Question about recovery from lap band to RNY
Had same done to my 6/30/08. I did not find it more difficult, but different. Much more pain from gas which I never had first time. I had a much longer hospital stay with lap band complications, 1 week vs. 1 night for the RNY revision. Ride home from the hospital after RNY was pure hell, even clutching my pillow. Painkillers in the hosp much better than painkillers at home. Pain worse for about 4 or 5 days, then OK.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Kim, I didnt have any trouble getting approved for a revision. I got my band done in Mexico so he wasnt my original doctor but I chose the doctor I have now because he is very experienced with revisions plus he is my network and I have good insurance. Thank goodness! If your doctor wont do it, find one that will who has revision experience. I dont know anything about your insurance though. Good luck!
I went from lap band to RNY on Aug 1 2008.
5'2" 205/133/ ?
My experience was great! My stomach did not hurt for I didnot have this port in my stomach muscles like with the band. THe day after surgery was no picnic...I was exhaussted, nauseaus and ran a slight fever. The following day (day 2 after surgery) I took a shower and felt like a new woman. I was able to consume liquids easily from day 3 and only needed a few cat naps. By day 5 I grabbed the car keys and went to blockbuster. If I needed to go to work, I could have...I have a desk job.
On Tuesday I will be 2 weeks out and feel terrific.
Email me if I can help. Joan
On Tuesday I will be 2 weeks out and feel terrific.
Email me if I can help. Joan