Looking at Revision Options

on 7/18/08 8:41 am
I can certainly relate to what you are saying. I have to say that since I found this site I actually have hope again. I thought I did something terribly wrong. I used to own a restaurant and I had an employee who had surgery and she could eat anything she wanted and never gained weight, of course she was in the bathroom alot and there I was eating tiny little bits of everything and not losing anything. Now I know what kind of surgery she had. I never new there were different kinds or what the differences were. I will be so interested in how you do and how you feel. I have my first consultation next week so I am just starting the process. Of course I would like to bypass all of the paperwork etc and just go to the surgery but that will not happen so I will fill my time enjoying the successes of others such as yourself.  I will be excited to see how things go for you. Can I be so forward to ask how old you are and how long ago your original surgery and how much you lost and gained back? I think I mentioned in my first post that I am 57, my health is horrible and I have gained every pound back but I have high hopes. Thanks for writing back.
on 7/18/08 10:21 pm - Dahlonega, GA
Hey Sheri,
I am 34 now I had my original RNY 9 years ago and lost 200 lbs. from 360 to 160. I got married and had 3 kids and gained 90 lbs. I never really got to the normal weight category as far as BMI goes with the RNY but I looked and felt so much better after I lost the weight that it didn't matter. In January I was featured on the TV show "The View" and it wasn't until then that I found out that when your pregnant your body actually releases a hormone that tells your body to do whatever is necessary to sustain the pregnancy.  In my case it was stretching out my pouch and stoma! I felt like a failure for a long time, thinking I out ate my pouch and this was all my fault!!!  When I started considering a revision I met with 3 or 4 different bariatric surgeons and all of them tried to talk me out of a true revision. They said it was too risky and had too many complications. The truth of the matter is, they wanted me to have whatever procedure they could offer or either they didn't have the expertise to do anything for me. I looked into the Stomaphyx but the odds were I wouldn't lose all the weight I really wanted and from everything I read, people were not having good results at getting the weight off period. After getting a ton of info from people on the DS board I contacted Dr. Husted and he agreed the best surgery for me would have been the DS to begin with. He agreed that a revision to DS would be risky but then so would gaining all my weight back and eating my self to a certain death by one comorbidity or another. We talked at length about life after the DS and he assured me that there are many untrue myths floating around out there... such as a person having diarrhea for the rest of their lives, in truth if your are having diarrhea after 8 weeks post op he should be consulted and you would more than likely be put on antibiotics for a bacterial infection in the bowel which anyone can get at any time. The truth of the matter is the DS is a lot like the RNY when it comes to bowels, some foods will slide right through because that is what both surgeries are supposed to do, help you malabsorb so you lose weight. Personally, I am 3.5 weeks out and I go once in the morning and most days it's lose but not diarrhea. The other big concern I had was malabsorbtion of vitamins and nutrients and becoming sick due to that. Yes, a DS'er has to take a strict regimen of supplements for the rest of their life but like everything else it becomes a habit. If someone is not willing to stick to this supplement regimen then I would say the DS is not for them. Sorry this got so long but as I was typing I was thinking, I wish someone had shared this info about the DS on the revision board when I was initially looking... so I figured I would copy and paste it to another thread. If anyone out there wants info on a revision to a DS please feel free to PM me and I'll answer anything I can or hop over to the DS board where there are RNY to DS revisions that are already at goal and beyond...they are the ones that are my true inspiration and I'm sure you would find inspiration from them too!
on 7/19/08 12:44 am
This is wonderful information and just what I am looking for. Everyone who has responded to my post has been so helpful and I feel that I will go into my consultation so much better informed. I know now that if it is possible I want a revision to DS. I do understand the risks but I also know in my heart that if I don't do something soon I will face some pretty risky health issues related to my weight. I have always considered myself a healthy fat person, until I re-gained all of the weight and now I am sliding down hill rather quickly. Walking is getting difficult. I have no energy and I go into deep depressions all of the time. Its now or never for me. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my consultation next week goes well and that its the first step to my revision.
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