8 months out lap band 7 lbs down, revision time?

on 7/16/08 2:52 pm
Hello all!

I have been reading all this informative posts and I just had to say Thank You.

Right now I am considering getting a vertical sleeve, something about having a banana shaped stomach seems right to me.

I have had lots of fills and eaten less calories and more calories and have a food journal.

I don't feel full, I spend alot of time thinking about food and how I can lose weight and its become this whole big ugly issue.

So, Im ready for whats next. I trust my surgeon (Dr.Poplawski) and I am ready for whats next.


Lap Band --> RNY 3/10/10 Barix, Ypsilanti*5'3*
(deactivated member)
on 7/16/08 11:32 pm - Brampton, Canada
What does your surgeon say?  Are you sure you have had enough fills?  Have they done any testing?  The band will only work if you are at good restriction.

Best wishes,
on 7/17/08 12:08 pm
I wish i would have gotten rid of my band earlier!  I have had the band for 2 years, no restirciton or sweet spot ever with the numerous fills and unfills that i have had.  Lots of vomiting up "good" proteins.. down 30 pounds and regained 20..... I am being sleeved in 11 days in Mexico and it cant come quick enough... Come visit us at the VSG board  .. u will find alot or people who the band DID NOT work for.... Good luck

on 7/17/08 4:34 pm
The VSG is going to be an improved lapband...but it too will level out and you'll gain again. It is the intestine part that u need to keep the weight off.  The VSG is the first part of the DS...why not just get the whole thing? 

If you regain after getting the VSG are u going to get another revision?  Revisions are riskier operations and if you fail again that couldnt help your self esteem.  Please come to the DS board...its not too late to check out EVERY option.  We have many people who have been revised from RNY, Lapband, AND VSG to DS.  That says something.

Best wishes either way. 

Minus 202 pounds; Height=5'10.5; Plastic Surgery = arms; Pant: 24 to 4/6; Top 3x to sm/med, I My DS! .

(deactivated member)
on 7/18/08 2:50 am - AZ
On July 17, 2008 at 11:34 PM Pacific Time, hayley_hayley wrote:
The VSG is going to be an improved lapband...but it too will level out and you'll gain again. It is the intestine part that u need to keep the weight off.  The VSG is the first part of the DS...why not just get the whole thing? 

If you regain after getting the VSG are u going to get another revision?  Revisions are riskier operations and if you fail again that couldnt help your self esteem.  Please come to the DS board...its not too late to check out EVERY option.  We have many people who have been revised from RNY, Lapband, AND VSG to DS.  That says something.

Best wishes either way. 
Keep in mind that not everyone needs or wants the malabsoptive portion of WLS.  Many are very happy with a restrictive procedure alone.  DS is pretty drastic and isn't right for everyone.

on 7/18/08 1:59 am - GA
Hi ROse,

If you want an honest opinion, I would say absolutely NO to revision til you find out whats up with your band.. I had the band for 5 years and recently revised to the sleeve but when my band was workig properly, I lost 155 pounds and went from a 53.9 BMI to 28. I develope long term complications with esophageal motility and had to have my band removed. Since we dont know what band you have, why the fills are not working, whether the band is positioned properly or not etc... it would be unwise for anyone to recommend a revision including your doctor. Maybe its time for flouro or endoscopy to see whats going on with your band.?? Could it simply be that you have not found a sweet spot wtih your band yet?? When the band is working properly, you will lose weight. The sleeve is also another restrictive procedure, but you can eat around a sleeve over time just like you can with a band. With proper restriction, you should be able to utilize the band to its maximum capacity. Besides, insurance wont pay for a revision unless there is a medically necessary reason to remove the band such as slippage, erosion 9or some other complication resulting in inadequate weight loss.




(deactivated member)
on 7/18/08 2:49 am - AZ
Removing my band and getting a sleeve is the best thing I have ever done.  Many people just don't have a sweet spot.  Others have problems with their bands.  You kinda get to a point where you just can't fight the fight anymore.

Sleeves rock!

on 7/18/08 7:37 am
hayley has a great point...  check out all the options.  there's nothing wrong with educating yourself and then making your decision.  the DS may seem drastic, but IMO, it's no more drastic than any WLS...  in that you're altering what you were born with.  and with a good surgeon, good follow-up and by doing your part, the complication risks with a DS seem very minimal. 

for me, personally... i want my best chance at success.  i know i can stick to a supplement regime.  i also know that i'm through being fat. and that i don't want multiple surgeries to figure out what'll work. 
happy girl
on 7/19/08 12:47 am
has anyone checked to see if your band is working correctly?  if you are getting fills and not having restriction maybe you have a slow leak or they are not doing something correctly. 

Just a thought.

2003 RNY, 2007 Revision Distal RNY
April 17, 2009 ~ fleur de lis TT w/Muscle Repair, Medial Thigh Lift, Ventral Hernia Repair 



on 7/19/08 1:17 pm - Spring, TX
Hi Rose.

I am in a very similar situation as you.  Let me just say this - this is only my testimonial, so don't take offense.   I did not stick to a protein only diet.  Protein often got stuck in my band, and I was constantly throwing up whatever was stuck.  I'v heard people compare it to a golf ball in the chest feeling, but I felt sometimes I was having a heart attack!  I would have to strain SO HARD to get what was stuck up, that I would have red eyes and my entire chest would hurt.  I was adament about my fills at first, but once I got to around 2.3 in my 4mm band, I couldn't ge****er down.  Even filling me in SMALL increments wasn't working.  That was over a year ago, and I stopped going to the doctor.  I got tired of getting fills (missing work) and then going back and getting unfilled (missing work again).  So, I slowly went back to eating what was easy (because I was hungry) and the weight crept back on.  Sometimes things get stuck, but NOTHING like before.  It's been almost 2 years since I had my band.

So, I say this.  If restriction alone did not work for you, consider all of your options.  I am looking at the DS.  I realized that I didn't change my eating habits enough to have the restrive portion work alone.  I know that's my problem, and if you change that and truly stick to the diet then you will be successful.  I wish you the best of luck and prayers for your decision.
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