Anyone had a lap band over a gstric bypass (RNY)?

on 7/20/08 3:53 pm
Greetings everyone. I'm new here. I Had a gastric bypass done 9 yrs ago and lost a lot of weight.  Kept it off well for 5 years, experienced a stressful event in my life, handled it poorly in terms of eating, stretched out my pouch and have regained the weight.  I understand of course that my relationship w/ food is the issue.  What I would be grateful for(so grateful!!) is feedback from someone who has had a similar issue and placed a lap band successfully over their bypass.  I am investigating this possibility.  It feels like a long slow lonely slog.  Would love to hear from you.  Thank you!
Zena Romy
on 7/21/08 6:23 am - Canada
Hi Bluemoon,

Well, you have just told MY story!  I, too, had an RNY in 2000 and lost a lot of weight, dd very well and kept it off for about 5 years.  I then slowly started regaining and am now about 40 lbs. up (and counting).  Once again, I never feel full or any kind of restriction and I no longer have control.  What I have learned is that even if you ate absolutely PERFECTLY in your nine years, you would still have regained weight.  The RNY works well, but only for a while.  The body is an amazing thing and it adapts.  Not only does your stomach naturally stretch out, but your body will also grow "villi" to absorb more nutrients.  In other words, you are doomed not to keep the weight loss at its lowest.  Statistics show that 99% of gastric bypass surgery patients will regain weight.

There are several revisions out there, and, after much research, I have opted to get a lap band put over my RNY.  I will be doing this on Aug. 6th and will be happy to keep you posted on how it works for me if you would like me to.  There are many different types of revisions out there, so you definitely need to do your research.  From what I have learned, please think twice before spending the money on the "stomaphyx".  Basically, they cinch in your stoma and stomach and it is like you have just had an RNY again.  You do lose weight, guessed it.  The stomach stretches again (faster this time around) and you are back at square one, only you are probably even more disillusioned than before.  Stomaphyx is new here in North America, but has been in Europe for quite a while and has been very unsuccessful.  Belgium, the UK , France and Germany don't even do them anymore unless they are specifically requested.

I chose the lap band because (a) I didn't want to have another major surgery and have my insides rearranged yet again, and (b) I now KNOW that my stomach will stretch out more over time, but this way I will be able to adjust the band accordingly and keep the restriction.  It is interesting to note that in Europe, where they have been doing the lap band for a much longer time than in North America, they now put a lap band over the RNY when you have the gastric bypass!  They don't fill it, but they know that, given time, the stomach will stretch and the restriction will be lost.  You can then fill the band as needed to  keep the restriction.  If you do some "googling" you will find that the statistics for joint RNY/lap band are very high in terms of success.

I opted to have my surgery with Dr. Yau in Toronto.  He has a TON of experience putting lap bands over RNY and other types of WLS.  I feel confident with him.  He also told me that of all the revisions so far, the lap band over the RNY has very good llong-terms results.  

I am spouting off here as if I am a surgeon,....but I am not!  Please do your research find the right revision for you and then....go for it!  Anybody who has gone through any kind of WLS is already a fighter, so don't give up now because you have had a setback!

Good luck with your decision and please keep us posted!
on 7/21/08 8:53 am
I feel so amazed by the support and helpful feedback I've gotten on my "virgin" (ie first) post.  I appreciate hearing that a lap band over bypass has been successful and will google the surgeon in Toronto.  I live in Maine, and all the bariatric surgeons here save one say they don't do any revisions of that nature.  I do feel like a failure.  I am a nurse and everyday see people with serious health issues related to weight and know that within 10 -15 years I will join them if I don't handle the situation.  I am so discouraged and feel that while I'm successful in the other aspects of my life (job, family, etc) my weight is one big back hole that colors my world and that I'm sort of squandering this one ride (this one life) I've been given on our beautiful small round sphere. I may end up being self pay, but so be it.  Again, thank you tremendously for the feedback and I'll keep pursuing this option.
(deactivated member)
on 3/11/14 6:11 pm - riverside, CA

Your story is mine to a T!  I'm even a RN!  My RNY was in 2005 I'm desperate to ditch at least 65 pounds I'm considering a BOB and can you please share your journey with me?  Thx

tamara D.
on 11/10/09 10:09 pm - chatham, ONTARIO , Canada
hi zena ! 

You just told my story but with a great ending !

dr yau sounds wonderful , do you have any contact information and was this covered by OHIP ?
  5'11''  tall  Pre op 323/lowest and happiest  190/ now: 280/ goal 190                           
on 5/1/10 3:51 am - Cedar Hill, TX
I see that this post was in 2008.  Did you get the band placed over the RNY?  I'm interested in hearing how it was?  [email protected] 
Zena Romy
on 7/21/08 6:26 am - Canada

Hi Bluemoon....

It's Zena again!  Here is a website that another person put up.  It is from a person who had gastric bypass and then had a lap band.  Thought you might find it helpful.

Good luck !

on 7/21/08 8:30 am - TOLEDO, OH
Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you Bluemoon for posting this  question.

I had RNY 3 yrs ago, never met my goal and have gained 25 lbs lost 12 of it and I am so ashamed, embarrased at being a failure. I had a few issues, like a job loss right after surgery, only one appointment before losing insurance, stress of starting teo new jobs but this last job is the keeper and I now have insurance again. I had a break up in that time too. Then a bleeding ulcer being hospitalized over it, low iron and low b12 made it hard to get back on track.

So I had wondered if there was anything I could do and then a firend told me about her journey and revision but she opted for a different procedure.  I originally wanted a lap band but at the time my insurence wouldn;t pay for that. so I went with the RNY so I really think that is the direction I want to go but its taken me forever to even call a surgeon.

I called one local revision doctor and his staff quickly told me over the phone without even examining me that I didn;t qualified so I gave up.  I recently  called my old surgeon that is 2 1/2 hours away and is now retired for a referral and they referred me to a doctor in detroit area but now I'm waiting on the staff to get back with me.

Kepp me posted on your progress, I'd love the support and to be a support.
on 7/21/08 8:49 am - Bellville, TX
OK Gals,
I'm in your boat too.  The only difference is that I didn't lose all my weight.  I lost 210lbs. but am still obese.  Last year I went back to my surgeon to see if he could do something else.  He scoped me and said that the pouch wasn't too stretched out.  He also said that if he did the band it would only pull off about another 30lbs.  So I didn't do it then.  Please keep me on your "list" and update me on what yall find out.  Thanks.
Dancin D
rny/lap 7/7/04
thighlift/buttlift 4/13/07
arms/tt/knees 7/25/07
Dancin' D
7/7/04 rny/lap -210
4/13/07 butt,thighlift w/ lipo, Dr. J Lo
7/25/07 tt/arms/knees w/ lipo Dr. J Lo
on 7/21/08 9:04 am - TOLEDO, OH
I wonder why he said it would only help you lose another 30 lbs?  I started at 278lb got down to only 198 and now I am at 212 three years out.

I would hope it would take more off than that.

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