Still not loosing any weight!

on 7/27/08 6:24 am - Columbia, SC

I'm at my wits end!  My revision surgery on July 10th from the old mini-gastric bypass (small version of the RNY) to the true RNY has not produced any results.  The doctor incorporated the stomaphx in the revision and changed "my plumbing" around but I don't think I was bypassed enough or if at all.  I sent a request to have a copy of my surgery notes sent to me.  I am off the liquid phase of the diet and able to eat "mushy" foods such as cottage cheese, refried beans w/cheese, yogurts, and so on but I feel no restriction with these foods.  I'm able to eat the same amount as pre-op. 

The nutritionist says to measure out and only eat 2 ounces of food only through out my meals.  I have found this unrealistic due to the fact I don't have a pouch like someone who has surgery the 1st time around and the fact I don't get full and I am still hungry!  This sounds like some form of a starvation diet to me.  I'm not seeing results and hence, I've started eating a normal size meal because I am tired of the hunger and not feeling satisfied.  I believed I failed my first surgery but this time around I'm feeling like this surgery has failed me. I jumped all those hoops in vain to get a 2nd chance.  I've expressed my concern with my doctors office and they just transfer me to the nutritionist who I feel is not effective.  I'm to the point that I'm seriously am considering to stop even going to the doctor's office that is 2 hours away.  Having another surgery is out because I can't put my body through this again.  My advice to anyone seeking a revision be sure that the doctor *****vises you is committed to a surgery that will ensure you will loose weight.

Titanium Blonde
on 7/27/08 8:42 am
I sure hope your new surgery works for you.  You sound like such a nice person.  Mabey after you get thru this liquid and soft food stage and start eating normal food this will work.  Don't get too discouraged too soon.  Just keep your hopes up.  If your surgeon is a revision specialist I'm sure he did the right thing for you.

on 7/27/08 2:55 pm - Somewhere, TX
Please don't give up on yourself.  You are at the stage where you are eating "slider" foods.  I know there are many questions surroinding the stomaphyx procedure however there are no questions about your dedication and as many hoops as you jumped through to get this done, you can dedicate that energy to yourself and do this thing right.  I know I sound like a frickin cheerleader but you can do it.  Remember exercise is the key to counteracting what is going on between your mouth and the plate.  Also have you thought about entering therapy?  I am not saying you are crazy, lol, but I know that my relationship with food was not fixed with my initial surgery and now know that that was an unrealistic expectation, so this time around I am going to work on fixing my brain as well as my stomach, just an idea....good luck darlin.
on 7/27/08 10:35 pm - north port, FL
Also don't forget that you just had this surgery... there is a possibility that there is some nerve damage/injury due to the surgery which then causes you not to feel the restriction... my advise to you is weigh/measure your foods, change your meal plans to incorporate small meals every 2 to 3 hours during the day while looking at your calorie consumption.  Then after a few months the feelings might return to let ya know that you are full... (I didn't feel any restriction/fullness until about 4 mos after my surgery...).  Hopefully this will help!

March 2009 Lower body lift with BA/BL - Cosmed Clinic Dr. F - TJ Mexico
April 2010   Tummy Tuck, Horizontal Thigh lift, Back Lipo/sculpting 
                    Dr. Luque - Mexicali MX

on 7/28/08 5:50 am - TX
I already had the rny but had to have my pouch resized and a new stoma.  Not a lot of surgeons feel comfortable doing this.  Seems your surgeon wasn't.  That's why he did the stomaphx.  My opinion anyway.  After going through all this, my heart goes out to you.  I wish you the best of luck. 
on 7/28/08 7:06 am - Columbia, SC
Thanks for the well wishes.  I hope everything continues to go well with you!
on 7/28/08 6:21 pm

Your stomach needs a healing phase! Eating a " normal" sized meal is sabotaging yourself before you even get a chance to do well. Why would you have surgery and then go against your doctor's orders?????? You say this surgery is failing you, but you are doing what you did the first time, not eating according to your plan.
No surgeon would tell you he rearranged your intestines and lie about it. Even Stomaphyx means you have fasteners in your pouch, and these need time to heal and build scar tissue or they will not hold. So PLEASE, stop overeating. Your pouch has been made smaller, like the first time around. Don't blow this by eating like a pre-op.  It's only been a couple weeks, and many people do not see results right away, even the FIRST TIME AROUND.

This is never a magic bullet. Anyone has to do their part, and following your post-op instructions is totally up to YOU. No surgeon or nut can do this part for you. Don't be so discouraged this early out. Even after my surgery, I didn't drop pounds right away. I couldn't see much results for at least a month, and then it started slow.

on 7/28/08 9:52 pm - Columbia, SC


I'm the last person to sabatoge my surgery.  I didn't say that the surgeon rearranged my intestines and tried to lie about it.  What I said was I don't believe I was bypass enough or if any due to the original surgery I had.  I think you should reread my post to clearly understand what I was trying to say.  Please do not post to my thread again.  I'm frustrated with what is going on and your comments do not help.

on 7/29/08 1:59 am - Houston, TX
Hry lady! Sorry your having to go through this frustration! I had my revision 3/6/08, I GAINED 8 pounds right after surgery, I was very confused. After 3 weeks it started comming off. Revison weight loss is a lot slower for some of us. I was by-passed  105 cm and today feel fine. I have lost an average of 1.76 pounds a week, which my doctor said is perfect. Hang in there, stay positive and know if your working your tool it will work for you. Try to not weigh so much, put the scale up for a week and see what happens. I which you nothing but the best. Katrina  
on 7/29/08 2:21 am - Columbia, SC

Thanks for the words of encouragement!  I am continuing to keep up my exercise and watching what I eat.
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