Approved For Revision

(deactivated member)
on 7/26/08 7:53 am, edited 7/29/08 8:25 am - Brunswick, ME
I flew from Maine to Phoenix to meet with Dr. Schlesinger in June and found out yesterday that my revision has been approved. I had the opporunity to attend a dupport group meeting while I was there and had the chance to meet Gina, Joyce, Jen, and some other really nice people.

I had a DS in 2000 and a Stomaphyx in 2007.  The Stomaphyx never should have been done on a DS'er as it was a waste of time and money.  The doctor should have, and probably did, know it but it's water under the bridge now.  So, depending on what Dr. S finds when he opens me up, I'll be having my common channel shortened, my stomach size reduced, or an extended Roux-E-ny.  I am having some anxiety not knowing exactly what will happen but will trust that Dr. S knows what's best for me.

I'll probably travel back to Phoenix in late October or early November to have the surgery.  My mom and her friend will be traveling with me and I want to wait until the temps cool off so they can enjoy themselves.  We're just not used to 100+, dry heat or not. 

I look forward to being on the board more often.  Thanks to all for being here.

-Angie from Maine
on 7/26/08 8:01 am - MI
 Congratulations and Good luck Angie!  How very exciting for you.  You don't hear of to many people who have had a DS getting a revision like the one you are.  Can I ask what drove you to a revision?  Was it weight gain or something mechanical with your DS?  I too am in the process of getting a revision with Dr. S.  I am waiting on my insurance to reply back to Jen.  It has been 5 weeks now and still no word.  I will be traveling from Michigan when and if I am able to get mine.  Good luck and keep us posted on how you do.
(deactivated member)
on 7/26/08 8:25 am - Brunswick, ME
Hi - Thanks for your post.  I am the only persion I know of that is having a revision from a DS and sometimes I feel like a failure for just that reason.  It does bother me that so many posts are related to people wanting to be revised from an RNY to a DS, like it's the end all be all solution.  I need to keep reminding myself that it was probably the surgeon, not the surgery, that failed me  The DS was successful in that I did lose 200 pounds fairly easily.  I was able to eat "normal" sized portions of just about anything I wanted.  I never had the yucky stinky, oily, BM issues that people talk about and boy I thought I had it made.  Little did I know that it wouldn't last.

I started struggling with the gain 20, lose 20 roller coaster.  Then it was gain 40, lose 20. Now it's gain 80 and holding.  Dr. S has serious doubts that I ever had a "true" DS.  Success of the DS relies on malabsorption, not restriction.  If my common channel was never short enough to provide the correct level of malabsorption, as Dr. S suspects, it was destined for long term failure. 

Dr. S and Jen know how to deal with the insurance companies and really fight for their patents.  I hope you have the same positive outcome that I did.  If not, I know they will help you with an appeal. Let me know when you find out.  I would have somehow come up with the money to self pay but am grateful that I won't need to.

Angie in Maine
on 7/26/08 11:27 am - MI
I don't think you failed at all.  Everyone is different and no one procedure is the cure all for every individual.  You are not the 1st post from a DSer that I have read with the same situation several years out.  They too can gain weight further out.  

However I don't think weight gain is as prevalent with the DS as it is with the RNY.  Also, I think that depending on the doctor, some of them will give shorter common channels and some will be more cautious and will do a bit longer which may be the case for the DSers who struggle more further out.  This is probably why we hear about more revisions from RNYers.  Also, if you look at the shear numbers, there are and were many more RNY's done in the past then DS so the numbers are bound to be higher for this reason also.  

I have specifically searched for DS posts results that were more then 5 years out and preferably 10.  I started seeing more issues with weight gain on the long term patients.  But again, nothing like the RNYers.  A person's body can only take a extremely high calorie diet for so long before there will be some effects from it...  For the most part I only see the people who are very happy with their procedure.  Makes me question if we just are not hearing from the other side to the same extent?

I had considered going with the "true" DS but after much research and information gathering I felt the ERNY was what would best suit me.  It is the shorter common channel that will give the long term results we are all looking for and I did not want my stomach messed with again.  To high of a risk...  I have learned a great deal since my original RNY and I am going into this with a lot more knowledge then the 1st time.  I am hoping this will help me in the long run.  I am not feeling to confident with my insurance at this point.  I can not comprehend what could possibly be taking so long to either approve or reject the request.  The longer it goes on the more doubtful I become.  I guess all I can do is wait it out.  Jen has tried calling and they just tell her its not decided yet.

