revising rny to ds questions?
Ok, DS was my first choice preop but no surgeon in Ky did them. They still don't and I didn't want to fight my insurance co back then. My insurance co has changed and some medical issues have come up and I might need a revision. I'm seriously considering driving from here in Elizabethtown Ky to Nashville Tn which isn't but a couple hour drive to see Dr Shaw or one of the great DS surgeons down there. I'm waiting on him to call me back with some info. Just for my own curiousity, has anyone here ever done this, revise from rny to ds? Whats the surgery like? I had my rny open, can the revision be lap or do they have to do them open? Any info would be appreciated.
they can be done ! Its a lot of surgery because they have to reattach the stomach to pouch, or you can have your common channel shortened. - thats what I had done ! I have a 75 cm common channel, there are a few on htis board who have had the same thing - we consider ourselfs hybryds - we have the bottom part of a D.S. and top part of RNY ! less surgery - less chance of infection.
open or lap depends on your Dr. just talk out your options! - good luck and keep us informed.