
on 7/21/08 3:40 pm - Radcliff, KY
I see my surgeon tomorrow after some tests I had done. I am a 12 yr out vbg with complications. We know I can't live with them, it is now a matter of what to do. Reversal or revision to gastric bypass. My insurance will not cover the vsg, and my surgeon does not recommend it due to my mesh band and staple line.

I need to lose more weight, but I am very concerned with the intestinal re-routing and all the vitamins and supplements required. I see people's schedule and don't see how you get in fluids, food, supplements and time for anything else. It seems overwhelming  to me.
I have a problem taking the few meds I need now, of course the gerd and vomiting aren't helping.

I would like to hear any input you have.

Kim C.
on 7/22/08 1:00 am - East Peoria, IL

I went from the lap band to rny and I dont mind the vitamins at all. I had a really hard  time at first due to my complications & was getting everything in liquid form, but I went slowly from liquid vits & meds to chewable and now I can use the regular. They actually make me feel soo good I dont like to go without them.

Once you get out of those first stages after surgery, you learn day by day what your body will tolerate and what it wont. Its all trial and error but you learn fast as the results of overeating or eating too much of something that doesnt agree will ward off any urges to eat that again!

For the record, I dont' do protein shakes. Some people dont need them but they are not a must if you can get your protein in other ways.


lap band '05/revision to rny 11/21/07
5'6- hw/276 sw/242 cw/144 gw/140
then- bmi 36-39 now-bmi 24-

 "It's  Not Who You Are On The Inside, It's What You Do That Defines You".....



















on 7/22/08 2:35 am - Radcliff, KY

Thank you for your reply. I am getting a lot of help from everyone, I appreciate it.
on 7/22/08 5:20 am - mesa, AZ



 I just had full labs draw yesterday , When we get back results I will sit down with Dr and determine what I need to change. I hope to just get a better quality vitamin and not add more pills to my daily routine.

As for protein - thats easy !!  I use protein drinks.   Now I am thinking about this - I sure do hope my numbers come back good  

on 7/22/08 7:51 am - Radcliff, KY
Good luck on your labs! I'll cross my fingers.
Cynthia Johnson
on 7/22/08 8:42 am
Gena what drinks are you using?
on 7/22/08 9:40 am - mesa, AZ



 I am using a few differant brands, GNC 100 % whey - love the vanilla - use with rootbeer. and choc carmel is good too!   I also use the Matrix  choc for hot cocoa in morning, Nectar fuzzy navel, strawberry kiwi, & twisted cherry . Ihave 2 full jugs of evpro - like their tropical flavor ( passion fruit)  but is has a  strange texture to it - very thick!

I dont believe we should get all our protein from one brand. So I use several and with the natural proteins I get ( beef, chix, pork, seafood)  I hope my labs will be good.

on 7/24/08 3:11 am - louisville, OH
kim i to had a vbg 13 years ago and it ws the worst thing i ever did in my life. the constant gi upset vomiting, constant gerd , not being to live like a normal person does take it toll on u. i did have rny done and im sooooo glad that i did and cant believe i waited so long. i to thought that i could remove the band,staples but was told my stomache has grown into the shape of the ring that was way tooo tight thats why i was vomiting and horrible gerd so i needed to have a rny cuz i still would have problems. happy to say i no longer vomit and havent since had of luck to ya pm me if any questions or if i can help...
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