Good luck to you on your new journey!
(deactivated member)
on 7/26/08 11:47 pm
I have heard of this happening, mostly on the yahoo boards, so you are not alone!!! I had an RNY and am struggling with a significant amount of regain and looking to the DS for revision. In my mind, it was going to be the "be all, end all" of my weight troubles. I realize that's not totally true, and I will have to do my part, which I'm more than willing to do. I do believe it will help me much more than the tool I was given. It is likely that you weren't given the true DS, as I've read about that also, mostly related to one certain surgeon. Do you mind if I ask who did your surgery?

(deactivated member)
on 7/27/08 1:15 am - Brunswick, ME
Jill - My surgery was done by Padiath Aslam in Augusta Maine.  He is no longer practicing as a bariatric surgeon, which is probably a good thing. Thanks for letting me know there are others in my situation. I will check out the Yahoo bards as well.  Dr. Dhawn Garber, who did my Stomaphyx in December, was the first medical professional to call WLS what it is, "a weight loss tool", period.  He should never have done a Stomaphyx on me but I do appreciate him calling it what it is.   I have learned, grown, and grown up, a lot in the 8 years since my DS.  I feel truly blessed and fortunate to have a second chance to have the right tool and work it in the right way.

(deactivated member)
on 8/5/08 10:55 pm, edited 8/5/08 10:55 pm - TX
On July 27, 2008 at 6:47 AM Pacific Time, Jill.M33 wrote: I have heard of this happening, mostly on the yahoo boards, so you are not alone!!! I had an RNY and am struggling with a significant amount of regain and looking to the DS for revision. In my mind, it was going to be the "be all, end all" of my weight troubles. I realize that's not totally true, and I will have to do my part, which I'm more than willing to do. I do believe it will help me much more than the tool I was given. It is likely that you weren't given the true DS, as I've read about that also, mostly related to one certain surgeon. Do you mind if I ask who did your surgery?

Jill Jill, I am a RNY to DS revision.  This is the only list that I would trust.

This is the most difficult surgery of any and you only want to put your life in the hands of a DS surgeon who has performed many RNY to DS revisions.  Regardless of this site, which is paid for by surgeons who "claim" to do either the DS or revisions. 

I'm not pointing to any one surgeon in particular, just my observations from the years on  the boards.

Good luck in your search.

PS.  My surgeon, Dr. Husted is moving to Kentucky soon.
(deactivated member)
on 8/7/08 5:57 am
Yes, I'm waiting for him to move, and get up and going. The hospital that he is relocating to does not yet have a bariatric program in place. So I've kinda been spinning my wheels and waiting, as I'm not sure what else to do. I have spoken with him, and his practice manager, and I like them both. I am getting my medical records together now, to send to his office, so I can go ahead and start the insurance process.

(deactivated member)
on 7/27/08 7:27 am

You said exactly how I feel when you said you've grown and grown up. I have so done the same in my 6 years since my RNY. I've also learned a whole lot more than I knew then about the WLS that are out there. Before, I entered into it thinking the RNY was it, and this doctor was going to know how to do it, and I was going to be "fixed" for life. Boy, was I wrong.

On the yahoo boards, do a search for DS. I think it is the one that is either revised DS or DS revisions. They are both good boards to visit.




on 7/28/08 7:44 pm - Orlando, FL
Hi Angie from Maine, hope you are well.  Congratulations on you Revision Approval.
I was wondering how you went about seeking your revision with Dr. Schlesinger?  I had my first GBS in Springfield, Massachusetts in 3/05. I moved to orlando FL. in 8/05 and since then I have not been able to find a bariatric doctor that will see other peoples work.  I have gained close to 50 pounds back in less than 7 months I finally found a doctor who would see me, almost 3 years later and I had my first consult with him yesterday, 7/28.  Well he humiliated me in front of my daughter, told me I was gainging weight cause I eat too mcuh, and that no one gains weight after an RNY unless you suffer from congestive heart failure, or if you yourself are a failure.  I left his office hysterically upset and depressed.  In any event, how did you go about going so far to have your procedure. How many trips did you have to make, for testing and so forth?  How long after do you have to stay after your Revision?  I went to his site he seems like a great surgeon,wish they had good ones here!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Take care and God Bless You and your family!
Annette from Orlando, FL
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