doing this to yourself?.....why? you are so much better off than you were before your WLS......  I even feel it from my own family.  My mother keeps questioning that didn't I do this to myself and can't I just go on a diet?!  I'm not feeling the love and I don't like it.

Angie in Maine
on 7/30/08 1:03 am - mesa, AZ


They dont walk in your shoes to know how you feel about the regain or lack of weight loss. Most people  think you had it - you failed and  you will never change.!  - In short they are uneducated on  what weight loss surgery really is.  There is mechanical failure, psychological failure, physical failure .  There is also a huge risk to life whenever you go under the KNIFE  - They  just see risk and  not  the " true Desire to be a  healthier, happier person. Show them Love and respect and sit down and have a heart to heart talk - this is very important thing to do - seeing as they are your support!

I had to remind a few people I was not doing revision  to be a stick thin model looking woman,  I did it because I dont want  my medical issue to resurface  again, I will never be 125 lbs  as my original surgeon  goal weight  - I am just shooting to be under 200 - So  195 would be fine with me ..  I will be much  healthier than the 309 wt  day of  revise surgery.

Hang in there . We love you and are here for you ...  Your going to do fine.

(deactivated member)
on 7/30/08 3:07 am - Brunswick, ME

Thank you for the wise and kind words.  I'm so used to feeling 100% supported as I did with my DS, 3 rounds of surgery to remove excess skin, even the Stomaphyx I had in December.  As far as I'm concerned, the Stomaphyx doesn't even count as a revision as it did nothing and was a total waste of time.  I know that I'm projecting my feelings of failure onto others and thinking about how I would feel about my situation if I were them. 

The truth is that I have no idea what other people are thinking or feeling and I am my own harshest critic, always have been.  I do believe that psychological failure was a contributing factor for me.  I keep trying to tell myself that I am much stronger and wiser than I was 8 years ago when I had my DS.

I'm so fortunate to be getting another chance and believe that everything happens for a reason.  As a matter of fact I'm counting on it, lol.   

Thanks again,

on 7/30/08 3:59 am - mesa, AZ


 who is doing your revision ??  and when ?

(deactivated member)
on 7/30/08 5:37 am - Brunswick, ME
Gina - It's me, Angie from Maine.  We met in May at Dr. Schlesinger's support group meeting and Botox party.  I haven't scheduled it yet but it will probably be late October or early November.

on 7/30/08 5:51 am - mesa, AZ

  So Sorry goofy me !! I kept thinking your name was Andrea -- Big OOOPS

That was a fun party .. His group is getting so big - we have to move it !  last meeting  had over 50 pts - had to split em all up ! 

on 7/31/08 4:36 am - Columbia, SC

You are so right about the stomaphx.  My doctor performed that procedure as a part of my revision surgery and it is a joke.  I feel no restriction!  I can eat just like I could pre-op.  I think this procedure should be pulled as a weight loss procedure.  There are people out there who want agree with me but that is how I feel.  I sincerely sympathize with anyone who paid out of pocket for that procedure!  If it was me I would try to get a class action lawsuit going.
(deactivated member)
on 7/31/08 5:05 am - Brunswick, ME
My insurance did cover the Stomaphyx but I did have to pay a deductable to the hospital and Dr. Garber.  Then there was driving to NY once for the consult and flying to NY for the procedure plus the hotel room and rental car.  Not to mention being put through all that pre-op testing and then the surgery and night in the hospital (it seemed like the longest night of my life)  Oh, it makes me so mad.  Knowing what I know now, he should have known better.  From the conversation I had with him a few months ago, he realized as soon as he got the Stomaphyx equiptment into my stomach that it wasn't going to work!!!!  He decided, even before finding out how I was doing, that he wouldn't be doing any more Stomaphyx on a DS'er.  I was his guinea pig and then he sent me home still believing it would make a difference when he knew it wouldn't. How I wish I hadn't even paid him the $3,000+ balance I owed to him after my insurance paid their share.  I thought about it, but I was afraid I would screw up my credit and cause more trouble for myself than it was worth.  If there is a class action lawsuit, I want in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on 8/2/08 8:00 am - Bayside, NY
Angie....I feel the same way about Dr. Garber....he is either in debt or needs to pay for a new summer house in the hamptons....I believe he is very money hungry.....I have Dr Holover who I trust of course with my life....and when I had revision surgery two weeks ago Garber...who does not take my insurance made several visits to me in the hospital.....I had told the staff before do not let Garber see me....I can not afford him....I am now just hoping I do not get private bills from him......does anyone have that problem......I know I am vented against him...but reading what you went though made me mad........Susan

on 7/30/08 1:53 am - MA
some people will NEVER understand.

Sometimes...silence is golden!

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